I am setting up and advance Installation of CloudStack and I wonder if some of 
you can guide me with this or any advice.
This is a configuration for Cloudstack with XenServer
Cisco switch 35601 server or VM's 4 nics, bounded in pairs LACP1 server for CS 
Manager 2 nics1 server for Storage 4 nics, bounded in pars LACP
I am planing to use 4 VLANS
Public Vlan: ISP ip'sStorage Vlan: Management Vlan: 
Server running VM's: nic 1: communicating with storage, nic2: communicating 
with CSManagerCS Manager: nic1: communicating with storage, nic2: to access 
CSManagerStorage Server: nic1: for storage communication, nic2: communicating 
with CSManager.
Is this approach correct or not?
Thank you for your help in advance.

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