I'm wanting to make the attachments to be a byte array as the body of the
message, but the documentation is unclear to me how I can do this.

In the mail component documentation at
https://camel.apache.org/components/3.21.x/mail-component.html  it says:
  <to uri="mock:split"/>
You can also split the attachments as byte[] to be stored as the message
body. This is done by creating the expression with boolean true

SplitAttachmentsExpression split = SplitAttachmentsExpression(true);
And then use the expression with the splitter EIP.
I'm using XML DSL and I'm not sure how I do this part in XML:
"SplitAttachmentsExpression split = SplitAttachmentsExpression(true);"

 Can someone help me understand how to construct that as part of the XML
DSL so that the attachments will become the body of the message?

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