
Below is the partial MS log. I have marked couple parts in bold. Might be
dumb but my first thought was maybe iptables is causing it, yet I have no
good explanations for it.

2015-02-02 13:17:14,152 WARN  [o.a.c.alerts]
(Work-Job-Executor-24:ctx-114e980e job-244/job-245 ctx-405a7c78)
alertType:: 9 // dataCenterId:: 1 // podId:: 1 // clusterId:: null //
message:: Command: failed while
starting virtual router
2015-02-02 13:17:14,233 WARN  [c.c.n.r.VirtualNetworkApplianceManagerImpl]
(Work-Job-Executor-24:ctx-114e980e job-244/job-245 ctx-405a7c78) Command: failed while starting virtual
2015-02-02 13:17:49,620 WARN  [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobMonitor]
(Timer-1:ctx-3041bbe4) Task (job-244) has been pending for 1134 seconds
2015-02-02 13:17:49,620 WARN  [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobMonitor]
(Timer-1:ctx-3041bbe4) Task (job-245) has been pending for 1133 seconds
2015-02-02 13:18:49,620 WARN  [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobMonitor]
(Timer-1:ctx-526a6af6) Task (job-244) has been pending for 1194 seconds
2015-02-02 13:18:49,620 WARN  [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobMonitor]
(Timer-1:ctx-526a6af6) Task (job-245) has been pending for 1193 seconds
2015-02-02 13:19:16,969 ERROR [c.c.v.VirtualMachineManagerImpl]
(Work-Job-Executor-24:ctx-114e980e job-244/job-245 ctx-405a7c78) Failed to
start instance VM[DomainRouter|r-29-VM] Unable to start
VM[DomainRouter|r-29-VM] due to error in finalizeStart, not retrying
2015-02-02 13:19:17,518 DEBUG [c.c.c.CapacityManagerImpl]
(Work-Job-Executor-24:ctx-114e980e job-244/job-245 ctx-405a7c78) VM state
transitted from :Starting to Stopped with event: OperationFailedvm's
original host id: null new host id: null host id before state transition: 1
2015-02-02 13:19:17,585 ERROR [c.c.v.VmWorkJobHandlerProxy]
(Work-Job-Executor-24:ctx-114e980e job-244/job-245 ctx-405a7c78) Invocation
exception, caused by:
Resource [Host:1] is unreachable: Host 1: Unable to start instance due to
Unable to start VM[DomainRouter|r-29-VM] due to error in finalizeStart, not
2015-02-02 13:19:17,585 INFO  [c.c.v.VmWorkJobHandlerProxy]
(Work-Job-Executor-24:ctx-114e980e job-244/job-245 ctx-405a7c78) Rethrow
exception Resource [Host:1]
is unreachable: Host 1: Unable to start instance due to Unable to start
VM[DomainRouter|r-29-VM] due to error in finalizeStart, not retrying
2015-02-02 13:19:17,586 ERROR [c.c.v.VmWorkJobDispatcher]
(Work-Job-Executor-24:ctx-114e980e job-244/job-245) Unable to complete
AsyncJobVO {id:245, userId: 2, accountId: 2, instanceType: null,
instanceId: null, cmd:, cmdInfo:
cmdVersion: 0, status: IN_PROGRESS, processStatus: 0, resultCode: 0,
result: null, initMsid: 161333667508, completeMsid: null, lastUpdated:
null, lastPolled: null, created: Mon Feb 02 12:58:55 EST 2015}, job

* Resource [Host:1] is
unreachable: Host 1: Unable to start instance due to Unable to start
VM[DomainRouter|r-29-VM] due to error in finalizeStart, not retryingCaused
by: Unable to start
VM[DomainRouter|r-29-VM] due to error in finalizeStart, not retrying*

2015-02-02 13:19:17,930 WARN  [o.a.c.e.o.NetworkOrchestrator]
(API-Job-Executor-16:ctx-0dfa85ec job-244 ctx-2d8a3616) Failed to implement
network Ntwk[f3a318a2-d6f0-4fcb-be94-4e4586cc20a3|Guest|7] elements and
resources as a part of network restart due to
java.lang.RuntimeException: *Job failed due to exception Resource [Host:1]
is unreachable: Host 1: Unable to start instance due to Unable to start
VM[DomainRouter|r-29-VM] due to error in finalizeStart, not retrying*
2015-02-02 13:19:17,930 WARN  [c.c.n.NetworkServiceImpl]
(API-Job-Executor-16:ctx-0dfa85ec job-244 ctx-2d8a3616) Network id=207
failed to restart.
2015-02-02 13:19:18,135 DEBUG [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl]
(API-Job-Executor-16:ctx-0dfa85ec job-244) Complete async job-244,
jobStatus: FAILED, resultCode: 530, result:
to restart network"}
2015-02-02 13:23:18,345 WARN  [c.c.a.d.ParamGenericValidationWorker]
(catalina-exec-19:ctx-b153f3e0 ctx-d5075366) Received unknown parameters
for command listNetworks. Unknown parameters : details

On Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 2:19 PM, Andrei Mikhailovsky <>

> Mohammad, what does the management server log say when you try to start
> VRs? It should have the clue why it is not starting
> Andrei
> ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Mohammad Rastgoo" <>
> > To:
> > Sent: Monday, 2 February, 2015 6:06:41 PM
> > Subject: Virtual Routers not starting up after host restart
> > Hi,
> > Thanks for reading this.
> > I have this setup:
> > server 1: MS + DB
> > server 2: secondary storage NFS
> > server 3: kvm - local primary
> > (all centos 6.6)
> > net1: isolated network
> > net2: shared network (public ip)
> > Here are the steps I took:
> > 1- stopped all VMs
> > 2- stopped system VMs (not VRs)
> > 3- yum updated glibc + reboot on all servers
> > Now here is the situation, net2 has remained in setup state and net1
> > on
> > allocated.
> > sys VMs are back on. VRs are at starting and then stopped.
> > so far, I have deleted VRs and restarted networks + clean up. no
> > luck.
> > has anyone encountered the same problem? am I missing anything here?
> > Any help is highly appreciated. Tnx
> > --
> > Mohammad Rastgoo

Mohammad Rastgoo
Founder & CEO

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