What's in /var/log/cloudstack/management/catalina.out?


On Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 10:44 AM, Froyo Yao <froyo....@citrix.com> wrote:
> Hi Gurus,
> I'm a new guy for CS, and I have successfully installed CloudStack long time 
> ago.
> Recently I follow the latest 4.1.0 installation guide, nothing error, but 
> can't see the management UI at last.
> http://cloudstack.apache.org/docs/en-US/Apache_CloudStack/4.1.0/html/Installation_Guide/management-server-install-flow.html
> So I'm not sure, if I missing something or the guide missing something, 
> please help me out.
> Centos 6.3 64 bit.
> XS 6.1
> My Steps:
> 1. Minimum installed centos 6.3 64bit.
> 2. Setup the RPM package repository, and the 4.1.0 installation guide is 
> point to http://cloudstack.apt-get.eu/rhel/4.0/, is this correct? Or should 
> be 4.1?
> 3. Verify hostname --fqdn
> 4. ping www.cloudstack.org
> 5. yum install ntp
> 6. yum install cloud-client
> 7. download vhd-util. if I point the RPM package repository to 4.1, the I 
> can't find the path /usr/lib64/cloud/common/scripts/vm/hypervisor/xenserver
> 8. yum install mysql-server and follow the guide to modify the /etc/my.conf
> 9. service mysqld start
> 10. run mysql_secure_installation to set the dataase root password.
> 11. set the selinux to permissive mode.
> 12. cloudstack-setup-databases cloud:<dbpassword>@localhost 
> --deploy-as=root:<password> and the optional params are left blank to use the 
> default setting. And I see successful result.
> 13. cloudstack-setup-management, and see the setup is done successfully.
> 14. follow the guide to setup the NFS share, and using XS to confirm the 
> setup is correct. I use the management server as the NFS server.
> 15. confirm the iptables setting is correct for NFS.
> 16. setup rpcbind and nfs service auto start  when server boot.
> 17. deploy the System VM template.
> 18. try log in to the UI at http://my_management_server_ip:8080/client
> I can't see any page. And after check the service, I find tomcat haven't 
> start yet, if I manually start it, still can't see the UI.
> So I guess may be the official installation guide miss some important part?
> Thanks,
> Froyo

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