We have a xenserver 6.1 pool with 6 hosts, there are total about 90 VMs. Some 
with one disk and others with 2 disk on NFS shared storage.
In the meanwhile, we have a cloudstack 3.0.2 with xenserver 6.0.2 hosts.(we had 
plan of upgrading to cloudstack 4.1&xenserver 6.1 soon) The storage is on iscsi.

My question is:
If I want move all the vms on xenserver pool to cloudstack, if there is a way 
for fast migration?
Or I have to migrate one by one?
For my understanding, I need export each vm in xenserver, then import it to 
cloudstack as template, and create instance from the imported template.
But in this process, it works only for one-disk vms, how about the vms with 2 
Any comments or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

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