Just to be sure, could you paste the contents of /etc/cloudstack-release on
the VPC VR?

Also, could you restart the VPC VR and put the contents of management
server log and agent log on pastebin?


On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 8:57 AM, Vadim Kimlaychuk <vadim.kimlayc...@elion.ee
> wrote:

> Hello,
>         Have invetstigated problem deep into source code and it seems
> VirtualRoutingResource. generateConfig(IpAssocCommand cmd) is a part of the
> problem.  From management log I have this string on input:
> {"com.cloud.agent.api.routing.IpAssocVpcCommand":{"ipAddresses":[{"accountId":2,"publicIp":"","sourceNat":true,"add":true,"oneToOneNat":false,"firstIP":false,"broadcastUri":"vlan://200","vlanGateway":"","vlanNetmask":"","vifMacAddress":"06:36:f0:00:01:5b","networkRate":200,"trafficType":"Public","networkName":"cloudbr0","newNic":false}],"accessDetails":{"zone.network.type":"Advanced","
> router.name
> ":"r-19-VM","router.ip":"","router.guest.ip":""},"wait":0}}
>         As a result I still have :
>         vpc_ipassoc.sh:Waiting for interface ethnull to appear
>         "Null" is getting from JAVA:
>         String nicName = "eth" + ip.getNicDevId();
>         "Nics" table at database contains this data (semicolon separated):
> 9;1981b9af-7c59-4b0a-a7ce-0613dd6968ba;3;06:16:c8:00:00:5e;;;;;vlan://200;200;Static;Reserved;Managed;PublicNetworkGuru;;1;13.08.2014
> 21:05:45;vlan://200;;1;DomainRouter;19.08.2014 13:24:28;;;;0;true
>         So, as you see nic device id is = 1.  Can't still understand why
> it is getting NULL for the number-type element?
>         Thank you for help,
> Vadim.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Amin Samir [mailto:a...@opencloud.net.au]
> Sent: Monday, August 18, 2014 4:38 AM
> To: users@cloudstack.apache.org
> Subject: RE: Virtual router interfaces. Problem with public address
> Hi Vadim,
> That also explains that the VR does not establish VPN site2site, if
> someone can help with this issue, it would be much appreciated
> Kind Regards
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vadim Kimlaychuk [mailto:vadim.kimlayc...@elion.ee]
> Sent: Friday, 15 August 2014 6:04 PM
> To: users@cloudstack.apache.org<mailto:users@cloudstack.apache.org>
> Subject: Virtual router interfaces. Problem with public address
> Hi all,
>             Have fresh install of CS4.4. Andvanced netwrok, KVM
> hypervisor. No problems with SSVM and Console proxy.
>             When I define VPC -- virtual router VM is registered and
> management console shows IP assigned to VM correctly. Ie.
> Public IP Address:  (cloud is inside corporate net, so it
> is external IP)
> Guest IP Address:
> Link Local IP Address: 
>             But when I log in ito VR and run ifconfig I see this picture:
> eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 0e:00:a9:fe:02:1e
>           inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
>             ………………
> eth2      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 02:00:09:cb:00:02
>           inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
> ………………
> lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
>             eth1 interface is missing.
>             /var/log/messages on VR shows this:
> Aug 15 08:49:29 r-17-VM cloud: vpc_ipassoc.sh:Waiting for interface
> ethnull to appear, 14 seconds Aug 15 08:49:30 r-17-VM cloud:
> vpc_ipassoc.sh:Waiting for interface ethnull to appear, 15 seconds Aug 15
> 08:49:31 r-17-VM cloud: vpc_ipassoc.sh:Waiting for interface ethnull to
> appear, 16 seconds Aug 15 08:49:32 r-17-VM cloud: vpc_ipassoc.sh:interface
> ethnull never appeared Aug 15 08:49:32 r-17-VM cloud: vpc_ipassoc.sh:Adding
> ip on interface ethnull Aug 15 08:49:32 r-17-VM cloud:
> vpc_ipassoc.sh:Add routing on interface ethnull Aug 15 08:49:32
> r-17-VM cloud: vpc_privateGateway.sh:Added SourceNAT on
> interface ethnull Aug 15 08:49:32 r-17-VM cloud: vpc_snat.sh:Added
> SourceNAT on interface eth2
>             It is obviously „null“ somewhere where eth1 is defined. But I
> don’t know where to search??  Can you give me a hint?
> Thank you,
> Vadim Kimlaychuk

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