if the promises stated at Graceful shutdown in the documentation[1]
are broken then this is a bug, from the sideline to me this looks more
like AMQ-3988[2].

So as Claus was saying, if you have Spring managed JMS connection pool
that is being shutdown before Camel gets to perform the graceful
shutdown this can happen, so you need to make sure that the Camel is
shutdown before the JMS connection pool.

Camel Spring Boot support (IIRC) uses
CamelSpringBootApplicationController[3] to perform the destruction.

I don't know if there could be a mechanism in Camel's Spring Boot
support to make this a bit easier on the user.


[1] https://camel.apache.org/graceful-shutdown.html
[2] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AMQ-3988

On Wed, May 10, 2017 at 9:11 PM, Hetmoteus <hetmot...@gmail.com> wrote:
> So its not a bug in the SpringCamelContext handled by CamelAutoConfiguration
> ?
> What you are saying is that its not related to the onApplicationEvent method
> and the shutdownEager ?
> I'm lost really thought it was that and calling it was fixing it though ...
> --
> View this message in context: 
> http://camel.465427.n5.nabble.com/OnApplicationEvent-not-called-with-CamelAutoConfiguration-tp5798802p5799249.html
> Sent from the Camel - Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Zoran Regvart

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