On 18.03.2014 04:51, Bjoern Teipel wrote:
Hi admins,

do you want to share what kind of storage you use in connection for CSTK
4.2.1 ?
I guess most of you is using NFS but myself is forced to use CLVM since I have a iscsi flash based storage system available. This is also the reason why I contact you, I personally find CLVM clunky, error prone and dead lock heavy. Who is using CLVM in production and what kind of cluster config do
you use ?
I'm still trying to find out if I don't switch to NFS to avoid all upcoming
CLVM and ldm locking issues.
Maybe some of you are using OCFS, which I used few years ago with limited



I do not use CLVM in production (yet), but tests faired well (CentOS 6.5, 2 nodes). If you want to use SAN with KVM I'm afraid it's about the only reasonable option. GFS2 is slow, OCFS is slow and hard to get (unless you use Oracle's distro), both introduce a lot of complexity. CLVM is also what XenServer is using behind the scenes when you add "SAN" storage to it, AFAIK. Here's my 2 node cluster.conf, not much fencing so don't use in production:

Check also https://access.redhat.com/site/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/6/html/Cluster_Administration/s1-creating-cluster-cli-CA.html

Personally I will start production with local storage and take it from there. Also, there is support for CEPH and starting with 4.4 (so later this year) there will native GlusterFS support in ACS.


Sent from the Delta quadrant using Borg technology!


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