Do you see any stock jobs?

On 2/2/15 10:06 AM, Mohammad Rastgoo wrote:

Thanks for reading this.

I have this setup:
server 1: MS + DB
server 2: secondary storage NFS
server 3: kvm - local primary
(all centos 6.6)
net1: isolated network
net2: shared network (public ip)

Here are the steps I took:

1- stopped all VMs
2- stopped system VMs (not VRs)
3- yum updated glibc + reboot on all servers

Now here is the situation, net2 has remained in setup state and net1 on

sys VMs are back on. VRs are at starting and then stopped.

so far, I have deleted VRs and restarted networks + clean up. no luck.

has anyone encountered the same problem? am I missing anything here?

Any help is highly appreciated. Tnx

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