Oh, seems like the answer is found here:

I'll try this and get back here in case I run into any trouble I can't


2013/11/28 Magnus Janson <mag...@fnutt.us>

> Hi,
> How do i allow all external traffic (any tcp/udp/icmp) to my virtual hosts?
> I'm using DefaultSharedNetworkOffering in a BASIC network.
> Security group and provider is not being used.
> So far, I've tried to change the egress_default_policy. I couldn't find
> any way to perform this through the UI so I did it manually in the database
> and restarted the network:
> UPDATE `cloud`.`network_offerings` SET `egress_default_policy`=1 WHERE
> `name`='DefaultSharedNetworkOffering';
> Still, it seems that all incoming traffic is rejected.
> Any pointers on how to achieve this would be highly appreciated.
> Sincerely,
> Magnus

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