Hi There,

I'm not sure if this is currently possible for existing root disks. Perhaps
someone else can advise if it is?

I believe there has been some recent work to allow the size of the root
volume to be increased when an instance is deployed however.

Take a look at:


And the rootdisksize parameter.

I think this is only available through the api (and hence via cloudmonkey)
at the moment.


On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 6:40 AM, Sonali Jadhav <son...@servercentralen.se>

> Hi,
> Why it's not possible to expand root disk type ? I am using ACS 4.5.1
> I have one windows vm, It has only one disk and I need to expand same.
> I am using xenservers, I can expand disk from xencenter, but not from cs.
> I am Curious to know why.
> /sonali

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