Maybe this mail helps you:

El 07/01/14 06:21, Kirk Kosinski escribió:
Hi, the API command only supports XenServer hosts.  For KVM and vSphere
hosts you need to modify the database directly.  It is partially
documented and this bug has the needed details:


Best regards,

On 01/06/2014 07:15 AM, Carlos Miranda Molina (Mstaaravin) wrote:
Someone know how change host password in Cloudstack..?

With cloudmonkey does not work

update hostpassword clusterid=de88338c-9ed4-4e84-9659-c6ef477de40b
hostid=106e381f-7d21-44a3-b897-b8b1a7474133 username=root
: This operation is not supported for this hypervisor type

(i'm using KVM as a hypervisor)

I find in table host_details

mysql> select * from host_details where host_id=73;
| id     | host_id | name                                               |
value                            |
| 225405 |      73 | com.cloud.network.Networks.RouterPrivateIpStrategy |
HostLocal                        |
| 225403 |      73 | Host.OS                                            |
CentOS                           |
| 225402 |      73 | Host.OS.Kernel.Version                             |
2.6.32-431.    |
| 225404 |      73 | Host.OS.Version                                    |
6.5                              |
| 225411 |      73 | password                                           |
w4Ou/etXfInGh+1T3mVj/W+fE4QG5Ock |
| 225408 |      73 | username                                           |
root                             |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Counting password characters i think is encrypted with MD5 but is not.

Can anyone help me please...?


Fernando Guillén Camba
Unidade de Xestión de Infraestruturas TIC
Centro de Investigación en Tecnoloxías da Información (CITIUS)
Teléfono: 8818 16409
Correo: citius....@usc.es

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