Dear all,

In addition to my previous e-mail, I just realised that the wrong capacity
usage information is only applicable to the Ceph RBD primary storage. I did
a check manually on the "storage_pool" table on the "cloud" MySQL database:

| id  | name            | uuid                                 |
pool_type         | port | data_center_id | pod_id | cluster_id |
available_bytes   | capacity_bytes | host_address              |
user_info                                      | path                   |
created             | removed             | update_time | status      |
storage_provider_id | scope |
| 209 | sc-image        | bab81ce8-d53f-3a7d-b8f6-841702f65c89 |
RBD               | 6789 |              6 |      6 |          6 |
38283921137336466 |  6013522722816 | | admin:xxx |
sc1                    | 2013-07-13 08:58:27 | NULL                |
NULL        | Up          |                NULL | NULL  |

The "available_bytes" column is wrong.

My issue is similar to the one reported by Guangjian Liu here, but it seems
that so far there's no solutions available?

Is it safe for me to update the database record manually (using the UPDATE
MySQL command) to reflect the actual usage of the disk?

Looking forward to your reply, thank you.


On Mon, Jul 15, 2013 at 11:41 AM, Indra Pramana <> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I am using CloudStack 4.1.0. Just managed to get it setup over the
> weekend. System VMs have been created and both (SSVM and CPVM) are running
> fine. The default CentOS template has also been downloaded and ready to use.
> However, I am not able to launch my first VM instance because the storage
> capacity checker is reporting wrong usage information. I have a total of 13
> TB of primary storage and the capacity checker is reporting my usage is
> 36,510 TB (274879.22%), which is not supposed to be the case.
> ===
> 2013-07-15 11:27:31,632 DEBUG [cloud.alert.AlertManagerImpl]
> (CapacityChecker:null) System Alert: Low Available Storage in cluster
> Cluster-01 pod Pod-01 of availability zone 01
> 2013-07-15 11:27:31,632 DEBUG [cloud.alert.AlertManagerImpl]
> (CapacityChecker:null) Available storage space is low, total: 13282342 MB,
> used: 36510398411 MB (274879.22%)
> ===
> As a result, VM instance creation fails since it's not able to find
> available storage pool.
> ===
> 2013-07-15 11:15:28,313 DEBUG []
> (Job-Executor-3:job-168) Checking pool: 208 for volume allocation
> [Vol[227|vm=225|ROOT]], maxSize : 15828044742656, totalAllocatedSize :
> 1769538048, askingSize : 8589934592, allocated disable threshold: 0.85
> 2013-07-15 11:15:28,313 DEBUG
> [storage.allocator.AbstractStoragePoolAllocator] (Job-Executor-3:job-168)
> Checking if storage pool is suitable, name: sc-image ,poolId: 209
> 2013-07-15 11:15:28,313 DEBUG
> [storage.allocator.AbstractStoragePoolAllocator] (Job-Executor-3:job-168)
> Is localStorageAllocationNeeded? false
> 2013-07-15 11:15:28,313 DEBUG
> [storage.allocator.AbstractStoragePoolAllocator] (Job-Executor-3:job-168)
> Is storage pool shared? true
> 2013-07-15 11:15:28,317 DEBUG []
> (Job-Executor-3:job-168) Checking pool 209 for storage, totalSize:
> 6013522722816, usedBytes: 38283921137336466, usedPct: 6366.305226067051,
> disable threshold: 0.85
> 2013-07-15 11:15:28,317 DEBUG []
> (Job-Executor-3:job-168) Insufficient space on pool: 209 since its usage
> percentage: 6366.305226067051 has crossed the
> 0.85
> 2013-07-15 11:15:28,317 DEBUG
> [storage.allocator.FirstFitStoragePoolAllocator] (Job-Executor-3:job-168)
> FirstFitStoragePoolAllocator returning 1 suitable storage pools
> 2013-07-15 11:15:28,317 DEBUG [cloud.deploy.FirstFitPlanner]
> (Job-Executor-3:job-168) Checking suitable pools for volume (Id, Type):
> (228,DATADISK)
> 2013-07-15 11:15:28,317 DEBUG [cloud.deploy.FirstFitPlanner]
> (Job-Executor-3:job-168) We need to allocate new storagepool for this volume
> 2013-07-15 11:15:28,319 DEBUG [cloud.deploy.FirstFitPlanner]
> (Job-Executor-3:job-168) Calling StoragePoolAllocators to find suitable
> pools
> 2013-07-15 11:15:28,319 DEBUG
> [storage.allocator.FirstFitStoragePoolAllocator] (Job-Executor-3:job-168)
> Looking for pools in dc: 6  pod:6  cluster:6 having tags:[rbd]
> 2013-07-15 11:15:28,322 DEBUG
> [storage.allocator.FirstFitStoragePoolAllocator] (Job-Executor-3:job-168)
> FirstFitStoragePoolAllocator has 1 pools to check for allocation
> 2013-07-15 11:15:28,322 DEBUG
> [storage.allocator.AbstractStoragePoolAllocator] (Job-Executor-3:job-168)
> Checking if storage pool is suitable, name: sc-image ,poolId: 209
> 2013-07-15 11:15:28,322 DEBUG
> [storage.allocator.AbstractStoragePoolAllocator] (Job-Executor-3:job-168)
> Is localStorageAllocationNeeded? false
> 2013-07-15 11:15:28,322 DEBUG
> [storage.allocator.AbstractStoragePoolAllocator] (Job-Executor-3:job-168)
> Is storage pool shared? true
> 2013-07-15 11:15:28,326 DEBUG []
> (Job-Executor-3:job-168) Checking pool 209 for storage, totalSize:
> 6013522722816, usedBytes: 38283921137336466, usedPct: 6366.305226067051,
> disable threshold: 0.85
> 2013-07-15 11:15:28,326 DEBUG []
> (Job-Executor-3:job-168) Insufficient space on pool: 209 since its usage
> percentage: 6366.305226067051 has crossed the
> 0.85
> 2013-07-15 11:15:28,326 DEBUG
> [storage.allocator.FirstFitStoragePoolAllocator] (Job-Executor-3:job-168)
> FirstFitStoragePoolAllocator returning 0 suitable storage pools
> 2013-07-15 11:15:28,326 DEBUG [cloud.deploy.FirstFitPlanner]
> (Job-Executor-3:job-168) No suitable pools found for volume:
> Vol[228|vm=225|DATADISK] under cluster: 6
> 2013-07-15 11:15:28,326 DEBUG [cloud.deploy.FirstFitPlanner]
> (Job-Executor-3:job-168) No suitable pools found
> 2013-07-15 11:15:28,326 DEBUG [cloud.deploy.FirstFitPlanner]
> (Job-Executor-3:job-168) No suitable storagePools found under this Cluster:
> 6
> 2013-07-15 11:15:28,326 DEBUG [cloud.deploy.FirstFitPlanner]
> (Job-Executor-3:job-168) Could not find suitable Deployment Destination for
> this VM under any clusters, returning.
> 2013-07-15 11:15:28,332 DEBUG [cloud.vm.UserVmManagerImpl]
> (Job-Executor-3:job-168) Destroying vm VM[User|Indra-Test-3] as it failed
> to create on Host with Id:null
> 2013-07-15 11:15:28,498 DEBUG [cloud.capacity.CapacityManagerImpl]
> (Job-Executor-3:job-168) VM state transitted from :Stopped to Error with
> event: OperationFailedToErrorvm's original host id: null new host id: null
> host id before state transition: null
> 2013-07-15 11:15:29,125 INFO  [user.vm.DeployVMCmd]
> (Job-Executor-3:job-168)
> Unable to create a
> deployment for VM[User|Indra-Test-3]Scope=interface
>; id=6
> ===
> Anyone can advise on how to resolve this problem?
> Looking forward to your reply, thank you.
> Cheers.

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