What is the error?  Your attachment was lost since you the mailing list
doesn't allow them.  The realhostip.com name servers look fine.

kirk@asdf ~ $ dig @ A +short 192-168-100-100.realhostip.com
kirk@asdf ~ $ dig @ A +short 192-168-100-100.realhostip.com

Can you ping your CPVM, or reach it via HTTPS?  Did you try to stop and
start it?

Best regards,

On 09/06/2013 01:44 AM, Jake G. wrote:
> Looks like my other test environment does not work either. I havent changed 
> anything on both servers so im am thinking...
> Is there something wrong with realhostip.com ?
> ________________________________
>  From: Jake G. <dj_dark_jungl...@yahoo.com>
> To: "users@cloudstack.apache.org" <users@cloudstack.apache.org> 
> Sent: Friday, September 6, 2013 3:41 PM
> Subject: Console stopped working recently
> Hi all,
> i just noticed that the console function stopped working in my cloudstack 
> 4.1.0 environment.
> Attached is my error screen. Anyone have an idea?
> Thanks!

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