Hi, the API command only supports XenServer hosts.  For KVM and vSphere
hosts you need to modify the database directly.  It is partially
documented and this bug has the needed details:


Best regards,

On 01/06/2014 07:15 AM, Carlos Miranda Molina (Mstaaravin) wrote:
> Hello!
> Someone know how change host password in Cloudstack..?
> With cloudmonkey does not work
>> update hostpassword clusterid=de88338c-9ed4-4e84-9659-c6ef477de40b
> hostid=106e381f-7d21-44a3-b897-b8b1a7474133 username=root
> password='PASSWORD'
> : This operation is not supported for this hypervisor type
> (i'm using KVM as a hypervisor)
> I find in table host_details
> mysql> select * from host_details where host_id=73;
> +--------+---------+----------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+
> | id     | host_id | name                                               |
> value                            |
> +--------+---------+----------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+
> | 225405 |      73 | com.cloud.network.Networks.RouterPrivateIpStrategy |
> HostLocal                        |
> | 225403 |      73 | Host.OS                                            |
> CentOS                           |
> | 225402 |      73 | Host.OS.Kernel.Version                             |
> 2.6.32-431.    |
> | 225404 |      73 | Host.OS.Version                                    |
> 6.5                              |
> | 225411 |      73 | password                                           |
> w4Ou/etXfInGh+1T3mVj/W+fE4QG5Ock |
> | 225408 |      73 | username                                           |
> root                             |
> +--------+---------+----------------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+
> 6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> Counting password characters i think is encrypted with MD5 but is not.
> Can anyone help me please...?
> Regards

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