I too have migrated to Camel 3 and I can’t get this to work.

I have tried using a constant(true) but I get only 1 message back instead of 3

Using a unique correlation expression I get as before, 3 different back, not a 
List of 3


> On 4 Apr 2020, at 16:10, Craig Taylor <ctalk...@ctalkobt.net> wrote:
>>> Are you really sure as its supposed to store a List<Object> that are
> the message body.
> Yes, wanting to accumulate List<Object> over a period of time so before
> passing into a "full changes" object so that batching of the request to a
> 3rd party api can occur.
> I'm using Camel 3.1.0, and more detail / output from my route follows (note
> - having issues w/ log4j - will look at that after this, first things
> first):
>        from(Routes.InitialRoute)
>            .process(
>                (Exchange ex) -> { Logger.getLogger().error("**** Exchange:
> " + ex.getIn().getBody()); }
>            )
>            .aggregate(simple("${body.id}"),
> AggregationStrategies.groupedBody())
>                .completionTimeout(5000L)
>            .process(
>                (Exchange ex) -> { Logger.getLogger().error("****
> Exchange2: " + ex.getIn().getBody()); }
>            )
>            .to(ChangeNotificationRoute.ROUTE_TO_WATERSHED);
> with an output of :
> 2020/Apr/04 09:59:03.233 ERROR ....MyChangeRoute.lambda$configure$0: ****
> Exchange: {change:'user', id:'ekp000002600', field:'FIELD', new:'1',
> old:'null'}
> 2020/Apr/04 09:59:08.770 ERROR ....MyChangeRoute.lambda$configure$1: ****
> Exchange2: List<Exchange>(1 elements)
> Note that the Routes.InitialRoute is returning a vm:// endpoint.
> On Sat, Apr 4, 2020 at 3:50 AM Claus Ibsen <claus.ib...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi
>> Are you really sure as its supposed to store a List<Object> that are
>> the message body.
>> But there are however only one unit test for this in camel-jms, so
>> lets add one to camel-core.
>> On Fri, Apr 3, 2020 at 11:23 PM Craig Taylor <ctalk...@ctalkobt.net>
>> wrote:
>>> I'm wanting to accumulate all exchanges matching a correlation expression
>>> (id) into a list for a given period of time.  I've looked at the
>>> GroupedBodyAggregationStrategy and it returns an Exchange with a body of
>>> List<Exchange>'s where I had expect an Exchange with a body of
>>> List<Body_type> back.
>>> aggregate(simple("${body.id}"), new GroupedBodyAggregationStrategy())
>>>    .completionTimeout(5000L)
>>> I wasn't able to find documentation on the built-in aggregator however,
>>> this "sounds" like the right one to use based on naming.  Desperation
>> wise,
>>> attempting the other Grouped Aggregators didn't yield the solution
>> either.
>>> Thanks,
>>> --
>>> -------------------------------------------
>>> Craig Taylor
>>> ctalk...@ctalkobt.net
>> --
>> Claus Ibsen
>> -----------------
>> http://davsclaus.com @davsclaus
>> Camel in Action 2: https://www.manning.com/ibsen2
> -- 
> -------------------------------------------
> Craig Taylor
> ctalk...@ctalkobt.net

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