Greetings Dennis, 

No worries, your English is coming across fine.
I've been in your shoes (still.. to be honest). Trying to understand Camel can 
seem like trying to drink from a firehose.
What is it that you "don't get", exactly?  Is it a part of your development as 
you make it? the book? or Camel as a solution?
I too.. used this exact same book (version 1)  to dive into Camel, and yes.. 
you need to jump in to the deep end sometimes to "get it".
Camel is modeled around Integration Patterns.. So a certain number of 
pre-described actions that can be strung together to accomplish most needed 
integrations.. so you can think of like a lego set.. but then there are 
overlapping solutions by various packages that can perform that each "block"'s 
function..  So when looking out there for something to do "A".. then "B".. then 
"C".. it looks like a million ways people do it and no-one looks to be doing it 
the same way.. Just like kitchen chefs.. they all have their preferred tools.. 
but the process from prep to cook to serve is basically the same.  
You are looking at establishing a "Camel route".. from here you're looking for 
a way to get your csv into the pipeline.. a place to manipulate, and a way to 
get your desired form of output out.  
I tried hanging on to the first "tools" (packages)  I understood.. just so I 
could use that as a stepping off point to the next task.. I do think that was 
detrimental to me.. since that tool in my inexperience might have been too 
complicated or I was misusing it's intended purpose. 
Perhaps people here will argue with me.. but I didn't bother with Eclipse until 
I could understand what Eclipse was administering.  I used a text editor and 
Maven.. just to keep it as simple as I could.  I didn't need to learn an 
"assisting" development tool at the same time as Camel itself.
How do you want to accomplish this?  Is this something you want to take a deep 
dive and get involved with this for yourself?  or just a working model and 
enough data for your thesis? 

Good Luck!

On Tuesday, June 9, 2020, 07:14:38 AM EDT, Dennis Busche 
<> wrote: 


i am trying to read a csv file into camel. The first line is a header and the 
rest is the body with data in it. I want to process and evaluate the data to a 
List. From this list I want to make java objects to do some mapping and 
calculations. After that I want to send a new csv file to another endpoint. 
I want to do this because I thought apache camel is the best way to make 
integration happen. My task is to migrate a legacy system with camel in java.  
I spent the last 3 weeks all day getting into this. Mainly i use the Camel in 
Action second edition book, the documentation on the camel website and also the 
java ones but i don't get it.

I am using Eclipse IDE version 4.15.0 with JRE javaSE-1.8, apache-maven-3.5.0.
I attached my little Code examples. 

I would be incredibly happy to hear from you..
I apologize for my limited english and hope you can help me. 

With kind regardsDennis Busche

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