I have used the wsdl2java to generate my classes off of a vendor provided 
wsdl.Perhaps it is a malformed cxf endpoint.. but it currently is just 
complaining of the portType.the -impl is under extraargs in the plug in.. and 
no change to the error.. other than giving me hundreds of warnings about 
services in the wsdl that cannot be unwrapped.  There's hundreds of services in 
this wsdl.
I've seen many unanswered threads in a websearch, so perhaps the right question 
is not being asked.I am using cxf to producw a SOAP request from a vendor 
provided wsdl.. what could I be missing?
The publicly available wsdl is here:
and I am attempting to call the "Put_Procurement_Document_Attachment" request 
within that.  I am attempting to send this to a mock service with SoapUI on a 
test server like this:

Any flags jump out to anyone?Thanks!

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