I met your situation before. Finally I rolled back to 4.2

On 29/04/14 04:18 PM, Ian Young wrote:
I destroyed the old virtual router and was able to create a new one by
adding a new instance.  However, this new router also failed to start,
citing the same error.  After that, the expungement delay elapsed and the
virtual router was expunged, so now I have none.

On Mon, Apr 28, 2014 at 8:52 PM, Ian Young <iyo...@ratespecial.com> wrote:

I upgraded from 4.2.1 to 4.3.0 tonight, following the instructions here:


At the last step, I tried to restart the system VMs.  The virtual router
failed to start.  Here is the message that was displayed in the web UI:

Resource [Host:1] is unreachable: Host 1: Unable to start instance due to
Unable to start VM[DomainRouter|r-4-VM] due to error in finalizeStart, not

I tried running the script to restart the VMs but this time it failed to
start the console proxy:

[root@virthost1 ~]$ cloudstack-sysvmadm -d -u cloud -p -a

Stopping and starting 1 secondary storage vm(s)...
Done stopping and starting secondary storage vm(s)

Stopping and starting 1 console proxy vm(s)...
ERROR: Failed to start console proxy vm with id 2

Done stopping and starting console proxy vm(s) .

Stopping and starting 0 running routing vm(s)...

Is there a way to wipe the system VMs out and start over?

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