Thanks John  for that initiative.

Good idea to start organizing teams and topics since we won't have much
time on site. As Will said the main theme would be around CI, and we are
working to get enought hardware and ressource so all teams could have their
own setup...



On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 12:02 PM, Will Stevens <>

> Hey John,
> Thanks for the initiative.  We will be focusing the hackathon mainly
> around testing.  I will be setting up full environments for the teams to
> work with and those details will be made available on the day of the
> hackathon.
> I think it is a good idea to have a general theme for the hackathon to
> help focus us on getting actionable work done.
> I like the idea of having topics submitted early and teams getting
> organized prior to the actual hackathon.
> Cheers,
> Will
> On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 10:23 AM, John Burwell <>
> wrote:
>> All,
>> In advance of the CCNA16 Hackathon on Wednesday, 1 June 2016, it seems
>> like it would be wise to organize the topics which people are interested in
>> addressing.  My thought is anyone may suggest a topic and/or register their
>> interest in a topic.  Also, since there will likely be a number of people
>> unable to physically attend, we can create a Google Hangout for each
>> group.  Hopefully, by organizing the topics in advance and broadcasting our
>> work, we can further extend participation across the community.
>> To begin organizing topics, I have created a public Google Spreadsheet
>> [1] with columns for group name, organizer/proposer,  interested
>> participants, and a Hangout URL.  If you would like to propose a topic,
>> create a new row with the name of the group, your name and email, and a
>> Hangout URL (instructions[2]).  If you are interested in one or more
>> topics, please add your name and email to the row.  I would also like to
>> propose that we record the Hangout sessions (upload location TBD), and that
>> the organizer of the topic report any results of their efforts with a URL
>> of the recording back to dev@.
>> Finally, I have included users@ and marketing@ as they may also wish to
>> participate.
>> Thanks,
>> -John
>> [1]:
>> [2]:
>> @shapeblue

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