Just some final feedback on the setup I had.

I have an installation up and running since about a week ago. A number of
remarks I got from Sebastien allowed me to put things in perspective
(especially when trying to get the network configured). All in all, a
pretty standard configuration seems to be working for me (environment where
the VMs are directly accessible on the same network as the host), mainly
for streaming (multicast) testing.

The main problems I had were:

1. Running it on GNU/Debian is not really a problem, but due to an in
complete dependency in the package (entered a bug for that one); a binary
was not present and that caused a bit of a problem. I assume that the
binary gets pulled in in Ubuntu in some other way if no-one had a problem
with that one. Adding a dependency should fix the problem just fine with no
side effects. Even though the package is to my knowledge not in Debian, it
is pretty easy enough to pull it in from Ubuntu and install it (at the very
least, a user will get a heads up about the missing program (script btw)).

2. A reset of the installation is tricky to do and is not offered (to my
knowledge) in the system itself. This caused me to use a purge script to
clear the data bases and reset the system. On top of that (and that one is
on me); I forgot to change a password in the script that made my system
even more corrupt than it was. Finally; it was a remark of Daan that
pointed out the problem to me (not the root cause, but once I noticed the
inconsistency in the DB Daan pointed out, it was pretty clear what could
have been the culprit).

mleeman@zee:~$ cat bin/cloudstack-reset.sh

/etc/init.d/cloudstack-management stop
mysql -p<my-sql-password> -e 'drop database cloud'
mysql -p<my-sql-password> -e 'drop database cloud_usage'

cloudstack-setup-databases cloud:<another-password>@localhost
rm -rf /var/log/cloud/management/*
/etc/init.d/cloudstack-management start

3. What really caused a problem and confusion is that I was not aware that,
during the installation part of the install is downloaded. That in itself
is not a problem; but the combination that there is no feedback on this
process AND that my system is in an environment where the use of a proxy is
mandatory; let the install fail silently...

After someone dropped a remark on the 'download during install'; I pieced
it together and started logging in to the systems and by setting the
http_proxy environment variable, I got everything up and running.

Thanks for all the pointers, the help and the patience!

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