You can get the processors of the route in the processors tree. They
have attribute which route they are part of, and a order num attribute
that indicate in what position in the route they are from.

You can also get the route overview by invoking the dump route as xml
operations on the route or camel context mbeans.

There is plenty of details maybe try using a jconsole or something and
browse the jmx tree and see what you can find.

On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 7:51 PM, David Hoffer <> wrote:
> I see the problem.  In 2.15.x the constructor of ManagedRoute was changed
> to: this.description = route.getDescription(), however before it was:
> this.description = route.toString().
> Where toString was defined as "EventDrivenConsumerRoute[" + getEndpoint() +
> " -> " + processor + "]" (for EventDrivenConsumerRoute class)
> This is what my app needs as we use both the getEndpoint()  & processor
> values.
> ManagedRoute has a getEndpointUri() method so I can get the first part from
> that but how can I get the processor ?  That is not exposed in the
> ManagedRoute.
> -Dave
> On Tue, May 17, 2016 at 8:30 AM, David Hoffer <> wrote:
>> As an example in the prior version the getDescription() method would
>> return something like:
>> EventDrivenConsumerRoute[Endpoint[file://C:/JMS/gangplank/work/guard_ACK/?delay=1000&delete=true&filter=%23partialFilter&moveFailed=.error&readLock=none]
>> -> Pipeline[[Channel[convertBodyTo[byte[]]], Channel[RecipientList[Simple:
>> ]]
>> In version 2.15.x it just returns null.
>> How can I fix this?
>> -Dave
>> On Mon, May 16, 2016 at 3:29 PM, David Hoffer <> wrote:
>>> I'm upgrading an app from Camel 2.13.2 to 2.15.6 that uses Camel's JMX
>>> support.  Specifically we query for the various routes and leverage several
>>> of the operations.  The problem is the getDescription() operation now
>>> always returns null.  I have tried several of the 2.15.x versions and they
>>> all return null.  I think there are other operations returning null as well
>>> but this is the one that is breaking my application.
>>> Is this a known bug in the 2.15.x release?  Is there a workaround?  In
>>> what version(s) was this fixed?
>>> -Dave

Claus Ibsen
----------------- @davsclaus
Camel in Action 2:

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