On Jun 12, 2014, at 10:14 AM, Matt Raible <m...@raibledesigns.com> wrote:

> OK, I got that to work by using @UseAdviceWith. Here's my @Before method that 
> sets everything up and returns SQL results:
>       static List<Map> results = new ArrayList<Map>() {{
>               add(new HashMap<String, String>() {{
>                       put("foo", "bar");
>               }});
>       }};
>       @Before
>       public void before() throws Exception {
>               camelContext.setTracing(true);
>               ModelCamelContext context = (ModelCamelContext) camelContext;
>               RouteDefinition route = context.getRouteDefinition("myRouteId");
>               route.adviceWith(context, new RouteBuilder() {
>                       @Override
>                       public void configure() throws Exception {
> interceptSendToEndpoint("sql:*").skipSendToOriginalEndpoint().process(new 
> Processor() {
>                                       @Override
>                                       public void process(Exchange exchange) 
> throws Exception {
> exchange.getOut().setBody(results);
>                                       }
>                               });
>                       }
>               });
>               camelContext.start();
>       }
> Now in my route, I want to verify the final results. Since it's a .process() 
> call, there's no endpoint name to look for and mock. 
> .to("sql:select * ...")
> .to("log:output")
> .process(new Processor() {
>       public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
>               List<HashMap> data = (ArrayList<HashMap>) 
> exchange.getIn().getBody();
>               // create response from data
>               exchange.getOut().setBody(response);
>       }
> });
> Is it possible to add a "mock:result" at the end, after .process()?
> I tried the following, but no messages are received.
> @MockEndpoints // added to class
>       @EndpointInject(uri = "mock:result")
>       protected MockEndpoint result;
>       @Test
>       ...
>               result.expectedMessageCount(1);
>               template.sendBody ...
>               MockEndpoint.assertIsSatisfied(camelContext);

Nevermind, figured it out:

// No reason for @MockEndpoints on class

        @EndpointInject(uri = "mock:result")
        MockEndpoint result;

        public void before() throws Exception {
                route.adviceWith(context, new RouteBuilder() { 

        public void testMockSQLEndpoint() throws Exception {

Thanks for all the help!


> On Jun 12, 2014, at 9:33 AM, Claus Ibsen <claus.ib...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi
>> @ EndpointInject does not match wildcards.
>> Do this as I said before in my previous mail
>> But as the SQL endpoint is dynamic calculated then its easier to use
>> interceptSendToEndpoint and skip, as shown in the book on page 182
>> with the advice with.
>> On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 4:47 PM, Matt Raible <m...@raibledesigns.com> wrote:
>>> Possibly. If I have the following annotations on my class:
>>> @MockEndpoints("sql:.*")
>>> @UseAdviceWith
>>> And I mock the SQL endpoint:
>>>       @EndpointInject(uri = "mock:sql:*")
>>>       MockEndpoint mockSql;
>>> Then I try to set the mocked endpoint's results:
>>>       @Test
>>>       public void testMockSQLEndpoint() throws Exception {
>>>               mockSql.whenAnyExchangeReceived(new Processor() {
>>>                       @Override
>>>                       public void process(Exchange exchange) throws 
>>> Exception {
>>>                               exchange.getIn().setBody("sql output");
>>>                       }
>>>               });
>>>               camelContext.start();
>>> The mock SQL output is still not set.
>>> On Jun 12, 2014, at 8:40 AM, Claus Ibsen <claus.ib...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hi
>>>> Is it the @AdviceWith you are looking for ?
>>>> http://camel.apache.org/spring-testing.html
>>>> On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 4:30 PM, Matt Raible <m...@raibledesigns.com> 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Is it possible to use adviceWith when using Spring/Camel's annotation 
>>>>> support? I was originally trying to use this method, but had to extend 
>>>>> CamelTestSupport and its context did not have my routes in it.
>>>>> On Jun 11, 2014, at 11:39 PM, Claus Ibsen <claus.ib...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>> You may want to use @MockEndpointsAndSkip so you do not call the SQL 
>>>>>> component.
>>>>>> The camel-spring-test with the annotations was added to Camel later,
>>>>>> after the book was published.
>>>>>> But you can find the annotations and more details here
>>>>>> http://camel.apache.org/spring-testing.html
>>>>>> But as the SQL endpoint is dynamic calculated then its easier to use
>>>>>> interceptSendToEndpoint and skip, as shown in the book on page 182
>>>>>> with the advice with.
>>>>>> On Thu, Jun 12, 2014 at 1:58 AM, Matt Raible <m...@raibledesigns.com> 
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> Nope, my routes are defined using the Java DSL, not XML. Changing from:
>>>>>>> @ContextConfiguration(classes = CamelConfig.class)
>>>>>>> To:
>>>>>>> @ContextConfiguration(loader = 
>>>>>>> CamelSpringDelegatingTestContextLoader.class, classes = 
>>>>>>> CamelConfig.class)
>>>>>>> Solved my problem.
>>>>>>> I don't know if the regex needs to change. Using 
>>>>>>> @MockEndpoints("sql:*"), I see the following in my logs:
>>>>>>> 2014-06-11 17:53:35,388 [main           ] INFO  output                  
>>>>>>>        - Exchange[ExchangePattern: InOnly, BodyType: 
>>>>>>> java.util.ArrayList, Body: []]
>>>>>>> 2014-06-11 17:53:35,389 [main           ] INFO  MockEndpoint            
>>>>>>>        - Asserting: Endpoint[mock://sql:select...] is satisfied
>>>>>>> 2014-06-11 17:53:35,390 [main           ] INFO  MockEndpoint            
>>>>>>>        - Asserting: Endpoint[mock://sql:*] is satisfied
>>>>>>> It looks like it's working, but the test is failing:
>>>>>>> java.lang.AssertionError: mock://sql:* Received message count. 
>>>>>>> Expected: <1> but was: <0>
>>>>>>> So now I want to do two things: 1) understand why my mockSQL endpoint 
>>>>>>> is not receiving a message and 2) make the mock SQL endpoint return an 
>>>>>>> ArrayList of items so I can test my processing logic.
>>>>>>> On Jun 11, 2014, at 5:46 PM, Minh Tran <darth.minhs...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>> It appears to me like you have your routes defined in xml and not 
>>>>>>>> actually in JavaConfig? In that case, you can simplify your 
>>>>>>>> configuration even further and not refer to your JavaConfig class like 
>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>> @RunWith(CamelSpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class)
>>>>>>>> @ContextConfiguration(loader = 
>>>>>>>> CamelSpringDelegatingTestContextLoader.class, locations = { 
>>>>>>>> "classpath:/path/to/xml" })
>>>>>>>> @DirtiesContext(classMode = ClassMode.AFTER_EACH_TEST_METHOD)
>>>>>>>> @MockEndpointsAndSkip("sql:.*")
>>>>>>>> public class FooRouteTests
>>>>>>>> No need to extend any class.
>>>>>>>> Also your regex has to be "sql:.*" and not "sql:*" They mean two 
>>>>>>>> different things in regex.
>>>>>>>> On 12/06/2014, at 9:32 AM, Matt Raible <m...@raibledesigns.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Thanks for your advice. Here's my attempt to modify my test to use 
>>>>>>>>> CamelSpringJUnit4ClassRunner and annotations to mock my SQL endpoint.
>>>>>>>>> @RunWith(CamelSpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class)
>>>>>>>>> @ContextConfiguration(classes = CamelConfig.class)
>>>>>>>>> @DirtiesContext(classMode = 
>>>>>>>>> DirtiesContext.ClassMode.AFTER_EACH_TEST_METHOD)
>>>>>>>>> @MockEndpoints("sql:*")
>>>>>>>>> public class FooRouteTests {
>>>>>>>>>  @Autowired
>>>>>>>>>  CamelContext camelContext;
>>>>>>>>>  @Produce
>>>>>>>>>  ProducerTemplate template;
>>>>>>>>>  @EndpointInject(uri = "mock:sql:*")
>>>>>>>>>  MockEndpoint mockSql;
>>>>>>>>>  @Test
>>>>>>>>>  public void testMockSQLEndpoint() throws Exception {
>>>>>>>>>          template.sendBody("direct:foo", "bar");
>>>>>>>>>          mockSql.expectedMessageCount(1);
>>>>>>>>>           // todo: take input message and return mock results 
>>>>>>>>> (ArrayList<HashMap>)
>>>>>>>>>          MockEndpoint.assertIsSatisfied(camelContext);
>>>>>>>>>  }
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> For some reason, this results in an error, even though my CamelConfig 
>>>>>>>>> works for configuring other tests.
>>>>>>>>> Could not autowire field: org.apache.camel.CamelContext 
>>>>>>>>> com.company.app.foo.FooRouteTests.camelContext; nested exception is 
>>>>>>>>> org.springframework.beans.factory.NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: No 
>>>>>>>>> qualifying bean of type [org.apache.camel.CamelContext] found for 
>>>>>>>>> dependency: expected at least 1 bean which qualifies as autowire 
>>>>>>>>> candidate for this dependency.
>>>>>>>>> @Configuration
>>>>>>>>> @ImportResource("classpath:META-INF/cxf/cxf.xml")
>>>>>>>>> @ComponentScan("com.company.app")
>>>>>>>>> public class CamelConfig extends CamelConfiguration {
>>>>>>>>>  @Override
>>>>>>>>>  protected void setupCamelContext(CamelContext camelContext) throws 
>>>>>>>>> Exception {
>>>>>>>>>          PropertiesComponent pc = new PropertiesComponent();
>>>>>>>>>          pc.setLocation("classpath:application.properties");
>>>>>>>>>          camelContext.addComponent("properties", pc);
>>>>>>>>>          super.setupCamelContext(camelContext);
>>>>>>>>>  }
>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>> On Jun 11, 2014, at 5:08 PM, Minh Tran <darth.minhs...@gmail.com> 
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> If you're using Spring, I recommend not extending any of the Camel 
>>>>>>>>>> Test classes and using the Camel Enhanced Spring Test as described 
>>>>>>>>>> here
>>>>>>>>>> http://camel.apache.org/spring-testing.html
>>>>>>>>>> The docs take a bit of getting use to because it describes several 
>>>>>>>>>> different ways of testing via Spring but you just have to skip to 
>>>>>>>>>> the Camel Enhanced Spring Test bits. It also doesn't describe how to 
>>>>>>>>>> test using a JavaConfig class very well IMO. It only describes how 
>>>>>>>>>> to do this by extending AbstractJUnit4SpringContextTests which is a 
>>>>>>>>>> really old way of doing spring unit tests. I had to do a lot of 
>>>>>>>>>> experimenting to get it to work without extending this class.
>>>>>>>>>> Here's an example I had, the only difference is my JavaConfig is 
>>>>>>>>>> embedded into my unit test class, but there's no reason you couldn't 
>>>>>>>>>> refer to an existing class. If you want to mock and skip your sql or 
>>>>>>>>>> soap calls, then instead of using @MockEndPoints, use 
>>>>>>>>>> @MockEndPointsAndSkip.  Look further down to see some gotchas that I 
>>>>>>>>>> encountered in all of this.
>>>>>>>>>> @RunWith(CamelSpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class)
>>>>>>>>>> @ContextConfiguration(loader = 
>>>>>>>>>> CamelSpringDelegatingTestContextLoader.class, classes = 
>>>>>>>>>> RegexTest.JavaConfig.class)
>>>>>>>>>> @MockEndpoints
>>>>>>>>>> @DirtiesContext(classMode = ClassMode.AFTER_EACH_TEST_METHOD)
>>>>>>>>>> public class RegexTest {
>>>>>>>>>> @Produce(uri = "direct:start")
>>>>>>>>>> private ProducerTemplate producerTemplate;
>>>>>>>>>> @EndpointInject(uri = "mock:direct:match")
>>>>>>>>>> private MockEndpoint matchEndpoint;
>>>>>>>>>> @EndpointInject(uri = "mock:direct:nomatch")
>>>>>>>>>> private MockEndpoint noMatchEndpoint;
>>>>>>>>>> @Configuration
>>>>>>>>>> public static class JavaConfig extends SingleRouteCamelConfiguration 
>>>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>>>>         @Override
>>>>>>>>>>         public RouteBuilder route() {
>>>>>>>>>>                 return new RouteBuilder() {
>>>>>>>>>>                         @Override
>>>>>>>>>>                         public void configure() throws Exception {
>>>>>>>>>> from("direct:start").to("log:blah?showProperties=true").log("${property.scaleResponse.message}").choice().when()
>>>>>>>>>> .simple("resource:classpath:simple/item_not_exists.txt").to("direct:match").otherwise().to("direct:nomatch").end();
>>>>>>>>>>                                 from("direct:match").log("matched");
>>>>>>>>>>                                 from("direct:nomatch").log("no 
>>>>>>>>>> match");
>>>>>>>>>>                                 this.getContext().setTracing(true);
>>>>>>>>>>                         }
>>>>>>>>>>                 };
>>>>>>>>>>         }
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> @After
>>>>>>>>>> public void afterTest() throws InterruptedException {
>>>>>>>>>>         matchEndpoint.assertIsSatisfied();
>>>>>>>>>>         noMatchEndpoint.assertIsSatisfied();
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> @Test
>>>>>>>>>> public void testMatch() {
>>>>>>>>>>         InterfaceResponse response = new InterfaceResponse();
>>>>>>>>>>         response.setMessage("ITEM XML Download  ended. : Item 
>>>>>>>>>> \"blah\" does not exist. - ");
>>>>>>>>>>         matchEndpoint.expectedMessageCount(1);
>>>>>>>>>>         producerTemplate.sendBodyAndProperty(null, "scaleResponse", 
>>>>>>>>>> response);
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>> The regex you provide to mockendpointandskip  and mock endpoint is 
>>>>>>>>>> important to get right. I didn't add any regex to my example above 
>>>>>>>>>> because mocking all endpoints (the default) was ok in my example. if 
>>>>>>>>>> you get this regex wrong, camel doesn't warn you. You can turn on 
>>>>>>>>>> camel logging to see whether it has mocked your endpoint correctly 
>>>>>>>>>> or not. It should say something like the following. That's how you 
>>>>>>>>>> know it is working.
>>>>>>>>>> INFO  org.apache.camel.impl.InterceptSendToMockEndpointStrategy - 
>>>>>>>>>> Adviced endpoint [direct://start] with mock endpoint 
>>>>>>>>>> [mock:direct:start]
>>>>>>>>>> The regex value matching is a bit strange, if it doesn't match your 
>>>>>>>>>> endpoint even though you are absolutely sure it is correct, try 
>>>>>>>>>> tacking on ".*" on the end of it, this fixed it up for me many 
>>>>>>>>>> times. IMO I think it's a bug in the camel regex matching somewhere.
>>>>>>>>>> When you do the @EndpointInject uri, make sure you prepend with 
>>>>>>>>>> "mock" and don't include anything pass the "?" in your uri. This 
>>>>>>>>>> wasn't obvious to me. And again camel won't warn you if you get this 
>>>>>>>>>> wrong.
>>>>>>>>>> @DirtiesContext is a must otherwise you get strange behaviour once 
>>>>>>>>>> one test starts failing.
>>>>>>>>>> Hope that helps.
>>>>>>>>>> On 12/06/2014, at 8:27 AM, Matt Raible <m...@raibledesigns.com> 
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks for the advice. I bought the book, read chapter 6 and I'm 
>>>>>>>>>>> trying to use the advice builder. Chapter 6 talks about using mocks 
>>>>>>>>>>> quite a bit, which seems useful in building a route, but not when 
>>>>>>>>>>> it's already built.
>>>>>>>>>>> My routes are configured with Spring and JavaConfig in a 
>>>>>>>>>>> CamelConfig class. When I try to use CamelTestSupport as my parent 
>>>>>>>>>>> class, the context doesn't have any route definitions in it. In 
>>>>>>>>>>> other words, context.getRouteDefinitions() returns an empty list. 
>>>>>>>>>>> How do I get CamelTestSupport to recognize my routes configured in 
>>>>>>>>>>> Spring? Or is it possible to inject the context and template and 
>>>>>>>>>>> use adviceWith w/o extending CamelTestSupport?
>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>> Matt
>>>>>>>>>>> @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.class)
>>>>>>>>>>> @ContextConfiguration(classes = CamelConfig.class)
>>>>>>>>>>> public class FooRouteTests extends CamelTestSupport {
>>>>>>>>>>> @Test
>>>>>>>>>>> public void testAdvised() throws Exception {
>>>>>>>>>>>        context.getRouteDefinition("routeId").adviceWith(context, 
>>>>>>>>>>> new RouteBuilder() {
>>>>>>>>>>>                @Override
>>>>>>>>>>>                public void configure() throws Exception {
>>>>>>>>>>>                        // intercept sending to mock:foo and do 
>>>>>>>>>>> something else
>>>>>>>>>>>                        interceptSendToEndpoint("sql:*")
>>>>>>>>>>>                                        .skipSendToOriginalEndpoint()
>>>>>>>>>>>                                        .to("log:foo")
>>>>>>>>>>>                                        .to("mock:advised");
>>>>>>>>>>>                }
>>>>>>>>>>>        });
>>>>>>>>>>>        // we must manually start when we are done with all the 
>>>>>>>>>>> advice with
>>>>>>>>>>>        context.start();
>>>>>>>>>>>        template.sendBody("direct:foo", "bar");
>>>>>>>>>>>        getMockEndpoint("mock:advised").expectedMessageCount(1);
>>>>>>>>>>>        assertMockEndpointsSatisfied();
>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>> @Override
>>>>>>>>>>> public boolean isUseAdviceWith() {
>>>>>>>>>>>        // tell we are using advice with, which allows us to advice 
>>>>>>>>>>> the route
>>>>>>>>>>>        // before Camel is being started, and thus can replace sql 
>>>>>>>>>>> with something else.
>>>>>>>>>>>        return true;
>>>>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>>>>> On Jun 11, 2014, at 12:16 PM, Claus Ibsen <claus.ib...@gmail.com> 
>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi
>>>>>>>>>>>> Yeah if you have Camel in Action book, read chapter 6.
>>>>>>>>>>>> And see bottom of this page
>>>>>>>>>>>> http://camel.apache.org/testing
>>>>>>>>>>>> The advice builder is quite nifty and can "rework" the routes 
>>>>>>>>>>>> before testing.
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Wed, Jun 11, 2014 at 8:10 PM, Matt Raible 
>>>>>>>>>>>> <m...@raibledesigns.com> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I have a route that looks as follows:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>        from(uri)
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                        .to("log:input")
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .recipientList(simple("direct:${header.operationName}"));
>>>>>>>>>>>>>        from("direct:lookup")
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                        .process(new Processor() {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                                public void process(Exchange 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> exchange) throws Exception {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                                        // grab parameters from 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> request and set as headers for SQL statement
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                                }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                        })
>>>>>>>>>>>>> .recipientList(simple("sql:{{sql.lookup}}")).delimiter("false")
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                        .to("log:output")
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                        .process(new Processor() {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                                public void process(Exchange 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> exchange) throws Exception {
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                                        List<HashMap> data = 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> (ArrayList<HashMap>) exchange.getIn().getBody();
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                                        // convert data to response
>>>>>>>>>>>>> exchange.getOut().setBody(response);
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                                }
>>>>>>>>>>>>>                        })
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Is it possible to unit test this route and mock the data returned 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> from the "sql" call? It'd love to be able to verify headers after 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the first .process, mock the results from the SQL call and verify 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the results from the 2nd .process method.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> All of the routes I've developed with Camel so far make SQL 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> calls, but I see SOAP calls in the future. I'll eventually need 
>>>>>>>>>>>>> to mock SOAP calls as well.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Matt
>>>>>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>>>>>> Claus Ibsen
>>>>>>>>>>>> -----------------
>>>>>>>>>>>> Red Hat, Inc.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Email: cib...@redhat.com
>>>>>>>>>>>> Twitter: davsclaus
>>>>>>>>>>>> Blog: http://davsclaus.com
>>>>>>>>>>>> Author of Camel in Action: http://www.manning.com/ibsen
>>>>>>>>>>>> hawtio: http://hawt.io/
>>>>>>>>>>>> fabric8: http://fabric8.io/
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Claus Ibsen
>>>>>> -----------------
>>>>>> Red Hat, Inc.
>>>>>> Email: cib...@redhat.com
>>>>>> Twitter: davsclaus
>>>>>> Blog: http://davsclaus.com
>>>>>> Author of Camel in Action: http://www.manning.com/ibsen
>>>>>> hawtio: http://hawt.io/
>>>>>> fabric8: http://fabric8.io/
>>>> --
>>>> Claus Ibsen
>>>> -----------------
>>>> Red Hat, Inc.
>>>> Email: cib...@redhat.com
>>>> Twitter: davsclaus
>>>> Blog: http://davsclaus.com
>>>> Author of Camel in Action: http://www.manning.com/ibsen
>>>> hawtio: http://hawt.io/
>>>> fabric8: http://fabric8.io/
>> -- 
>> Claus Ibsen
>> -----------------
>> Red Hat, Inc.
>> Email: cib...@redhat.com
>> Twitter: davsclaus
>> Blog: http://davsclaus.com
>> Author of Camel in Action: http://www.manning.com/ibsen
>> hawtio: http://hawt.io/
>> fabric8: http://fabric8.io/

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