I will see what I can do. I dont have a github presently, but since I am
mostly working with FreeBSD I had to fix puppet's service resource, jason
hancocks section that look for dhcp leases and a couple of other things.
The userdata fix I put in seems to be working, though not when the puppet
agent is ubuntu presently, so I am trying to track that down.

I only saw one other branch in dans and it was showing like 9 months ago
for the latest work - is that the correct place I am looking?

 On Dec 4, 2013 8:57 PM, "David Nalley" <da...@gnsa.us> wrote:

> Yeah - it's definitely a work in progress - if you look at Dan Bode's
> cloudstack_resources, he actually has a ton of additional work in a
> different branch that hasn't yet been validated. It's on my list to
> get around to that in the next few weeks. What you likely saw (esp if
> it was my presentation) was a combination of Jason Hancock's work
> around userdata and his fact - and then separately the resources and
> types for CloudStack. There are some folks who use CloudStack's
> records of hosts as a ENC - and that's where the 'Group=' stuff leaks
> into the presentation - essentially they query for the host - and
> parse the Group records and make catalog decisions off of that rather
> than a fact. (Keep in mind the 'down side' of going the fact route, is
> that essentially an attacker could pass any information back to puppet
> and get anything in the catalog theoretically)
> Please do submit a pull request for the userdata feature (feel free to
> submit it against my repo or Dan's)
> --David
> On Wed, Dec 4, 2013 at 6:44 PM, Derek Cole <derek.c...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Well I started to post about getting something broken. I modified
> > cloudstack_resources to take an argument for userdata. I was getting all
> > kinds of issues with that, until I realized that the argument in userdata
> > has to be base64 encoded. I fixed that, and now my VMs can get their
> > metadata! I had seen a demo with this software at a puppet conference but
> > it's become clear to me it's not exactly complete, so I have been
> fighting
> > to learn ruby ever since to make things work.
> >
> > Thanks for the help.

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