Well, I wrote that library so I’m using it. :)

I will try to make that library more agnostic to packer, that the plugin will 
be in a more releasable state. We are testing a version of packer with 
cloudstack support internally at work. That moving target is here: 

// peter  

On Tuesday 21 January 2014 at 10:36, Prasanna Santhanam wrote:

> On Tue, Jan 21, 2014 at 10:29:35AM +0100, sebgoa wrote:
> >  
> > On Jan 21, 2014, at 10:01 AM, Peter J?nsson <peter.jons...@klarna.com 
> > (mailto:peter.jons...@klarna.com)> wrote:
> >  
> > > Hi!
> > >  
> > > I have been working on adding support for Cloudstack in packer.io 
> > > (http://packer.io). This way it is simple to create either new templates 
> > > from scratch or update an existing template. For creating the initial 
> > > template from scratch we have a custom iPXE ISO that will fetch the 
> > > iPXE-script via userdata, boot kernel+initrd and finally perform a 
> > > kickstart installation (we use centos).
> > >  
> > > So the no more manual intervention to upload ISOs, select options in 
> > > installer, stop the VM and finally create the template. Everything is 
> > > automated.
> > >  
> > > Plan is to upstream this to packer proper or release it as a independent 
> > > plugin. Currently the code need some cleanup.  
> >  
> > That's terrific Peter, I am trying to wrap my mind around packer
> > these days, so it would be great to see a CloudStack plugin.
> +1 - looking forward to a packer plugin for cloudstack! If possible,
> reuse the goclient that is already available to communicate via packer - 
> https://github.com/mindjiver/gopherstack
> Happy to help with bugfixes etc!
> --  
> Prasanna.,
> ------------------------
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