Hi Erik,

        Here they are :
1.      root@r-3-VM:~# cat /etc/cloudstack-release
      Cloudstack Release 4.4.0 Wed Jul 30 15:11:52 UTC 2014
2.      agent.log at KVM host did not get any data to log.
3.      security_group.log has this information:  http://pastebin.com/T3dXpV85
4.      management-server.log:  http://pastebin.com/LAjjAWGk

        VR restart happens between 12:02 to 12:04.

Thank you,


-----Original Message-----
From: Erik Weber [mailto:terbol...@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, August 21, 2014 10:18 AM
To: users@cloudstack.apache.org
Subject: Re: Virtual router interfaces. Problem with public address

Just to be sure, could you paste the contents of /etc/cloudstack-release on the 

Also, could you restart the VPC VR and put the contents of management server 
log and agent log on pastebin?


On Thu, Aug 21, 2014 at 8:57 AM, Vadim Kimlaychuk <vadim.kimlayc...@elion.ee
> wrote:

> Hello,
>         Have invetstigated problem deep into source code and it seems
> VirtualRoutingResource. generateConfig(IpAssocCommand cmd) is a part of the
> problem.  From management log I have this string on input:
> {"com.cloud.agent.api.routing.IpAssocVpcCommand":{"ipAddresses":[{"accountId":2,"publicIp":"","sourceNat":true,"add":true,"oneToOneNat":false,"firstIP":false,"broadcastUri":"vlan://200","vlanGateway":"","vlanNetmask":"","vifMacAddress":"06:36:f0:00:01:5b","networkRate":200,"trafficType":"Public","networkName":"cloudbr0","newNic":false}],"accessDetails":{"zone.network.type":"Advanced","
> router.name
> ":"r-19-VM","router.ip":"","router.guest.ip":""},"wait":0}}
>         As a result I still have :
>         vpc_ipassoc.sh:Waiting for interface ethnull to appear
>         "Null" is getting from JAVA:
>         String nicName = "eth" + ip.getNicDevId();
>         "Nics" table at database contains this data (semicolon separated):
> 9;1981b9af-7c59-4b0a-a7ce-0613dd6968ba;3;06:16:c8:00:00:5e;;;;;vlan://200;200;Static;Reserved;Managed;PublicNetworkGuru;;1;13.08.2014
> 21:05:45;vlan://200;;1;DomainRouter;19.08.2014 13:24:28;;;;0;true
>         So, as you see nic device id is = 1.  Can't still understand why
> it is getting NULL for the number-type element?
>         Thank you for help,
> Vadim.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Amin Samir [mailto:a...@opencloud.net.au]
> Sent: Monday, August 18, 2014 4:38 AM
> To: users@cloudstack.apache.org<mailto:users@cloudstack.apache.org>
> Subject: RE: Virtual router interfaces. Problem with public address
> Hi Vadim,
> That also explains that the VR does not establish VPN site2site, if
> someone can help with this issue, it would be much appreciated
> Kind Regards
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vadim Kimlaychuk [mailto:vadim.kimlayc...@elion.ee]
> Sent: Friday, 15 August 2014 6:04 PM
> To: 
> users@cloudstack.apache.org<mailto:users@cloudstack.apache.org<mailto:users@cloudstack.apache.org<mailto:users@cloudstack.apache.org>>
> Subject: Virtual router interfaces. Problem with public address
> Hi all,
>             Have fresh install of CS4.4. Andvanced netwrok, KVM
> hypervisor. No problems with SSVM and Console proxy.
>             When I define VPC -- virtual router VM is registered and
> management console shows IP assigned to VM correctly. Ie.
> Public IP Address:  (cloud is inside corporate net, so it
> is external IP)
> Guest IP Address:
> Link Local IP Address: 
>             But when I log in ito VR and run ifconfig I see this picture:
> eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 0e:00:a9:fe:02:1e
>           inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
>             ………………
> eth2      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 02:00:09:cb:00:02
>           inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
> ………………
> lo        Link encap:Local Loopback
>             eth1 interface is missing.
>             /var/log/messages on VR shows this:
> Aug 15 08:49:29 r-17-VM cloud: vpc_ipassoc.sh:Waiting for interface
> ethnull to appear, 14 seconds Aug 15 08:49:30 r-17-VM cloud:
> vpc_ipassoc.sh:Waiting for interface ethnull to appear, 15 seconds Aug 15
> 08:49:31 r-17-VM cloud: vpc_ipassoc.sh:Waiting for interface ethnull to
> appear, 16 seconds Aug 15 08:49:32 r-17-VM cloud: vpc_ipassoc.sh:interface
> ethnull never appeared Aug 15 08:49:32 r-17-VM cloud: vpc_ipassoc.sh:Adding
> ip on interface ethnull Aug 15 08:49:32 r-17-VM cloud:
> vpc_ipassoc.sh:Add routing on interface ethnull Aug 15 08:49:32
> r-17-VM cloud: vpc_privateGateway.sh:Added SourceNAT on
> interface ethnull Aug 15 08:49:32 r-17-VM cloud: vpc_snat.sh:Added
> SourceNAT on interface eth2
>             It is obviously „null“ somewhere where eth1 is defined. But I
> don’t know where to search??  Can you give me a hint?
> Thank you,
> Vadim Kimlaychuk

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