I'll try and I'll let you know asap.

Thanks a lot!


On 30/07/2013 19:59, Kelven Yang wrote:
Could you check CS global configuration variable "host", make sure it
point to the IP that management server is listening at (on Management
network), if you have a management server cluster setup, this IP should be
the load-balancer IP for the management server cluster


On 7/29/13 10:14 PM, "Gaspare A Silvestri" <g.silves...@netsons.com> wrote:

Hello everybody,

I'm recently having issues about the ability to manage the system VMs
(Console Proxy + Secondary Storage VM); I've got the following

 * Cloudstack 4.1
 * VMware vSphere 5.1
 * Standard networking configuration
 * vSwitch0 on the public network (Guest network) - Phyisical network
connected to a WAN phyisical switch (public IP addresses - 46.x.x.x).
 * vSwitch1 on the private network (Management + Storage traffic) -
Phyisical network connected to a LAN phyisical switch (Private IP
addresses - 192.168.x.x).

I'm able to connect to the System VMs from the Cloudstack Management
server using the private assigned IP, and I'm also able to ping them,
but I'm not able to connect to the console of both two VMs; it looks
like something wrong in my network configuration. Where am I wrong in my

Thanks in advance,




Supernova s.r.l.
Via G. Misiticoni, 3
65126 - Pescara

Gaspare A. Silvestri
Technical Director - Head of IT
VMWare VCP 4 - VMWare VCP 5 - Microsoft MCTS
Oracle OCA 11g - Oracle SUN OCP - Symantec SCS

t. (+39) 085 45 100 52
m. (+39) 334 13 682 11
e. g.silves...@netsons.com

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