Hello everybody,

I'm recently having issues about the ability to manage the system VMs (Console Proxy + Secondary Storage VM); I've got the following configuration:

 * Cloudstack 4.1
 * VMware vSphere 5.1
 * Standard networking configuration
* vSwitch0 on the public network (Guest network) - Phyisical network connected to a WAN phyisical switch (public IP addresses - 46.x.x.x). * vSwitch1 on the private network (Management + Storage traffic) - Phyisical network connected to a LAN phyisical switch (Private IP addresses - 192.168.x.x).

I'm able to connect to the System VMs from the Cloudstack Management server using the private assigned IP, and I'm also able to ping them, but I'm not able to connect to the console of both two VMs; it looks like something wrong in my network configuration. Where am I wrong in my activities?

Thanks in advance,


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