
I patched my library to support ignoring the certificate chain. If you do a

$ make get-ups
$ make

in the packer-directory you should get the latest version. Then you need to set 
the following value in the *.json-file:

insecure_skip_verify = true

Note: I haven’t tested this yet, but it _should_ work. 

If you like we can move the discussion off the list as well :)

// peter

On 1 Apr 2014 at 00:35:51, Erik Weber (terbol...@gmail.com) wrote:


Initial testing gives me a SSL verification error. I have no idea on how to  
manipulate the Go CA store, any chance for an option to make it ignore  

Can post the exact error tomorrow.  

Erik Weber  

On Mon, Mar 31, 2014 at 9:41 PM, Peter Jönsson <peter.jons...@klarna.com>wrote: 

> Hi all!  
> Sorry for resurrecting this ancient thread. My pull request for packer has  
> been lingering a quite some time now. It would be great if the Cloudstack  
> community could help out with testing a bit more. This however requires  
> that you install go and build a customer packer-version off the  
> pull-request from github. Note that this requires golang 1.2, git, hg and  
> bzr installed. You should be able to do that using your OS packager  
> (yum,apt-get, brew, etc). When you have those tools installed the following  
> commands you get you going:  
> export GOPATH=$HOME/go  
> export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$PATH  
> mkdir -p $GOPATH  
> go get github.com/mitchellh/packer # build download, build and install the  
> master version of packer into $GOPATH/bin  
> cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/mitchellh/packer/  
> git fetch origin refs/pull/922/head && git checkout FETCH_HEAD # will  
> download the HEAD of the latest version of pull request and check it out  
> make # will compile packer with cloudstack support and install into  
> $GOPATH/bin  
> When building templates it's a good idea to set the PACKER_LOG variable (to  
> anything expect an empty string) to see the actual printouts. This will  
> help in debugging any eventual problems/bugs. I'll send some examples of  
> configuration json-files tomorrow.  
> Thanks :)  
> // peter  
> On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 11:54 PM, Brian Galura <brian.gal...@citrix.com  
> >wrote:  
> > It's great to see progress in adding support to Packer I will test it as  
> > soon as it's available.  
> >  
> > But what do people do today? Is there a way to convert an ovf to vhd for  
> > example? I would be surprised if everyone creates templates by hand.  
> >  
> >  
> > Sent from Citrix WorxMail for iPhone  
> >  
> >  
> > ________________________________  
> >  
> > From: Peter Jönsson <peter.jons...@klarna.com>  
> > Date: 2014-01-25 09:43:55 +0000  
> > To: users@cloudstack.apache.org <users@cloudstack.apache.org>,  
> > peter.joens...@gmail.com <peter.joens...@gmail.com>,  
> > users@cloudstack.apache.org <users@cloudstack.apache.org>  
> > Subject: Re: packer for building cloudstack templates  
> >  
> > Hi!  
> >  
> > As my library for talking to cloudstack (gopherstack) wasn't ideal I have  
> > been waiting for a new variant. It was release yesterday:  
> > https://github.com/svanharmelen/gocs .  
> >  
> > I will take a look at this library and perhaps, if it is good, port over  
> > my updates to packer to talk to this library. Then hopefully I can clean  
> up  
> > my changes and send a pull request to upstream packer.  
> >  
> > In general the approach we take for templates is to built them from  
> > scratch. That means PXE booting the instance, downloading kernel/initrd  
> > from a net boot server, then finally starting the OS-installation through  
> > kickstart. With packer this can be 100% automated via a special iPXE-ISO  
> > which will chain load off the user data attached to the VM instance.  
> >  
> > - Build custom iPXE with simple embedded boot script:  
> >  
> > #!pxe  
> > dhcp  
> > chain http://${dhcp-server}/latest/userdata  
> >  
> > - Boot up VM with user data attached with enough information to continue  
> > the boot, e.g.  
> >  
> > "#!ipxe\nkernel http://netboot/centos/6.3/x86_64/vmlinuz ks=  
> > http://netboot/ks.cfg\ninitrd  
> > http://netboot/centos/6.3/x86_64/initrd.img\nboot";  
> >  
> > - After kickstart is completed we reboot the instance and continue  
> setting  
> > it up using packer provisioning scripts.  
> >  
> > Things become slightly easier when only performing incremental template  
> > updates. But then someone need to create the initial template of course.  
> >  
> > // Peter  
> >  
> >  
> > On Saturday 25 January 2014 at 09:38, Prasanna Santhanam wrote:  
> >  
> > > On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 03:43:07AM +0000, Brian Galura wrote:  
> > > > At my company we use packer to build ec2 images and really like it.  
> > > > I would like to use it for cloudstack also.  
> > > >  
> > > > I found this: https://github.com/vogxn/packer-builtin  
> > > >  
> > > > Which appears to be a centos6 image builder for cloudstack but it  
> > > > lacks instructions to convert the resultant image into something I  
> > > > can import to cloudstack.  
> > > >  
> > > > Has anyone successfully done this?  
> > > >  
> > > > How do you build cloudstack templates?  
> > >  
> > > Hi Brian,  
> > >  
> > > That repo only contains a test builtin I was trying to build using  
> > > packer. Peter Jonsson is working on a cloudstack builder for packer  
> > > and announced about this last week.  
> > >  
> > > Peter's repo is here:  
> > > https://github.com/mindjiver/packer  
> > >  
> > > You will need go to run the packer src and setup the cloudstack  
> > > builder  
> > >  
> > > $ make updatedeps  
> > > $ make  
> > >  
> > > --  
> > > Prasanna.,  
> > >  
> > > ------------------------  
> > > Powered by BigRock.com (http://BigRock.com)  
> >  
> >  
> >  
> >  

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