It appears to me like you have your routes defined in xml and not actually in 
JavaConfig? In that case, you can simplify your configuration even further and 
not refer to your JavaConfig class like this

@ContextConfiguration(loader = CamelSpringDelegatingTestContextLoader.class, 
locations = { "classpath:/path/to/xml" })
@DirtiesContext(classMode = ClassMode.AFTER_EACH_TEST_METHOD)
public class FooRouteTests

No need to extend any class.
Also your regex has to be "sql:.*" and not "sql:*" They mean two different 
things in regex.

On 12/06/2014, at 9:32 AM, Matt Raible <> wrote:

> Thanks for your advice. Here's my attempt to modify my test to use 
> CamelSpringJUnit4ClassRunner and annotations to mock my SQL endpoint.
> @RunWith(CamelSpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class)
> @ContextConfiguration(classes = CamelConfig.class)
> @DirtiesContext(classMode = DirtiesContext.ClassMode.AFTER_EACH_TEST_METHOD)
> @MockEndpoints("sql:*")
> public class FooRouteTests {
>       @Autowired
>       CamelContext camelContext;
>       @Produce
>       ProducerTemplate template;
>       @EndpointInject(uri = "mock:sql:*")
>       MockEndpoint mockSql;
>       @Test
>       public void testMockSQLEndpoint() throws Exception {
>               template.sendBody("direct:foo", "bar");
>               mockSql.expectedMessageCount(1);
>                // todo: take input message and return mock results 
> (ArrayList<HashMap>)
>               MockEndpoint.assertIsSatisfied(camelContext);
>       }
> }
> For some reason, this results in an error, even though my CamelConfig works 
> for configuring other tests.
> Could not autowire field: org.apache.camel.CamelContext 
>; nested exception is 
> org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No 
> qualifying bean of type [org.apache.camel.CamelContext] found for dependency: 
> expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire candidate for this 
> dependency.
> @Configuration
> @ImportResource("classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml")
> @ComponentScan("")
> public class CamelConfig extends CamelConfiguration {
>       @Override
>       protected void setupCamelContext(CamelContext camelContext) throws 
> Exception {
>               PropertiesComponent pc = new PropertiesComponent();
>               pc.setLocation("");
>               camelContext.addComponent("properties", pc);
>               super.setupCamelContext(camelContext);
>       }
> }
> On Jun 11, 2014, at 5:08 PM, Minh Tran <> wrote:
>> If you're using Spring, I recommend not extending any of the Camel Test 
>> classes and using the Camel Enhanced Spring Test as described here
>> The docs take a bit of getting use to because it describes several different 
>> ways of testing via Spring but you just have to skip to the Camel Enhanced 
>> Spring Test bits. It also doesn't describe how to test using a JavaConfig 
>> class very well IMO. It only describes how to do this by extending 
>> AbstractJUnit4SpringContextTests which is a really old way of doing spring 
>> unit tests. I had to do a lot of experimenting to get it to work without 
>> extending this class.
>> Here's an example I had, the only difference is my JavaConfig is embedded 
>> into my unit test class, but there's no reason you couldn't refer to an 
>> existing class. If you want to mock and skip your sql or soap calls, then 
>> instead of using @MockEndPoints, use @MockEndPointsAndSkip.  Look further 
>> down to see some gotchas that I encountered in all of this.
>> @RunWith(CamelSpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class)
>> @ContextConfiguration(loader = CamelSpringDelegatingTestContextLoader.class, 
>> classes = RegexTest.JavaConfig.class)
>> @MockEndpoints
>> @DirtiesContext(classMode = ClassMode.AFTER_EACH_TEST_METHOD)
>> public class RegexTest {
>>      @Produce(uri = "direct:start")
>>      private ProducerTemplate producerTemplate;
>>      @EndpointInject(uri = "mock:direct:match")
>>      private MockEndpoint matchEndpoint;
>>      @EndpointInject(uri = "mock:direct:nomatch")
>>      private MockEndpoint noMatchEndpoint;
>>      @Configuration
>>      public static class JavaConfig extends SingleRouteCamelConfiguration {
>>              @Override
>>              public RouteBuilder route() {
>>                      return new RouteBuilder() {
>>                              @Override
>>                              public void configure() throws Exception {
>> from("direct:start").to("log:blah?showProperties=true").log("${property.scaleResponse.message}").choice().when()
>> .simple("resource:classpath:simple/item_not_exists.txt").to("direct:match").otherwise().to("direct:nomatch").end();
>>                                      from("direct:match").log("matched");
>>                                      from("direct:nomatch").log("no match");
>>                                      this.getContext().setTracing(true);
>>                              }
>>                      };
>>              }
>>      }
>>      @After
>>      public void afterTest() throws InterruptedException {
>>              matchEndpoint.assertIsSatisfied();
>>              noMatchEndpoint.assertIsSatisfied();
>>      }
>>      @Test
>>      public void testMatch() {
>>              InterfaceResponse response = new InterfaceResponse();
>>              response.setMessage("ITEM XML Download  ended. : Item \"blah\" 
>> does not exist. - ");
>>              matchEndpoint.expectedMessageCount(1);
>>              producerTemplate.sendBodyAndProperty(null, "scaleResponse", 
>> response);
>>      }
>> }
>> The regex you provide to mockendpointandskip  and mock endpoint is important 
>> to get right. I didn't add any regex to my example above because mocking all 
>> endpoints (the default) was ok in my example. if you get this regex wrong, 
>> camel doesn't warn you. You can turn on camel logging to see whether it has 
>> mocked your endpoint correctly or not. It should say something like the 
>> following. That's how you know it is working. 
>> INFO  org.apache.camel.impl.InterceptSendToMockEndpointStrategy - Adviced 
>> endpoint [direct://start] with mock endpoint [mock:direct:start]
>> The regex value matching is a bit strange, if it doesn't match your endpoint 
>> even though you are absolutely sure it is correct, try tacking on ".*" on 
>> the end of it, this fixed it up for me many times. IMO I think it's a bug in 
>> the camel regex matching somewhere.
>> When you do the @EndpointInject uri, make sure you prepend with "mock" and 
>> don't include anything pass the "?" in your uri. This wasn't obvious to me. 
>> And again camel won't warn you if you get this wrong.
>> @DirtiesContext is a must otherwise you get strange behaviour once one test 
>> starts failing.
>> Hope that helps.
>> On 12/06/2014, at 8:27 AM, Matt Raible <> wrote:
>>> Thanks for the advice. I bought the book, read chapter 6 and I'm trying to 
>>> use the advice builder. Chapter 6 talks about using mocks quite a bit, 
>>> which seems useful in building a route, but not when it's already built.
>>> My routes are configured with Spring and JavaConfig in a CamelConfig class. 
>>> When I try to use CamelTestSupport as my parent class, the context doesn't 
>>> have any route definitions in it. In other words, 
>>> context.getRouteDefinitions() returns an empty list. How do I get 
>>> CamelTestSupport to recognize my routes configured in Spring? Or is it 
>>> possible to inject the context and template and use adviceWith w/o 
>>> extending CamelTestSupport?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Matt
>>> @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class)
>>> @ContextConfiguration(classes = CamelConfig.class)
>>> public class FooRouteTests extends CamelTestSupport {
>>>     @Test
>>>     public void testAdvised() throws Exception {
>>>             context.getRouteDefinition("routeId").adviceWith(context, new 
>>> RouteBuilder() {
>>>                     @Override
>>>                     public void configure() throws Exception {
>>>                             // intercept sending to mock:foo and do 
>>> something else
>>>                             interceptSendToEndpoint("sql:*")
>>>                                             .skipSendToOriginalEndpoint()
>>>                                             .to("log:foo")
>>>                                             .to("mock:advised");
>>>                     }
>>>             });
>>>             // we must manually start when we are done with all the advice 
>>> with
>>>             context.start();
>>>             template.sendBody("direct:foo", "bar");
>>>             getMockEndpoint("mock:advised").expectedMessageCount(1);
>>>             assertMockEndpointsSatisfied();
>>>     }
>>>     @Override
>>>     public boolean isUseAdviceWith() {
>>>             // tell we are using advice with, which allows us to advice the 
>>> route
>>>             // before Camel is being started, and thus can replace sql with 
>>> something else.
>>>             return true;
>>>     }
>>> On Jun 11, 2014, at 12:16 PM, Claus Ibsen <> wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> Yeah if you have Camel in Action book, read chapter 6.
>>>> And see bottom of this page
>>>> The advice builder is quite nifty and can "rework" the routes before 
>>>> testing.
>>>> On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 8:10 PM, Matt Raible <> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I have a route that looks as follows:
>>>>>             from(uri)
>>>>>                             .to("log:input")
>>>>> .recipientList(simple("direct:${header.operationName}"));
>>>>>             from("direct:lookup")
>>>>>                             .process(new Processor() {
>>>>>                                     public void process(Exchange 
>>>>> exchange) throws Exception {
>>>>>                                             // grab parameters from 
>>>>> request and set as headers for SQL statement
>>>>>                                     }
>>>>>                             })
>>>>> .recipientList(simple("sql:{{sql.lookup}}")).delimiter("false")
>>>>>                             .to("log:output")
>>>>>                             .process(new Processor() {
>>>>>                                     public void process(Exchange 
>>>>> exchange) throws Exception {
>>>>>                                             List<HashMap> data = 
>>>>> (ArrayList<HashMap>) exchange.getIn().getBody();
>>>>>                                             // convert data to response
>>>>> exchange.getOut().setBody(response);
>>>>>                                     }
>>>>>                             })
>>>>> Is it possible to unit test this route and mock the data returned from 
>>>>> the "sql" call? It'd love to be able to verify headers after the first 
>>>>> .process, mock the results from the SQL call and verify the results from 
>>>>> the 2nd .process method.
>>>>> All of the routes I've developed with Camel so far make SQL calls, but I 
>>>>> see SOAP calls in the future. I'll eventually need to mock SOAP calls as 
>>>>> well.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Matt
>>>> -- 
>>>> Claus Ibsen
>>>> -----------------
>>>> Red Hat, Inc.
>>>> Email:
>>>> Twitter: davsclaus
>>>> Blog:
>>>> Author of Camel in Action:
>>>> hawtio:
>>>> fabric8:

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