Thanks Chip, so what do you recommend me? CentOS or UBU?

Saludos Cordiales,
José Vicente Egas López
Administración de Servicios, Redes y Telecomunicaciones

Teléf. (593-2)2993100 ext. 1630/39
Teléf. (593-99)8-824047

El 14/05/2013 12:27, Chip Childers escribió:
On Tue, May 14, 2013 at 12:21:39PM -0500, José Egas López wrote:
Chip, I'm trying to decide in which OS to install CS, I don't know
if use CentOS or use Ubuntu Server 12.04 LTS,
Either should work well for you.  And we have pre-built packages for
both.  See "Getting CloudStack from a Package Repository" of

I understand Maven 3
was not available in UBU 12.04 LTS.
It isn't, but if you use the DEB packages you don't need it ;-)

If you do want to compile from source yourself, then you have a few more
dependencies to get anyway.  Honestly though, setting up mvn 3 on any
system is easy to do...  just grab it from

Newer folks like yourself are probably best served using the provided
packages though.  We offer them to try to avoid you having to deal with
build dependencies.

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