As an example in the prior version the getDescription() method would return
something like:

-> Pipeline[[Channel[convertBodyTo[byte[]]], Channel[RecipientList[Simple:${file:onlyname}?proxyHost=]]]

In version 2.15.x it just returns null.

How can I fix this?


On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 3:29 PM, David Hoffer <> wrote:

> I'm upgrading an app from Camel 2.13.2 to 2.15.6 that uses Camel's JMX
> support.  Specifically we query for the various routes and leverage several
> of the operations.  The problem is the getDescription() operation now
> always returns null.  I have tried several of the 2.15.x versions and they
> all return null.  I think there are other operations returning null as well
> but this is the one that is breaking my application.
> Is this a known bug in the 2.15.x release?  Is there a workaround?  In
> what version(s) was this fixed?
> -Dave

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