On 02.02.2016 23:08, Quinn Stevenson wrote:
Christian -

I don’t know about a class loader issue, but I do know when I run the route 
configured as you have it below, I’m not getting a proxy to the service.  I 
know this because if I stop the bundle containing the OSGi service, the Camel 
context keeps running - I don’t get a ServiceUnavailableException after the 
timeout.  In fact, it keeps using whatever is injected into the RouteBuilder.

I think that’s where the class loader thing came from - it appear to be using 
the implementation of the service directly - not via a Blueprint proxy.

It is normal that the camel context keeps running as blueprint uses service damping. So the proxy should remain the same when the service goes away or changes. I would expect the service call to block and return ServiceUnavailableException after the blueprint service timeout though in case there is no service.

Sounds quite strange.

Can you check in karaf using the service:list command that there is really no Echo service running anymore?


Christian Schneider

Open Source Architect

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