
i am trying to read a csv file into camel. The first line is a header and
the rest is the body with data in it. I want to process and evaluate the
data to a List. From this list I want to make java objects to do some
mapping and calculations. After that I want to send a new csv file to
another endpoint.
I want to do this because I thought apache camel is the best way to make
integration happen. My task is to migrate a legacy system with camel in
java.  I spent the last 3 weeks all day getting into this. Mainly i use the
Camel in Action second edition book, the documentation on the camel website
and also the java ones but i don't get it.

I am using Eclipse IDE version 4.15.0 with JRE javaSE-1.8,
I attached my little Code examples.

I would be incredibly happy to hear from you..
I apologize for my limited english and hope you can help me.

With kind regards
Dennis Busche

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