I assume using Spring MVC for the front end. I think that you would be
fine. Someone else will probably chime in from the project and confirm.

On Tue, Apr 16, 2019 at 7:29 AM Ron Cecchini <roncecch...@comcast.net>

> Hi, all.  If/when anyone has any time, I was hoping to get a few quick
> opinions.
> (and I do mean be brief; I don't want anyone wasting time on this.)
> *** Could Camel + Spring Boot *alone* be used to implement the Java
> portion of
> *** a simple backend for a low-throughput, non-realtime system that
> doesn't need to scale?
> Backstory: I was thinking about the web site for my sons' little league (I
> didn't create it),
> and what I might do if I were to redo it totally from scratch without
> using Wordpress, etc.
> This quickly morphed (away from baseball and) into what it would take to
> implement what
> basically amounts to a simple inventory tracking system of sorts.
> And the picture I had in mind is something like.  Imagine you are an
> online business with:
> - 100 customers or offices  (whatever - call them "sites")
> - Each "site" is going to place at most, on average, 1 order a day
>   where an "order" might be to ship goods to another site, request goods
> from another site,
>   or order goods from a vendor  (whatever - the details of the "order"
> don't matter)
> - Each site now needs to be able to track the progress of its order (where
> its good are)
> Basically, something like a poor man's Amazon or USPS/UPS/FedEx tracking
> system.
> Again, the system doesn't need to scale because there will never be more
> than 100-200 sites.
> Sites will spend the majority of their time inactive; i.e. not placing
> orders.
> Each order is a simple movement of goods (shipping or procuring/receiving).
> There are no real time demands to know exactly where goods are.  (A daily
> update would suffice.)
> Since the concurrency needs seem to be negligible, I don't see a need for
> a JBoss app server,
> or a distributed server farm, etc.  I feel like Camel will already handle
> whatever concurrency
> issues that may arise, and its ability to seamlessly integrate with so
> many others means alot of
> the work is already done for me.
> What are your thoughts on trying to implement the backend of this simple
> inventory system with
> a pretty simple Spring Boot + Camel + RDMS application, hosted on a beefy
> server and not running
> in an app server or Docker?
> Thanks.
> Ron

Michael Joyner

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