Nice going guys.  One of the reasons we're using CS at moment is the ease
of deployment (at least with a basic zone).  On the other hand we note that
we need an addon to do things like service catalogs, metering and
charging.  Though the APIs make it possible to develop such portals would
like to see a module in the UI allowing for creation of catalogs and
display of metering output.


On 18 September 2014 01:02, Fernandez, H.J. <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I’ll personally improve monitoring and autoscalability, I believe both
> systems can be adapted to today’s requirements bringing more accurate
> results and user-experience. Inline with this proposal, I’d also address
> the same issues taking into account a new virtualization layer, the LXC
> containers (explicitly with support for Docker or not).
> Thanks.
> Hector
> Software Engineer
> Linkedin:<
> Twitter:<>
> On Sep 17, 2014, at 7:02 AM, John Kinsella <<mailto:
>>> wrote:
> I love seeing thoughts/actions around organizing.
> but… (Rohit, you keep doing good stuff and I keep popping up to be
> negative, sorry :) )
> Can we do this within the ASF infrastructure? Trello is cool (I’ve used it
> internally in the past) but can’t we do this on a Confluence page? This
> allows folks to use existing ASF credentials to be part of the party.  If
> there’s major reasons (usability or otherwise) that we can’t, let us know
> them. I know at least Rohit likes the cool new toys (not meant in a bad
> way) and that ASF usually won’t have the cool new toys (also not meant in a
> bad way) but I think we’ll benefit from building our sand castles within
> the existing sandbox…
> That said…
> ACS demo appliance - let’s chat on this one, I’ve got the basics in place
> I’ve been slowly gearing to
> push that to
> “Aim for stable master” gives me a really big :( but I get it.
> Under Development column, what’s “ET” ?
> VM importer shouldn’t be in development - this needs to be in production
> releases.
> Would like to see an expansion on “developer dogfooding” - e.g. develop
> within ACS VMs, or??
> Keep running with this - I’d just rather see it happening on existing
> "old-school" technology that Rohit doesn’t like ;)
> John
> Also, I believe we have a Jira Aglie license, so if we really want to go
> down this path we can create agile/kanban stories/epics and do that whole
> thing.
> On Sep 16, 2014, at 3:55 PM, Outback Dingo <<mailto:
>>> wrote:
> Some of us would love to contribute, yet don't feel the requirement to
> sign-up for "sites" to simply post their feelings.
> That being said... heres mine.... in public...... remove the "dependency"
> on NFS as primary/secondary.... allow
> for more configurable storage options. Its one of the reasons why we
> dropped cloudstack. That and certain networking
> configuration requirements didn't fit our network topology.
> On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 2:51 AM, Mike Tutkowski <
><>> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> First: Thanks to Rohit and Daan for working on this.
> Next: Definitely feel free to e-mail ideas privately; however, I'd like to
> especially encourage people to make their ideas known publicly, if you feel
> comfortable doing this. Doing it publicly might make it easier for us as a
> community to brainstorm the ideas and play around with taking them in
> different directions.
> Thanks!
> Mike
> On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 3:08 AM, Rohit Yadav <
> <>>
> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> Some of us are in Amsterdam and discussing various things we want to do
> for the project. I’ve aggregated some of them on a Trello board here:
> Please share your ideas, publicly or private to me; I’ll add them on the
> board. Our main focus right now is testing, release quality and aligning
> efforts.
> We’re now able to run simulator tests on TravisCI for 4.4 and master
> branches:
> Some of us are also experimenting with Github pull requests and we
> already
> see that it’s encouraging to get TravisCI verify them.
> Regards,
> Rohit Yadav
> Software Architect, ShapeBlue
> M. +41 779015219 |<mailto:
> Blog:<> | Twitter: @_bhaisaab
> Find out more about ShapeBlue and our range of CloudStack related
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> --
> *Mike Tutkowski*
> *Senior CloudStack Developer, SolidFire Inc.*
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