Hi all, when trying to add a new host I am seeing the following error in 

2013-06-26 13:30:42,461{GMT} ERROR [cloud.agent.AgentShell] (main:) Unable to 
start agent: NO HVM support on this machine, please make sure: 1. VT/SVM is 
supported by your CPU, or is enabled in BIOS. 2. kvm modules are loaded (kvm, 
Unable to start agent: NO HVM support on this machine, please make sure: 1. 
VT/SVM is supported by your CPU, or is enabled in BIOS. 2. kvm modules are 
loaded (kvm, kvm_amd|kvm_intel)

I do have the virtualization turned on in BIOS and the kvm+kvm_intel modules 
are loaded into kernel. So not sure what is wrong?

My setup:

Centos 6.3 (tried with 6.4 same result)
Cloudstack 4.1 from yum repo

What other log/info can I provide?


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