The error (if it is truly an error and not some mistake or misconfiguration
on my part) seems to happen when the same verb with the same path is used
in the Camel DSL.  The last verb specified in the chain seems to override
the verb before it.  For instance, if I change the line to have the "put"
before the "get", then the "get" works.  The way the command is in the
listing of the previous email resulst in the "put" working.  So, both rest
paths are valid, but something with the Camel DSL (or the way that I am
specifying them) results in not being able to have multiple verbs for the
same rest resource with the same parameter.  Also, if I change the "get" in
the example above to have the path of "new/{timesheetId"} then both verbs


On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 12:43 AM, Charles Moulliard <>

> Hi Steve,
> I suggest that first, you verify the endpoint registered by Camel when the
> routes have been started, curl it and that you perform the same test using
> Jetty component.
> According to the REST Defintion, you try to reach the URL
> http://localhost:8181/timesheet/123 where 123 is a timesheetId
> Regards,
> Charles
> On Mon, Jul 11, 2016 at 10:48 PM, Steve973 <> wrote:
> > I have my rest dsl route like this:
> >
> > restConfiguration().component("undertow").host("localhost").port("8181");
> > rest("/timesheet")
> >         .get("/{timesheetId}").produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN)
> >         .to("bean:timesheetService?method=getTimesheetById")
> >         .put("/{timesheetId}").produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN)
> >         .to("bean:timesheetService?method=updateTimesheet");
> >
> > It's odd because the "put" works just fine, but when I try using the
> "get",
> > it responds with a 404 error and "no matching path found".  What am I
> doing
> > wrong?
> >
> --
> Charles Moulliard
> Apache Committer & PMC / Architect @RedHat
> Twitter : @cmoulliard | Blog :

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