Hi Wido,

Good day to you, and glad to hear from you again. Thank you for your
e-mail. :)

On Thu, Jul 18, 2013 at 12:28 AM, Wido den Hollander <w...@widodh.nl> wrote:

> The only issue is that, I noted that only the DATADISK volume is created
>> on the RBD primary storage pool. The ROOT volume of that VM is still
>> created on the NFS primary storage pool.
>> Is there a way to ensure that the ROOT volume will also be created on
>> the RBD primary storage pool instead of the NFS pool?
> Yes, make sure you use the right storage tags to force the ROOT disk on
> the RBD storage pool as well.

Can you share how to force the ROOT disk to use the RBD storage pool as
well? I use the disk offering method with the "rbd" tag to force the
DATADISK to use the RBD storage pool, but how about the ROOT disk? Where
can I set the "rbd" tag for the ROOT disk?

Looking forward to your reply, thank you.


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