The correct template for xen server with 4.2 is now

The documentation still serves the old link. Also CS downloads this template 
automatically once the secondary storage is available.


On Oct 25, 2013, at 5:37 AM, "Yugandhar Yetham" 
<<>> wrote:

Hi Lisa,

That was i guessed as you are using single server for CS and NFS.

Don't replace the existing template. if you are using same server for CS
and NFS. This exported directory "/export/secondary" will automatically
mount with your CS.

Please try it for further.

Yugandhar Yetham

On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 10:50 PM, Lisa B. 
<<>> wrote:

Thanks for your quick reply :)


Unfortunately it did not fix the problem. I still get exactly the same
error. I deleted the old template, reran the command with the new URL. When
that did not work I re-initialized the db and re-installed the template

I followed the 4.2 install procedures. I just used the old URL.


I have a single server for ACS and NFS. :/export/secondary is the NFS
share and it is mounted as /mnt/secondary. I followed the instructions in
the ACS docs on how to setup NFS. But nevertheless I tried to install the
template into /export/secondary like you said. It worked fine and replaced
the existing template. It is just the same directory.

Any other ideas?


Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 16:39:40 +0100
Subject: Re: ssvm fails to start, [BOOTLOADER_FAILED, OpaqueRef:...,
Unable to find partition containing kernel

I also reran the systemvm template command
cloud-install-sys-tmplt -m /mnt/secondary -u 
xenserver -F
Is it still the correct URL for CS 4.2? It was successfully installed
once again as it was during installation.

I do not believe this is the correct url. You need to get the new
templates. Take a look at the following url:

It's got the instructions for ACS 4.2


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