Hi all,
We are running a mixture of Windows and Linux VMs under different accounts
on our cloud, that is based on CloudPlatform 3 (I know that it's a mailing
list for ACS, but I still need your feedback so read on please :)).

The Primary storage is based on iSCSI with GigE link, and Xen hyperviser.

Now the problem is that whenever we run Windows OSes with applications like
Exchange, Sharepoint and particularly MS Lync (that includes AD and MSSQL
as pre-requisites..), the GigE link to Primary Storage becomes so congested
that it affects the whole cloud environment. Nothing remains usable
anymore, the performance of Linux VMs also is affected in the process.

So what does your experience say, what should we do:
1)  Segregate the Windows VMs to their own cluster and their own separate
Primary storage.
2) Use local storage for the "pre-cloud era" traditional Windows workloads
such as MS Exchange etc.
3)  Is cloud environment feasible at all for Hosted Exchange and the like,
as Local storage that runs on the speed of the motherboard back-plane, of
course cannot be matched by a GigE link alone.

Awaiting your valuable feedback all :)

Junaid Shahid,

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