I just restarted cloudstack-management hoping that would flush the avoid set.

2017-06-26 08:51:21,946 DEBUG [c.c.a.m.a.i.FirstFitAllocator] 
(Work-Job-Executor-4:ctx-17e6813f job-588/job-183327 ctx-a59fc211 
FirstFitRoutingAllocator) Found a suitable host, adding to list: 19
2017-06-26 08:51:21,946 DEBUG [c.c.a.m.a.i.FirstFitAllocator] 
(Work-Job-Executor-4:ctx-17e6813f job-588/job-183327 ctx-a59fc211 
FirstFitRoutingAllocator) Host Allocator returning 2 suitable hosts
2017-06-26 08:51:21,947 DEBUG [c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl] 
(Work-Job-Executor-4:ctx-17e6813f job-588/job-183327 ctx-a59fc211) Checking 
suitable pools for volume (Id, Type): (34464,ROOT)
2017-06-26 08:51:21,947 DEBUG [c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl] 
(Work-Job-Executor-4:ctx-17e6813f job-588/job-183327 ctx-a59fc211) We need to 
allocate new storagepool for this volume
2017-06-26 08:51:21,948 DEBUG [c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl] 
(Work-Job-Executor-4:ctx-17e6813f job-588/job-183327 ctx-a59fc211) Calling 
StoragePoolAllocators to find suitable pools
2017-06-26 08:51:21,949 DEBUG [o.a.c.s.a.LocalStoragePoolAllocator] 
(Work-Job-Executor-4:ctx-17e6813f job-588/job-183327 ctx-a59fc211) 
LocalStoragePoolAllocator trying to find storage pool to fit the vm
2017-06-26 08:51:21,949 DEBUG [o.a.c.s.a.ClusterScopeStoragePoolAllocator] 
(Work-Job-Executor-4:ctx-17e6813f job-588/job-183327 ctx-a59fc211) 
ClusterScopeStoragePoolAllocator looking for storage pool
2017-06-26 08:51:21,949 DEBUG [o.a.c.s.a.ClusterScopeStoragePoolAllocator] 
(Work-Job-Executor-4:ctx-17e6813f job-588/job-183327 ctx-a59fc211) Looking for 
pools in dc: 1  pod:1  cluster:1
2017-06-26 08:51:21,950 DEBUG [o.a.c.s.a.ClusterScopeStoragePoolAllocator] 
(Work-Job-Executor-4:ctx-17e6813f job-588/job-183327 ctx-a59fc211) Found pools 
matching tags: [Pool[5|PreSetup], Pool[6|PreSetup], Pool[7|PreSetup], 
2017-06-26 08:51:21,952 DEBUG [o.a.c.s.a.AbstractStoragePoolAllocator] 
(Work-Job-Executor-4:ctx-17e6813f job-588/job-183327 ctx-a59fc211) Checking if 
storage pool is suitable, name: null ,poolId: 5
2017-06-26 08:51:21,952 DEBUG [o.a.c.s.a.AbstractStoragePoolAllocator] 
(Work-Job-Executor-4:ctx-17e6813f job-588/job-183327 ctx-a59fc211) StoragePool 
is in avoid set, skipping this pool
2017-06-26 08:51:21,953 DEBUG [o.a.c.s.a.AbstractStoragePoolAllocator] 
(Work-Job-Executor-4:ctx-17e6813f job-588/job-183327 ctx-a59fc211) Checking if 
storage pool is suitable, name: null ,poolId: 6
2017-06-26 08:51:21,953 DEBUG [o.a.c.s.a.AbstractStoragePoolAllocator] 
(Work-Job-Executor-4:ctx-17e6813f job-588/job-183327 ctx-a59fc211) StoragePool 
is in avoid set, skipping this pool
2017-06-26 08:51:21,953 DEBUG [o.a.c.s.a.AbstractStoragePoolAllocator] 
(Work-Job-Executor-4:ctx-17e6813f job-588/job-183327 ctx-a59fc211) Checking if 
storage pool is suitable, name: null ,poolId: 7
2017-06-26 08:51:21,953 DEBUG [o.a.c.s.a.AbstractStoragePoolAllocator] 
(Work-Job-Executor-4:ctx-17e6813f job-588/job-183327 ctx-a59fc211) StoragePool 
is in avoid set, skipping this pool
2017-06-26 08:51:21,954 DEBUG [o.a.c.s.a.AbstractStoragePoolAllocator] 
(Work-Job-Executor-4:ctx-17e6813f job-588/job-183327 ctx-a59fc211) Checking if 
storage pool is suitable, name: null ,poolId: 8
2017-06-26 08:51:21,954 DEBUG [o.a.c.s.a.AbstractStoragePoolAllocator] 
(Work-Job-Executor-4:ctx-17e6813f job-588/job-183327 ctx-a59fc211) StoragePool 
is in avoid set, skipping this pool
2017-06-26 08:51:21,954 DEBUG [o.a.c.s.a.ClusterScopeStoragePoolAllocator] 
(Work-Job-Executor-4:ctx-17e6813f job-588/job-183327 ctx-a59fc211) 
ClusterScopeStoragePoolAllocator returning 0 suitable storage pools
2017-06-26 08:51:22,054 DEBUG [o.a.c.s.a.AbstractStoragePoolAllocator] 
(Work-Job-Executor-4:ctx-17e6813f job-588/job-183327 ctx-a59fc211) List of 
pools in ascending order of number of volumes for account id: 1 is: [5, 6, 7, 8]
2017-06-26 08:51:22,055 DEBUG [o.a.c.s.a.ZoneWideStoragePoolAllocator] 
(Work-Job-Executor-4:ctx-17e6813f job-588/job-183327 ctx-a59fc211) 
ZoneWideStoragePoolAllocator to find storage pool
2017-06-26 08:51:22,058 DEBUG [o.a.c.s.a.ZoneWideStoragePoolAllocator] 
(Work-Job-Executor-4:ctx-17e6813f job-588/job-183327 ctx-a59fc211) List of 
pools in ascending order of number of volumes for account id: 1 is: []
2017-06-26 08:51:22,058 DEBUG [c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl] 
(Work-Job-Executor-4:ctx-17e6813f job-588/job-183327 ctx-a59fc211) No suitable 
pools found for volume: Vol[34464|vm=29545|ROOT] under cluster: 1
2017-06-26 08:51:22,058 DEBUG [c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl] 
(Work-Job-Executor-4:ctx-17e6813f job-588/job-183327 ctx-a59fc211) No suitable 
pools found
2017-06-26 08:51:22,058 DEBUG [c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl] 
(Work-Job-Executor-4:ctx-17e6813f job-588/job-183327 ctx-a59fc211) No suitable 
storagePools found under this Cluster: 1
2017-06-26 08:51:22,062 DEBUG [c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl] 
(Work-Job-Executor-4:ctx-17e6813f job-588/job-183327 ctx-a59fc211) Could not 
find suitable Deployment Destination for this VM under any clusters, returning.
2017-06-26 08:51:22,063 DEBUG [c.c.d.FirstFitPlanner] 
(Work-Job-Executor-4:ctx-17e6813f job-588/job-183327 ctx-a59fc211) Searching 
resources only under specified Pod: 1
2017-06-26 08:51:22,063 DEBUG [c.c.d.FirstFitPlanner] 
(Work-Job-Executor-4:ctx-17e6813f job-588/job-183327 ctx-a59fc211) Listing 
clusters in order of aggregate capacity, that have (atleast one host with) 
enough CPU and RAM capacity under this Pod: 1
2017-06-26 08:51:22,065 DEBUG [c.c.d.FirstFitPlanner] 
(Work-Job-Executor-4:ctx-17e6813f job-588/job-183327 ctx-a59fc211) Removing 
from the clusterId list these clusters from avoid set: [1]
2017-06-26 08:51:22,066 DEBUG [c.c.d.FirstFitPlanner] 
(Work-Job-Executor-4:ctx-17e6813f job-588/job-183327 ctx-a59fc211) No clusters 
found after removing disabled clusters and clusters in avoid list, returning.

No change.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Peterson [mailto:jpeter...@acentek.net] 
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2017 8:41 AM
To: users@cloudstack.apache.org
Subject: RE: Recreating SystemVM's

Ok so a couple things I've noted.

[root@Flex-Xen5 5]# df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1             4.0G  3.2G  648M  84% /
none                  1.9G  132K  1.9G   1% /dev/shm
                       56M   56M     0 100% /var/xen/xc-install
                       14G  2.6G   11G  20% 
                       11T  3.9T  6.8T  37% 

I see my secstor mount but sr-mount just shows the HA mount not my primary 
storage luns?

Results from the DB query show storage pools uuid  and the cloustack names to 
be correct.

SELECT id,name,uuid FROM cloud.storage_pool;

'5', 'RSFD-P01-C01-PRI3', 'FlexSAN2-LUN0'
'6', 'RSFD-P01-C01-PRI4', 'FlexSAN2-LUN1'
'7', 'RSFD-P01-C01-PRI2', 'FlexSAN1-LUN1'
'8', 'RSFD-P01-C01-PRI1', 'FlexSAN1-LUN0'

Where as the 

xe sr-list params=uuid,name-label

uuid ( RO)          : befd4536-fdf1-6ab6-0adb-19ae532e0ee8
    name-label ( RW): FlexSAN1-LUN1
uuid ( RO)          : 469b6dcd-8466-3d03-de0e-cc3983e1b6e2
    name-label ( RW): FlexSAN2-LUN1
uuid ( RO)          : 94d4494c-1317-4ffc-f0e6-a9210b0a0daf
    name-label ( RW): FlexSAN2-LUN0
uuid ( RO)          : 2a00a50b-764b-ce7f-589c-c67b353957da
    name-label ( RW): FlexSAN1-LUN0

Show the uuid's are names same as above. So that tells me that cloudstack and 
xenserver know of the storage.

I can launch VM's from secondary storage to primary find as noted below.

I can deploy VM's from templates and ISO's so that tells me I can access 
secondary storage.

This all goes back to my job call and that the "path" is saying uuid 
d4085d91-22fa-4965-bfa7-d1a1800f6aa7 and apparently that is invalid.  I still 
have no idea what that uuid is.  I was thinking primary storage uuid?  I was 
thinking template uuid?  I've rebooted all the hosts. I've rebooted the 
management server.  I've validated secondary storage is mounted.  I've applied 
updates to xenserver. I've restarted cloudstack-management. I've deployed from 
template. I've deployed from iso. Everything looks clean except those stupid 
system vm's keep recycling.  And all they ever do us complain uuid invalid.  
And then InsufficentServerCapacityException

2017-06-26 08:14:19,231 DEBUG [c.c.a.t.Request] 
(Work-Job-Executor-18:ctx-302e3fd5 job-1042/job-183149 ctx-835c48e1) Seq 
1-6981705322331213134: Sending  { Cmd , MgmtId: 345050411715, via: 
1(Flex-Xen2.flexhost.local), Ver: v1, Flags: 100111, 


2017-06-26 08:14:19,231 DEBUG [c.c.a.t.Request] 
(Work-Job-Executor-18:ctx-302e3fd5 job-1042/job-183149 ctx-835c48e1) Seq 
1-6981705322331213134: Executing:  { Cmd , MgmtId: 345050411715, via: 
1(Flex-Xen2.flexhost.local), Ver: v1, Flags: 100111, 
2017-06-26 08:14:19,231 DEBUG [c.c.a.m.DirectAgentAttache] 
(DirectAgent-310:ctx-b7042ce7) Seq 1-6981705322331213134: Executing request
2017-06-26 08:14:19,236 DEBUG [c.c.h.x.r.XenServerStorageProcessor] 
(DirectAgent-310:ctx-b7042ce7) Catch Exception 
com.xensource.xenapi.Types$UuidInvalid :VDI getByUuid for uuid: 
d4085d91-22fa-4965-bfa7-d1a1800f6aa7 failed due to The uuid you supplied was 
2017-06-26 08:14:19,236 WARN  [c.c.h.x.r.XenServerStorageProcessor] 
(DirectAgent-310:ctx-b7042ce7) Unable to create volume; 
com.cloud.utils.exception.CloudRuntimeException: Catch Exception 
com.xensource.xenapi.Types$UuidInvalid :VDI getByUuid for uuid: 
d4085d91-22fa-4965-bfa7-d1a1800f6aa7 failed due to The uuid you supplied was 

2017-06-26 08:14:19,354 ERROR [c.c.v.VmWorkJobDispatcher] 
(Work-Job-Executor-30:ctx-00f1af56 job-342/job-183150) Unable to complete 
AsyncJobVO {id:183150, userId: 1, accountId: 1, instanceType: null, instanceId: 
null, cmd: com.cloud.vm.VmWorkStart, cmdInfo: 
 cmdVersion: 0, status: IN_PROGRESS, processStatus: 0, resultCode: 0, result: 
null, initMsid: 345050411715, completeMsid: null, lastUpdated: null, 
lastPolled: null, created: Mon Jun 26 08:14:15 CDT 2017}, job origin:342
com.cloud.exception.InsufficientServerCapacityException: Unable to create a 
deployment for VM[ConsoleProxy|v-22411-VM]Scope=interface 
com.cloud.dc.DataCenter; id=1

So that makes me look at the management-server.log for a job lets find one 

Cat /var/log/cloudstack/management/management-server.log | grep ctx-302e3fd5

And I see the following.

2017-06-26 08:14:19,370 DEBUG [o.a.c.s.a.ClusterScopeStoragePoolAllocator] 
(Work-Job-Executor-18:ctx-302e3fd5 job-1042/job-183149 ctx-835c48e1) Found 
pools matching tags: [Pool[5|PreSetup], Pool[6|PreSetup], Pool[7|PreSetup], 
2017-06-26 08:14:19,371 DEBUG [o.a.c.s.a.AbstractStoragePoolAllocator] 
(Work-Job-Executor-18:ctx-302e3fd5 job-1042/job-183149 ctx-835c48e1) Checking 
if storage pool is suitable, name: null ,poolId: 5
2017-06-26 08:14:19,371 DEBUG [o.a.c.s.a.AbstractStoragePoolAllocator] 
(Work-Job-Executor-18:ctx-302e3fd5 job-1042/job-183149 ctx-835c48e1) 
StoragePool is in avoid set, skipping this pool
2017-06-26 08:14:19,372 DEBUG [o.a.c.s.a.AbstractStoragePoolAllocator] 
(Work-Job-Executor-18:ctx-302e3fd5 job-1042/job-183149 ctx-835c48e1) Checking 
if storage pool is suitable, name: null ,poolId: 6
2017-06-26 08:14:19,372 DEBUG [o.a.c.s.a.AbstractStoragePoolAllocator] 
(Work-Job-Executor-18:ctx-302e3fd5 job-1042/job-183149 ctx-835c48e1) 
StoragePool is in avoid set, skipping this pool
2017-06-26 08:14:19,373 DEBUG [o.a.c.s.a.AbstractStoragePoolAllocator] 
(Work-Job-Executor-18:ctx-302e3fd5 job-1042/job-183149 ctx-835c48e1) Checking 
if storage pool is suitable, name: null ,poolId: 7
2017-06-26 08:14:19,373 DEBUG [o.a.c.s.a.AbstractStoragePoolAllocator] 
(Work-Job-Executor-18:ctx-302e3fd5 job-1042/job-183149 ctx-835c48e1) 
StoragePool is in avoid set, skipping this pool
2017-06-26 08:14:19,373 DEBUG [o.a.c.s.a.AbstractStoragePoolAllocator] 
(Work-Job-Executor-18:ctx-302e3fd5 job-1042/job-183149 ctx-835c48e1) Checking 
if storage pool is suitable, name: null ,poolId: 8
2017-06-26 08:14:19,373 DEBUG [o.a.c.s.a.AbstractStoragePoolAllocator] 
(Work-Job-Executor-18:ctx-302e3fd5 job-1042/job-183149 ctx-835c48e1) 
StoragePool is in avoid set, skipping this pool
2017-06-26 08:14:19,373 DEBUG [o.a.c.s.a.ClusterScopeStoragePoolAllocator] 
(Work-Job-Executor-18:ctx-302e3fd5 job-1042/job-183149 ctx-835c48e1) 
ClusterScopeStoragePoolAllocator returning 0 suitable storage pools

It again sees my PreSetup for 5 6 7 8 same as my LUN information from the DB

But why does it say avoid set?

Is that my problem?  SystemVM's are checking avoid set and then saying nope 
nope nope and throwing insufficient resources?

I think I'm right here.

Any idea where the avoid set option is and how to clear that?  Or reset it to 
no for 5 6 7 8?


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Peterson [mailto:jpeter...@acentek.net] 
Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2017 10:56 PM
To: users@cloudstack.apache.org
Subject: Re: Recreating SystemVM's

if i am ssh'ed into the xenservers and i do a df -h i do not see those folders 
mounted but again i'll check when i get in the morning.

From: Jeremy Peterson <jpeter...@acentek.net>
Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2017 10:15 PM
To: users@cloudstack.apache.org
Subject: Re: Recreating SystemVM's

Thank you for the exact information provided I'll check this out in the morning.


Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

-------- Original message --------
From: Dag Sonstebo <dag.sonst...@shapeblue.com>
Date: 6/25/17 5:47 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: users@cloudstack.apache.org
Subject: Re: Recreating SystemVM's

Mount points are in /var/run/sr-mount/.

Find your primary pool name-labels with "SELECT id,name,uuid FROM 

Match the pool name label to XenServer mount point with "xe sr-list 
params=uuid,name-label" on the xenservers.

>From that you should find /var/run/sr-mount/<xe provided UUID of storage pool 

Under this path you should find the system VM template entries - which are the 
same as the "local_path" from template_spool_ref.

Dag Sonstebo
Cloud Architect

On 25/06/2017, 22:17, "Jeremy Peterson" <jpeter...@acentek.net> wrote:

    I'm having issues looking for primary storage mount in xenserver. I see the 
lv but no mount points to navigate to discover files.

    Also I didn't see actual pathes in that db query. Did you?

    Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

    -------- Original message --------
    From: Dag Sonstebo <dag.sonst...@shapeblue.com>
    Date: 6/25/17 4:30 AM (GMT-06:00)
    To: users@cloudstack.apache.org
    Subject: Re: Recreating SystemVM's

    As per previous email - you need to check that the path you have for your 
system templates in template_spool_ref exists on your primary storage. You have 
admitted primary storage was tidied up ungracefully so you are trying to work 
out if the templates are actually still on primary storage like your DB thinks 
they are.

    Dag Sonstebo
    Cloud Architect

    On 23/06/2017, 20:09, "Jeremy Peterson" <jpeter...@acentek.net> wrote:

        Ok so Primary storage.

        Since I am able to deploy new VM's from ISO and Template that means 
access to the secondary storage is good.

        Ok so my XenServers show my Storage LUN's have no failures.

        Select * from cloud.template_store_ref;


        Now what gets me is the last_updated is the same day that my problems 
started.  When my storage PIF was calling errors.  I lost network connectivity 
to my iscsi primary storage and all of my VM's dropped and came back online.

        What should I validate in this query as being correct because all of 
the instance VM's came back (except the 1 that we talked about yesterday) but 
my system vm's are still down.


        -----Original Message-----
        From: Dag Sonstebo [mailto:dag.sonst...@shapeblue.com]
        Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2017 11:50 AM
        To: users@cloudstack.apache.org
        Subject: Re: Recreating SystemVM's

        In short there's no reason for CloudStack to download the system VM 
template from secondary to primary again if it's there and working - hence your 
2015 dates. Template_spool_ref shows the download state to primary, 
template_store_ref shows status to secondary.

        You can access your primary storage directly from command line on your 
XenServers - so can you check all those paths on your primary storage pools?

        Dag Sonstebo
        Cloud Architect

        On 22/06/2017, 17:22, "Jeremy Peterson" <jpeter...@acentek.net> wrote:

            1.       I downloaded the system template because my system 
template vm's were not launching so I downloaded it thinking something might be 

            2.       '1', 'routing-1', 'SystemVM Template (XenServer)', 
'8a4039f2-bb71-11e4-8c76-0050569b1662', '0', '0', 'SYSTEM', '0', '64', 
'VHD', '2015-02-23 09:35:05', NULL, '1', '2b15ab4401c2d655264732d3fc600241', 
'SystemVM Template (XenServer)', '0', '0', '184', '1', '0', '1', '0', 
'XenServer', NULL, NULL, '0', '2689602048', 'Active', '0', NULL, '0'

            a.       Ok so that tells me that my template id is 1


            a.       '53', '5', '1', '2015-04-13 12:50:37', NULL, NULL, '100', 
'DOWNLOADED', NULL, 'ab6f3bcd-4c3e-4a7a-9f8b-45a822dbaaaf', 
'ab6f3bcd-4c3e-4a7a-9f8b-45a822dbaaaf', '0', '0', 'Ready', '2', '2015-04-13 

            b.      '52', '6', '1', '2015-04-13 12:50:31', NULL, NULL, '100', 
'DOWNLOADED', NULL, 'bed64043-2208-415c-ad32-02ffeb4802d7', 
'bed64043-2208-415c-ad32-02ffeb4802d7', '0', '0', 'Ready', '2', '2015-04-13 

            c.       '57', '7', '1', '2015-04-21 22:21:44', NULL, NULL, '100', 
'DOWNLOADED', NULL, 'f2bbd9ea-3237-4119-8c03-8c0c570d153b', 
'f2bbd9ea-3237-4119-8c03-8c0c570d153b', '0', '0', 'Ready', '2', '2015-04-21 

            d.      '86', '8', '1', '2015-06-25 18:52:57', NULL, NULL, '100', 
'DOWNLOADED', NULL, 'd4085d91-22fa-4965-bfa7-d1a1800f6aa7', 
'd4085d91-22fa-4965-bfa7-d1a1800f6aa7', '0', '0', 'Ready', '2', '2015-06-25 

   This is from select * from cloud.template_spool_ref where template_id=1;

  In my logs I can see the third template.

            2017-06-22 09:23:49,103 DEBUG [c.c.a.t.Request] 
(Work-Job-Executor-117:ctx-03e815cd job-1042/job-154364 ctx-0c08652e) Seq 
18-3646226848309841098: Sending  { Cmd , MgmtId: 345050411715, via: 
18(Flex-Xen5.flexhost.local), Ver: v1, Flags: 100111, 

            2017-06-22 09:23:49,103 DEBUG [c.c.a.t.Request] 
(Work-Job-Executor-117:ctx-03e815cd job-1042/job-154364 ctx-0c08652e) Seq 
18-3646226848309841098: Executing:  { Cmd , MgmtId: 345050411715, via: 
18(Flex-Xen5.flexhost.local), Ver: v1, Flags: 100111, 

            2017-06-22 09:23:49,104 DEBUG [c.c.a.m.DirectAgentAttache] 
(DirectAgent-124:ctx-ab245ccb) Seq 18-3646226848309841098: Executing request

            2017-06-22 09:23:49,109 DEBUG [c.c.h.x.r.XenServerStorageProcessor] 
(DirectAgent-124:ctx-ab245ccb) Catch Exception 
com.xensource.xenapi.Types$UuidInvalid :VDI getByUuid for uuid: 
f2bbd9ea-3237-4119-8c03-8c0c570d153b failed due to The uuid you supplied was 

            2017-06-22 09:23:49,110 WARN  [c.c.h.x.r.XenServerStorageProcessor] 
(DirectAgent-124:ctx-ab245ccb) Unable to create volume; 

            com.cloud.utils.exception.CloudRuntimeException: Catch Exception 
com.xensource.xenapi.Types$UuidInvalid :VDI getByUuid for uuid: 
f2bbd9ea-3237-4119-8c03-8c0c570d153b failed due to The uuid you supplied was 

            And again I see another deployment of a vm

            2017-06-22 09:23:49,918 DEBUG [c.c.a.t.Request] 
(Work-Job-Executor-125:ctx-7dda0875 job-342/job-154365 ctx-79440317) Seq 
19-2522578741280910778: Sending  { Cmd , MgmtId: 345050411715, via: 
19(Flex-Xen1.flexhost.local), Ver: v1, Flags: 100111, 

            2017-06-22 09:23:49,918 DEBUG [c.c.a.t.Request] 
(Work-Job-Executor-125:ctx-7dda0875 job-342/job-154365 ctx-79440317) Seq 
19-2522578741280910778: Executing:  { Cmd , MgmtId: 345050411715, via: 
19(Flex-Xen1.flexhost.local), Ver: v1, Flags: 100111, 

            2017-06-22 09:23:49,918 DEBUG [c.c.a.m.DirectAgentAttache] 
(DirectAgent-4:ctx-8db8a7ec) Seq 19-2522578741280910778: Executing request

            2017-06-22 09:23:49,925 DEBUG [c.c.h.x.r.XenServerStorageProcessor] 
(DirectAgent-4:ctx-8db8a7ec) Catch Exception 
com.xensource.xenapi.Types$UuidInvalid :VDI getByUuid for uuid: 
d4085d91-22fa-4965-bfa7-d1a1800f6aa7 failed due to The uuid you supplied was 

            2017-06-22 09:23:49,925 WARN  [c.c.h.x.r.XenServerStorageProcessor] 
(DirectAgent-4:ctx-8db8a7ec) Unable to create volume; 

            com.cloud.utils.exception.CloudRuntimeException: Catch Exception 
com.xensource.xenapi.Types$UuidInvalid :VDI getByUuid for uuid: 
d4085d91-22fa-4965-bfa7-d1a1800f6aa7 failed due to The uuid you supplied was 

            4.       Download_state shows DOWNLOADED and download_pct is 100 on 
all of my id's

            5.       My storage is firmware based dell 3200 so there is no OS 
to log into to view the install_path.  How do I validate that?

            Now is it weird that my systemvm install date is 2015 but yet the 
command I used above completed successfully?


            -----Original Message-----
            From: Dag Sonstebo [mailto:dag.sonst...@shapeblue.com]
            Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2017 9:58 AM
            To: users@cloudstack.apache.org
            Subject: Re: Recreating SystemVM's

            1) You've not told us why you chose to redownload the system VM 
template - can you elaborate?

            2) Can you run: "SELECT * FROM cloud.vm_template where name like 
'%system%' and hypervisor_type='XenServer';"

            3) "So after cleaning up the 5TB worth of data (last Friday).." - 
did you check all your disk chains to ensure you didn't wipe a base disk? If 
not then chances are you wiped a template disk CloudStack now thinks is there.

            Check this in template_spool_ref - work out from point 2) above 
what your template ID is, as well as what your primary storage pool ID is, 
something like this: "SELECT * FROM cloud.template_spool_ref where 
template_id=XYZ and pool_id=12345;"

            What is the downloaded state?

            Check the install_path on your primary storage - does it exist?


            Dag Sonstebo

            Cloud Architect


            On 22/06/2017, 15:14, "Jeremy Peterson" 
<jpeter...@acentek.net<mailto:jpeter...@acentek.net>> wrote:

                Sorry I am using 4.5.0 I mistyped my versions.


                My router.template.xenserver shows

                            SystemVM Template (XenServer)

                If I go Templates -> SystemVM Template (XenServer) the Status 
is Download Complete and Read shows Yes

                This is the command I ran on my mananagement server to 
redownload systemvm template.

-m /secondary -u 
http://cloudstack.apt-get.eu/systemvm/4.5/systemvm64template-4.5-xen.vhd.bz2 -h 
xenserver -F

                i-153-446-VM was a working VM that powered off during this 
whole set of problems and had not been able to power back online since.  The 
oddity is I get the error visually "insufficient capacity" yes during the call 
to start that VM it finds a valid host for Memory and CPU but then errors with 
UUID is invalid.  I am more focused on SSVM and ConsoleProxyVM not starting at 
this time. As I have replaced i-153-446 with a new VM.  Now this is puzzling.  
I can launch new VM's for ISO's and templates.

                            Display name     test-launch-from-template

                            Name    test-launch-from-template

                            State     Running

                            Template             CentOS 7 40GB

                            Dynamically Scalable       Yes

                            OS Type               CentOS 7

                            Hypervisor          XenServer

                            Attached ISO

                            Compute offering            2vCPU,4GB RAM,HA

                            # of CPU Cores  2

                            CPU (in MHz)     2000

                            Memory (in MB)              4096


                            HA Enabled         Yes


                            Zone name         Rushford

                            Host       Flex-Xen4.flexhost.local

                            Domain ROOT

                            Account               admin

                            Created                22 Jun 2017 08:33:30

                I suspected storage a while back and noticed that the SSVM was 
recreating its 2.5GB disk over and over and over on all of my storage luns.  So 
after cleaning up the 5TB worth of data (last Friday) I don't see a storage 
issue with my SAN iscsi connections.


                Again thanks Dag for your response here's to hoping some of 
that helps track down what's broke.

                Whats killing me is the amount of logs.  It seems like its 
creating multiple system vm's at the same time


                -----Original Message-----

                From: Dag Sonstebo [mailto:dag.sonst...@shapeblue.com]

                Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2017 6:49 AM


                Subject: Re: Recreating SystemVM's

                OK, you seem to have a handful of issues here.

                1) You have stated at the start of this thread you are using 
CloudStack 4.9.0 and XS6.5.

                In this log dump - https://pastebin.com/2DhzFVDZ - all your 
downloads are for 4.5 system VM templates, e.g.

                2017-06-21 10:46:16,440 DEBUG [c.c.a.t.Request] 
(Work-Job-Executor-39:ctx-ca13c13b job-1042/job-147411 ctx-ebfa1fb6) Seq 
15-7914231920173516250: Executing:  { Cmd , MgmtId: 345050411715, via: 
15(Flex-Xen3.flexhost.local), Ver: v1, Flags: 100111, 


                Your MySQL query confirms this:

                - - -

                SELECT * FROM cloud.vm_template where type='SYSTEM';

                            1              routing-1             SystemVM 
Template (XenServer)            8a4039f2-bb71-11e4-8c76-0050569b1662            
    0              0              SYSTEM                0              64       
  VHD       2015-02-23 09:35:05                               1              
2b15ab4401c2d655264732d3fc600241     SystemVM Template (XenServer)            0 
               0              184         1              0              1       
       0              XenServer                                           0     
         2689602048                Active   0                              0

                            3              routing-3             SystemVM 
Template (KVM)       8a46062a-bb71-11e4-8c76-0050569b1662              0        
        0              SYSTEM                0              64           
     QCOW2                2015-02-23 09:35:05                        1          
    aa9f501fecd3de1daeb9e2f357f6f002                SystemVM Template (KVM)     
  0              0              15           1              0              1    
          0              KVM                                      0             
                 Active   0                              0

                            8              routing-8             SystemVM 
Template (vSphere)                8a4e70c6-bb71-11e4-8c76-0050569b1662          
      0              0              SYSTEM                0              64     
 OVA       2015-02-23 09:35:05                               1              
3106a79a4ce66cd7f6a7c50e93f2db57      SystemVM Template (vSphere)               
 0                0              15           1              0              1   
           0              VMware                                              0 
                             Active   0                                1

                            9              routing-9             SystemVM 
Template (HyperV)  8a5184e6-bb71-11e4-8c76-0050569b1662             0           
     0              SYSTEM                0              64           
       VHD       2015-02-23 09:35:05                        1              
70bd30ea02ee9ed67d2c6b85c179cee9                SystemVM Template (HyperV)  0   
           0              15           1              0              1          
    0              Hyperv                                 0                     
         Active   0                              0

                            10           routing-10           SystemVM Template 
(LXC)          5bb9e71c-bb72-11e4-8c76-0050569b1662             0               
 0              SYSTEM                0              64           
     QCOW2                2015-02-23 09:40:56                        1          
    aa9f501fecd3de1daeb9e2f357f6f002                SystemVM Template (LXC)     
     0              0              15           1              0              1 
             0              LXC                                         0       
                       Active   0                              0

                - - -

                In addition you have also stated "I redeployed 
systemcl64template-5.6-xen.vhd.bz2 last week does that not recreated the uuid ?"

                So the questions here are:

                - why are you using 4.5 templates with 4.9? Did you recently 
upgrade or was this put in wrong to start off with?

                - what are you trying to do with 
"systemcl64template-5.6-xen.vhd.bz2"? My guess is this is a typo? If you were 
trying to install the 4.6 template what process did you follow?

                - following on from this can you do a MySQL query listing the 
uploaded template? Can you also check what the status is of this in your GUI - 
is it uploaded to the zone in question and in a READY state? You can also check 
this in the template_store_ref table.

                - what is your global setting for "router.template.xenserver" 
currently set to?

                I get the impression your environment is possibly managing to 
limp along using 4.5 system VM templates - if so I'm surprised if anything is 
working. For 4.9 you should be using 4.6 templates (e.g. 
 ) - although I think maybe this is what you are trying to achieve?

                2) VM i-153-446 - as you can see from the logs there's not a 
log to go by: "Unable to start i-153-446-VM due to ". However - you haven't 
told us if this is a new VM or existing? If it's new it won't necessarily be 
able to start until you have the SSVM sorted in your Rushford zone. For further 
troubleshooting you should also check the logs on the XS host where this VM was 
trying to start.

                3) Your issues could be storage related - do all SRs (like 
FlexSAN2-LUN0)  show as connected to your XS hosts in XenCenter? If not can you 
repair them from XenCenter?


                Dag Sonstebo

                Cloud Architect


                On 21/06/2017, 19:39, "Jeremy Peterson" 
<jpeter...@acentek.net<mailto:jpeter...@acentek.net>> wrote:

                    And combing through the logs I see that one of my VM's is 
trying to launch i-153-446 its passed all the cpu and memory checks and found 
primary storage but then when it goes to deploy.  I am getting a catch 
exception insufficient storage.

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,219 DEBUG 
[c.c.h.x.r.CitrixResourceBase] (DirectAgent-252:ctx-717133c7) The VM is in 
stopped state, detected problem during startup : i-153-446-VM

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,219 DEBUG [c.c.a.m.DirectAgentAttache] 
(DirectAgent-252:ctx-717133c7) Seq 19-2522578741280901601: Response Received:

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,219 DEBUG [c.c.a.t.Request] 
(DirectAgent-252:ctx-717133c7) Seq 19-2522578741280901601: Processing:  { Ans: 
, MgmtId: 345050411715, via: 19, Ver: v1, Flags: 10, 
 Server 2012 R2 (64-bit)","platformEmulator":"Windows Server 2012 R2 
 to start i-153-446-VM due to ","wait":0}}] }

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,219 DEBUG [c.c.a.t.Request] 
(Work-Job-Executor-100:ctx-e1276898 job-148144/job-148145 ctx-f018393f) Seq 
19-2522578741280901601: Received:  { Ans: , MgmtId: 345050411715, via: 19, Ver: 
v1, Flags: 10, { StartAnswer } }

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,230 INFO  
[c.c.v.VirtualMachineManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-100:ctx-e1276898 
job-148144/job-148145 ctx-f018393f) Unable to start VM on Host[-19-Routing] due 
to Unable to start i-153-446-VM due to

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,237 DEBUG 
[o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-95:ctx-0d080cef 
job-1042/job-148142) Done executing com.cloud.vm.VmWorkStart for job-148142

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,240 DEBUG 
[o.a.c.f.j.i.SyncQueueManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-95:ctx-0d080cef 
job-1042/job-148142) Sync queue (128149) is currently empty

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,240 INFO  [o.a.c.f.j.i.AsyncJobMonitor] 
(Work-Job-Executor-95:ctx-0d080cef job-1042/job-148142) Remove job-148142 from 
job monitoring

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,245 DEBUG 
[c.c.v.VirtualMachineManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-100:ctx-e1276898 
job-148144/job-148145 ctx-f018393f) Cleaning up resources for the vm 
VM[User|i-153-446-VM] in Starting state

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,246 DEBUG [c.c.a.t.Request] 
(Work-Job-Executor-100:ctx-e1276898 job-148144/job-148145 ctx-f018393f) Seq 
19-2522578741280901602: Sending  { Cmd , MgmtId: 345050411715, via: 
19(Flex-Xen1.flexhost.local), Ver: v1, Flags: 100011, 

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,247 DEBUG [c.c.a.t.Request] 
(Work-Job-Executor-100:ctx-e1276898 job-148144/job-148145 ctx-f018393f) Seq 
19-2522578741280901602: Executing:  { Cmd , MgmtId: 345050411715, via: 
19(Flex-Xen1.flexhost.local), Ver: v1, Flags: 100011, 

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,247 DEBUG [c.c.a.m.DirectAgentAttache] 
(DirectAgent-82:ctx-9ee1039e) Seq 19-2522578741280901602: Executing request

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,250 DEBUG [c.c.a.m.DirectAgentAttache] 
(DirectAgent-82:ctx-9ee1039e) Seq 19-2522578741280901602: Response Received:

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,250 DEBUG [c.c.a.t.Request] 
(DirectAgent-82:ctx-9ee1039e) Seq 19-2522578741280901602: Processing:  { Ans: , 
MgmtId: 345050411715, via: 19, Ver: v1, Flags: 10, 
[{"com.cloud.agent.api.StopAnswer":{"result":true,"details":"VM does not 
exist","wait":0}}] }

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,250 DEBUG [c.c.a.t.Request] 
(Work-Job-Executor-100:ctx-e1276898 job-148144/job-148145 ctx-f018393f) Seq 
19-2522578741280901602: Received:  { Ans: , MgmtId: 345050411715, via: 19, Ver: 
v1, Flags: 10, { StopAnswer } }

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,254 DEBUG [c.c.n.NetworkModelImpl] 
(Work-Job-Executor-100:ctx-e1276898 job-148144/job-148145 ctx-f018393f) Service 
SecurityGroup is not supported in the network id=298

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,256 DEBUG 
[o.a.c.e.o.NetworkOrchestrator] (Work-Job-Executor-100:ctx-e1276898 
job-148144/job-148145 ctx-f018393f) Changing active number of nics for network 
id=298 on -1

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,257 WARN  
[o.a.c.s.SecondaryStorageManagerImpl] (secstorage-1:ctx-b13acfc7) Exception 
while trying to start secondary storage vm

Unable to create a deployment for 
VM[SecondaryStorageVm|s-22605-VM]Scope=interface com.cloud.dc.DataCenter; id=1



sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor246.invoke(Unknown Source)


                            at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:606)















                            at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,259 INFO  
[o.a.c.s.SecondaryStorageManagerImpl] (secstorage-1:ctx-b13acfc7) Unable to 
start secondary storage vm for standby capacity, secStorageVm vm Id : 22605, 
will recycle it and start a new one

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,259 DEBUG 
[c.c.a.SecondaryStorageVmAlertAdapter] (secstorage-1:ctx-b13acfc7) received 
secondary storage vm alert

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,259 DEBUG 
[c.c.a.SecondaryStorageVmAlertAdapter] (secstorage-1:ctx-b13acfc7) Secondary 
Storage Vm creation failure, zone: Rushford

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,260 WARN  [o.a.c.alerts] 
(secstorage-1:ctx-b13acfc7)  alertType:: 19 // dataCenterId:: 1 // podId:: null 
// clusterId:: null // message:: Secondary Storage Vm creation failure. zone: 
Rushford, error details: null

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,267 DEBUG 
[o.a.c.e.o.NetworkOrchestrator] (Work-Job-Executor-100:ctx-e1276898 
job-148144/job-148145 ctx-f018393f) Asking VpcVirtualRouter to release 

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,267 DEBUG 
[c.c.v.VirtualMachineManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-100:ctx-e1276898 
job-148144/job-148145 ctx-f018393f) Successfully released network resources for 
the vm VM[User|i-153-446-VM]

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,267 DEBUG 
[c.c.v.VirtualMachineManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-100:ctx-e1276898 
job-148144/job-148145 ctx-f018393f) Successfully cleanued up resources for the 
vm VM[User|i-153-446-VM] in Starting state

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,269 DEBUG 
[c.c.v.VirtualMachineManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-100:ctx-e1276898 
job-148144/job-148145 ctx-f018393f) Root volume is ready, need to place VM in 
volume's cluster

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,274 DEBUG 
[c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-100:ctx-e1276898 
job-148144/job-148145 ctx-f018393f) Deploy avoids pods: [], clusters: [], 
hosts: [19]

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,274 DEBUG 
[c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-100:ctx-e1276898 
job-148144/job-148145 ctx-f018393f) DeploymentPlanner allocation algorithm: 

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,276 DEBUG 
[c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-100:ctx-e1276898 
job-148144/job-148145 ctx-f018393f) Trying to allocate a host and storage pools 
from dc:1, pod:1,cluster:1, requested cpu: 8000, requested ram: 12884901888

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,276 DEBUG 
[c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-100:ctx-e1276898 
job-148144/job-148145 ctx-f018393f) Is ROOT volume READY (pool already 
allocated)?: Yes

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,276 DEBUG 
[c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-100:ctx-e1276898 
job-148144/job-148145 ctx-f018393f) DeploymentPlan has host_id specified, 
choosing this host and making no checks on this host: 19

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,276 INFO  
[o.a.c.s.PremiumSecondaryStorageManagerImpl] (secstorage-1:ctx-b13acfc7) 
Primary secondary storage is not even started, wait until next turn

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,276 ERROR [c.c.a.AlertManagerImpl] 
(Email-Alerts-Sender-25:null)  Failed to send email alert 
javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not connect to SMTP host: 
spam.acentek.net, port: 465 (java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused)

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,276 DEBUG 
[c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-100:ctx-e1276898 
job-148144/job-148145 ctx-f018393f) The specified host is in avoid set

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,276 DEBUG 
[c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-100:ctx-e1276898 
job-148144/job-148145 ctx-f018393f) Cannnot deploy to specified host, returning.

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,297 DEBUG [c.c.c.CapacityManagerImpl] 
(Work-Job-Executor-100:ctx-e1276898 job-148144/job-148145 ctx-f018393f) VM 
state transitted from :Starting to Stopped with event: OperationFailedvm's 
original host id: 1 new host id: null host id before state transition: 19

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,300 DEBUG [c.c.c.CapacityManagerImpl] 
(Work-Job-Executor-100:ctx-e1276898 job-148144/job-148145 ctx-f018393f) Hosts's 
actual total CPU: 48000 and CPU after applying overprovisioning: 192000

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,300 DEBUG [c.c.c.CapacityManagerImpl] 
(Work-Job-Executor-100:ctx-e1276898 job-148144/job-148145 ctx-f018393f) Hosts's 
actual total RAM: 128790209280 and RAM after applying overprovisioning: 

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,300 DEBUG [c.c.c.CapacityManagerImpl] 
(Work-Job-Executor-100:ctx-e1276898 job-148144/job-148145 ctx-f018393f) release 
cpu from host: 19, old used: 24000,reserved: 0, actual total: 48000, total with 
overprovisioning: 192000; new used: 16000,reserved:0; movedfromreserved: 

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,300 DEBUG [c.c.c.CapacityManagerImpl] 
(Work-Job-Executor-100:ctx-e1276898 job-148144/job-148145 ctx-f018393f) release 
mem from host: 19, old used: 38654705664,reserved: 0, total: 515160834048; new 
used: 25769803776,reserved:0; movedfromreserved: false,moveToReserveredfalse

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,332 ERROR [c.c.v.VmWorkJobHandlerProxy] 
(Work-Job-Executor-100:ctx-e1276898 job-148144/job-148145 ctx-f018393f) 
Invocation exception, caused by: 
com.cloud.exception.InsufficientServerCapacityException: Unable to create a 
deployment for VM[User|i-153-446-VM]Scope=interface com.cloud.dc.DataCenter; 

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,332 INFO  [c.c.v.VmWorkJobHandlerProxy] 
(Work-Job-Executor-100:ctx-e1276898 job-148144/job-148145 ctx-f018393f) Rethrow 
exception com.cloud.exception.InsufficientServerCapacityException: Unable to 
create a deployment for VM[User|i-153-446-VM]Scope=interface 
com.cloud.dc.DataCenter; id=1

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,332 DEBUG [c.c.v.VmWorkJobDispatcher] 
(Work-Job-Executor-100:ctx-e1276898 job-148144/job-148145) Done with run of VM 
work job: com.cloud.vm.VmWorkStart for VM 446, job origin: 148144

                    2017-06-21 13:10:19,332 ERROR [c.c.v.VmWorkJobDispatcher] 
(Work-Job-Executor-100:ctx-e1276898 job-148144/job-148145) Unable to complete 
AsyncJobVO {id:148145, userId: 2, accountId: 2, instanceType: null, instanceId: 
null, cmd: com.cloud.vm.VmWorkStart, cmdInfo: 
 cmdVersion: 0, status: IN_PROGRESS, processStatus: 0, resultCode: 0, result: 
null, initMsid: 345050411715, completeMsid: null, lastUpdated: null, 
lastPolled: null, created: Wed Jun 21 13:10:16 CDT 2017}, job origin:148144

Unable to create a deployment for VM[User|i-153-446-VM]Scope=interface 
com.cloud.dc.DataCenter; id=1

                    My logs are just rolling with these errors.


                    -----Original Message-----

                    From: Jeremy Peterson [mailto:jpeter...@acentek.net]

                    Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2017 1:10 PM

users@cloudstack.apache.org<mailto:users@cloudstack.apache.org>; S. Brüseke - 
proIO GmbH <s.brues...@proio.com<mailto:s.brues...@proio.com>>

                    Subject: RE: Recreating SystemVM's

                    Why is my DEBUG show uuid of 
8a4039f2-bb71-11e4-8c76-0050569b1662 but below in my catch exception it shows 
uuid ab6f3bcd-4c3e-4a7a-9f8b-45a822dbaaaf.

                    See below.

                    2017-06-21 10:46:16,431 DEBUG [c.c.a.t.Request] 
(Work-Job-Executor-45:ctx-7cdfe536 job-342/job-147412 ctx-39b2bc63) Seq 

                    Sending  { Cmd , MgmtId: 345050411715, via: 
1(Flex-Xen2.flexhost.local), Ver: v1,

                    Flags: 100111, 



                    "displayText":"SystemVM Template 







                    2017-06-21 10:46:16,431 DEBUG [c.c.a.t.Request] 
(Work-Job-Executor-45:ctx-7cdfe536 job-342/job-147412 ctx-39b2bc63) Seq 

                    2017-06-21 10:46:16,444 WARN  
[c.c.h.x.r.XenServerStorageProcessor] (DirectAgent-152:ctx-385c99e9) Unable to 
create volume; 

                    Disk:com.cloud.utils.exception.CloudRuntimeException: Catch 
Exception com.xensource.xenapi.Types$UuidInvalid :VDI getByUuid for

                    uuid: ab6f3bcd-4c3e-4a7a-9f8b-45a822dbaaaf failed due to 
The uuid you supplied was invalid.

                    Now if I check the DB to find out what my templates uuid 
should be.

                    SELECT * FROM cloud.vm_template where type='SYSTEM';

                            1              routing-1             SystemVM 
Template (XenServer)            8a4039f2-bb71-11e4-8c76-0050569b1662            
    0              0              SYSTEM                0              64       
  VHD       2015-02-23 09:35:05                               1              
2b15ab4401c2d655264732d3fc600241     SystemVM Template (XenServer)            0 
               0              184         1              0              1       
       0              XenServer                                           0     
         2689602048                Active   0                              0

                            3              routing-3             SystemVM 
Template (KVM)       8a46062a-bb71-11e4-8c76-0050569b1662              0        
        0              SYSTEM                0              64           
     QCOW2                2015-02-23 09:35:05                        1          
    aa9f501fecd3de1daeb9e2f357f6f002                SystemVM Template (KVM)     
  0              0              15           1              0              1    
          0              KVM                                      0             
                 Active   0                              0

                            8              routing-8             SystemVM 
Template (vSphere)                8a4e70c6-bb71-11e4-8c76-0050569b1662          
      0              0              SYSTEM                0              64     
 OVA       2015-02-23 09:35:05                               1              
3106a79a4ce66cd7f6a7c50e93f2db57      SystemVM Template (vSphere)               
 0                0              15           1              0              1   
           0              VMware                                              0 
                             Active   0                                1

                            9              routing-9             SystemVM 
Template (HyperV)  8a5184e6-bb71-11e4-8c76-0050569b1662             0           
     0              SYSTEM                0              64           
       VHD       2015-02-23 09:35:05                        1              
70bd30ea02ee9ed67d2c6b85c179cee9                SystemVM Template (HyperV)  0   
           0              15           1              0              1          
    0              Hyperv                                 0                     
         Active   0                              0

                            10           routing-10           SystemVM Template 
(LXC)          5bb9e71c-bb72-11e4-8c76-0050569b1662             0               
 0              SYSTEM                0              64           
     QCOW2                2015-02-23 09:40:56                        1          
    aa9f501fecd3de1daeb9e2f357f6f002                SystemVM Template (LXC)     
     0              0              15           1              0              1 
             0              LXC                                         0       
                       Active   0                              0

                    Ok so that shows me my system templates UUID is 
8a4039f2-bb71-11e4-8c76-0050569b1662 and that lines up correctly with my debug 
command uuid 8a4039f2-bb71-11e4-8c76-0050569b1662.

                    Suggestions ?  Ideas?  Thoughts?

                    Thank you.


                    -----Original Message-----

                    From: Jeremy Peterson [mailto:jpeter...@acentek.net]

                    Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2017 11:58 AM

users@cloudstack.apache.org<mailto:users@cloudstack.apache.org>; S. Brüseke - 
proIO GmbH <s.brues...@proio.com<mailto:s.brues...@proio.com>>

                    Subject: RE: Recreating SystemVM's

                    You are correct I had 2 hosts disabled when I tried to 
launch that VM.  But my hosts all show state Up.

                    Heres Flex-Xen1.flexhost.local


                    Heres the info page of the host


                    Resource state:        Enabled

                    State up:      Up

                    I did a force reconnect on all hosts and that cleared the 
avoid set error.

                    But now I am getting UUID invalid when trying to launch a 
VM.  This is whats happening to the system VM's.


                    You see it errors : The uuid you supplied was invalid.

                    Now I see the above command declared the host and storage 
but the UUID is "uuid":"8a4039f2-bb71-11e4-8c76-0050569b1662"

                    How can I see what that ties to ?

                    I redeployed systemcl64template-5.6-xen.vhd.bz2 last week 
does that not recreated the uuid ?


                    -----Original Message-----

                    From: Dag Sonstebo [mailto:dag.sonst...@shapeblue.com]

                    Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2017 11:12 AM

users@cloudstack.apache.org<mailto:users@cloudstack.apache.org>; S. Brüseke - 
proIO GmbH <s.brues...@proio.com<mailto:s.brues...@proio.com>>

                    Subject: Re: Recreating SystemVM's

                    Hi Jeremy,

                    You have 6 hosts: "List of hosts in ascending order of 
number of VMs: [15, 17, 19, 1, 16, 18]" - my guess is you have disabled hosts 
16+18 for their reboot.

                    You immediately have the rest of the hosts in an avoid set: 
"Deploy avoids pods: [], clusters: [], hosts: [17, 1, 19, 15]".

                    So you need to work out why those hosts are considered 
non-valid. Do they show up as live in your CloudStack GUI? Are they all enabled 
as well as out of maintenance mode?


                    Dag Sonstebo

                    Cloud Architect


                    On 21/06/2017, 15:13, "Jeremy Peterson" 
<jpeter...@acentek.net<mailto:jpeter...@acentek.net>> wrote:

                        So this morning I reconnected all hosts.

                        I also disabled my two hosts that need to reboot and 
powered on a VM and now I am getting a Insufficient Resources.

                        Whats odd is that Host Allocator returning 0 suitable 

                        2017-06-21 08:43:53,695 DEBUG 
[c.c.v.VirtualMachineManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-71:ctx-f01a90b9 
job-146764/job-146768 ctx-66c78348) Root volume is ready, need to place VM in 
volume's cluster

                        2017-06-21 08:43:53,695 DEBUG 
[c.c.v.VirtualMachineManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-71:ctx-f01a90b9 
job-146764/job-146768 ctx-66c78348) Vol[537|vm=446|ROOT] is READY, changing 
deployment plan to use this pool's dcId: 1 , podId: 1 , and clusterId: 1

                        2017-06-21 08:43:53,702 DEBUG 
[c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-71:ctx-f01a90b9 
job-146764/job-146768 ctx-66c78348) Deploy avoids pods: [], clusters: [], 
hosts: [17, 1, 19, 15]

                        2017-06-21 08:43:53,703 DEBUG 
[c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-71:ctx-f01a90b9 
job-146764/job-146768 ctx-66c78348) DeploymentPlanner allocation algorithm: 

                        2017-06-21 08:43:53,703 DEBUG 
[c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-71:ctx-f01a90b9 
job-146764/job-146768 ctx-66c78348) Trying to allocate a host and storage pools 
from dc:1, pod:1,cluster:1, requested cpu: 8000, requested ram: 12884901888

                        2017-06-21 08:43:53,703 DEBUG 
[c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-71:ctx-f01a90b9 
job-146764/job-146768 ctx-66c78348) Is ROOT volume READY (pool already 
allocated)?: Yes

                        2017-06-21 08:43:53,703 DEBUG 
[c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-71:ctx-f01a90b9 
job-146764/job-146768 ctx-66c78348) This VM has last host_id specified, trying 
to choose the same host: 1

                        2017-06-21 08:43:53,704 DEBUG 
[c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-71:ctx-f01a90b9 
job-146764/job-146768 ctx-66c78348) The last host of this VM is in avoid set

                        2017-06-21 08:43:53,704 DEBUG 
[c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-71:ctx-f01a90b9 
job-146764/job-146768 ctx-66c78348) Cannot choose the last host to deploy this 

                        2017-06-21 08:43:53,704 DEBUG [c.c.d.FirstFitPlanner] 
(Work-Job-Executor-71:ctx-f01a90b9 job-146764/job-146768 ctx-66c78348) 
Searching resources only under specified Cluster: 1

                        2017-06-21 08:43:53,714 DEBUG 
[c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-71:ctx-f01a90b9 
job-146764/job-146768 ctx-66c78348) Checking resources in Cluster: 1 under Pod: 

                        2017-06-21 08:43:53,714 DEBUG 
[c.c.a.m.a.i.FirstFitAllocator] (Work-Job-Executor-71:ctx-f01a90b9 
job-146764/job-146768 ctx-66c78348 FirstFitRoutingAllocator) Looking for hosts 
in dc: 1  pod:1  cluster:1

                        2017-06-21 08:43:53,718 DEBUG 
[c.c.a.m.a.i.FirstFitAllocator] (Work-Job-Executor-71:ctx-f01a90b9 
job-146764/job-146768 ctx-66c78348 FirstFitRoutingAllocator) List of hosts in 
ascending order of number of VMs: [15, 17, 19, 1, 16, 18]

                        2017-06-21 08:43:53,718 DEBUG 
[c.c.a.m.a.i.FirstFitAllocator] (Work-Job-Executor-71:ctx-f01a90b9 
job-146764/job-146768 ctx-66c78348 FirstFitRoutingAllocator) FirstFitAllocator 
has 4 hosts to check for allocation: [Host[-15-Routing], Host[-17-Routing], 
Host[-19-Routing], Host[-1-Routing]]

                        2017-06-21 08:43:53,727 DEBUG 
[c.c.a.m.a.i.FirstFitAllocator] (Work-Job-Executor-71:ctx-f01a90b9 
job-146764/job-146768 ctx-66c78348 FirstFitRoutingAllocator) Found 4 hosts for 
allocation after prioritization: [Host[-15-Routing], Host[-17-Routing], 
Host[-19-Routing], Host[-1-Routing]]

                        2017-06-21 08:43:53,727 DEBUG 
[c.c.a.m.a.i.FirstFitAllocator] (Work-Job-Executor-71:ctx-f01a90b9 
job-146764/job-146768 ctx-66c78348 FirstFitRoutingAllocator) Looking for 
speed=8000Mhz, Ram=12288

                        2017-06-21 08:43:53,727 DEBUG 
[c.c.a.m.a.i.FirstFitAllocator] (Work-Job-Executor-71:ctx-f01a90b9 
job-146764/job-146768 ctx-66c78348 FirstFitRoutingAllocator) Host name: 
Flex-Xen3.flexhost.local, hostId: 15 is in avoid set, skipping this and trying 
other available hosts

                        2017-06-21 08:43:53,727 DEBUG 
[c.c.a.m.a.i.FirstFitAllocator] (Work-Job-Executor-71:ctx-f01a90b9 
job-146764/job-146768 ctx-66c78348 FirstFitRoutingAllocator) Host name: 
Flex-Xen4.flexhost.local, hostId: 17 is in avoid set, skipping this and trying 
other available hosts

                        2017-06-21 08:43:53,727 DEBUG 
[c.c.a.m.a.i.FirstFitAllocator] (Work-Job-Executor-71:ctx-f01a90b9 
job-146764/job-146768 ctx-66c78348 FirstFitRoutingAllocator) Host name: 
Flex-Xen1.flexhost.local, hostId: 19 is in avoid set, skipping this and trying 
other available hosts

                        2017-06-21 08:43:53,727 DEBUG 
[c.c.a.m.a.i.FirstFitAllocator] (Work-Job-Executor-71:ctx-f01a90b9 
job-146764/job-146768 ctx-66c78348 FirstFitRoutingAllocator) Host name: 
Flex-Xen2.flexhost.local, hostId: 1 is in avoid set, skipping this and trying 
other available hosts

                        2017-06-21 08:43:53,727 DEBUG 
[c.c.a.m.a.i.FirstFitAllocator] (Work-Job-Executor-71:ctx-f01a90b9 
job-146764/job-146768 ctx-66c78348 FirstFitRoutingAllocator) Host Allocator 
returning 0 suitable hosts

                        2017-06-21 08:43:53,727 DEBUG 
[c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-71:ctx-f01a90b9 
job-146764/job-146768 ctx-66c78348) No suitable hosts found

                        2017-06-21 08:43:53,727 DEBUG 
[c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-71:ctx-f01a90b9 
job-146764/job-146768 ctx-66c78348) No suitable hosts found under this Cluster: 

                        2017-06-21 08:43:53,728 DEBUG 
[c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-71:ctx-f01a90b9 
job-146764/job-146768 ctx-66c78348) Could not find suitable Deployment 
Destination for this VM under any clusters, returning.

                        2017-06-21 08:43:53,728 DEBUG [c.c.d.FirstFitPlanner] 
(Work-Job-Executor-71:ctx-f01a90b9 job-146764/job-146768 ctx-66c78348) 
Searching resources only under specified Cluster: 1

                        2017-06-21 08:43:53,729 DEBUG [c.c.d.FirstFitPlanner] 
(Work-Job-Executor-71:ctx-f01a90b9 job-146764/job-146768 ctx-66c78348) The 
specified cluster is in avoid set, returning.

                        2017-06-21 08:43:53,736 DEBUG 
[c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-71:ctx-f01a90b9 
job-146764/job-146768 ctx-66c78348) Deploy avoids pods: [], clusters: [1], 
hosts: [17, 1, 19, 15]

                        2017-06-21 08:43:53,737 DEBUG 
[c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-71:ctx-f01a90b9 
job-146764/job-146768 ctx-66c78348) DeploymentPlanner allocation algorithm: 

                        2017-06-21 08:43:53,737 DEBUG 
[c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-71:ctx-f01a90b9 
job-146764/job-146768 ctx-66c78348) Trying to allocate a host and storage pools 
from dc:1, pod:1,cluster:null, requested cpu: 8000, requested ram: 12884901888

                        2017-06-21 08:43:53,737 DEBUG 
[c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-71:ctx-f01a90b9 
job-146764/job-146768 ctx-66c78348) Is ROOT volume READY (pool already 
allocated)?: No

                        2017-06-21 08:43:53,737 DEBUG 
[c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-71:ctx-f01a90b9 
job-146764/job-146768 ctx-66c78348) This VM has last host_id specified, trying 
to choose the same host: 1

                        2017-06-21 08:43:53,739 DEBUG 
[c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-71:ctx-f01a90b9 
job-146764/job-146768 ctx-66c78348) The last host of this VM is in avoid set

                        All oddities.

                        So I did a force reconnect on all 6 hosts and enabled 
the two hosts that were pending updates.


                        -----Original Message-----

                        From: Jeremy Peterson [mailto:jpeter...@acentek.net]

                        Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2017 12:33 PM

users@cloudstack.apache.org<mailto:users@cloudstack.apache.org>; S. Brüseke - 
proIO GmbH <s.brues...@proio.com<mailto:s.brues...@proio.com>>

                        Subject: RE: Recreating SystemVM's

                        Ok so my issues have not gone away.

                        I have two hosts that have not rebooted yet tonight I 
will be maintenancing those hosts out and migrating vm's away from those hosts 
and then performing a reboot of the host and installing a couple xenserver 

                        One thing is I am not getting the CANNOT ATTACH NETWORK 
error anymore which is cool but.


                        Take a look at creation of VM 20685

                        2017-06-20 12:15:48,083 DEBUG 
[c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-82:ctx-c39fa1f8 
job-1042/job-138603 ctx-c17ce6fc) Found a potential host id: 1 name: 
Flex-Xen2.flexhost.local and associated storage pools for this VM

                        2017-06-20 12:15:48,084 DEBUG 
[c.c.d.DeploymentPlanningManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-82:ctx-c39fa1f8 
job-1042/job-138603 ctx-c17ce6fc) Returning Deployment Destination: 
: Dest[Zone(1)-Pod(1)-Cluster(1)-Host(1)-Storage(Volume(25604|ROOT-->Pool(5))]

                        2017-06-20 12:15:48,084 DEBUG 
[c.c.v.VirtualMachineManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-82:ctx-c39fa1f8 
job-1042/job-138603 ctx-c17ce6fc) Deployment found  - 
 : Dest[Zone(1)-Pod(1)-Cluster(1)-Host(1)-Storage(Volume(25604|ROOT-->Pool(5))]

                        So it found a host and storage pool

                        Networks were already created on line 482-484

                        But then look it fails on create volume  UUID is 

                        2017-06-20 12:15:48,262 DEBUG 
[c.c.v.VirtualMachineManagerImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-88:ctx-c51dafa0 
job-342/job-138604 ctx-75edebb0) VM is being created in podId: 1

                        2017-06-20 12:15:48,264 DEBUG 
[o.a.c.e.o.NetworkOrchestrator] (Work-Job-Executor-88:ctx-c51dafa0 
job-342/job-138604 ctx-75edebb0) Network id=200 is already implemented

                        2017-06-20 12:15:48,269 DEBUG 
[c.c.n.g.PodBasedNetworkGuru] (Work-Job-Executor-82:ctx-c39fa1f8 
job-1042/job-138603 ctx-c17ce6fc) Allocated a nic 
for VM[SecondaryStorageVm|s-20685-VM]

                        2017-06-20 12:15:48,280 DEBUG 
[o.a.c.e.o.NetworkOrchestrator] (Work-Job-Executor-82:ctx-c39fa1f8 
job-1042/job-138603 ctx-c17ce6fc) Network id=203 is already implemented

                        2017-06-20 12:15:48,290 DEBUG 
[o.a.c.e.o.NetworkOrchestrator] (Work-Job-Executor-88:ctx-c51dafa0 
job-342/job-138604 ctx-75edebb0) Network id=202 is already implemented

                        2017-06-20 12:15:48,316 DEBUG 
[c.c.n.g.StorageNetworkGuru] (Work-Job-Executor-82:ctx-c39fa1f8 
job-1042/job-138603 ctx-c17ce6fc) Allocated a storage nic 
for VM[SecondaryStorageVm|s-20685-VM]

                        2017-06-20 12:15:48,336 DEBUG 
[o.a.c.e.o.VolumeOrchestrator] (Work-Job-Executor-82:ctx-c39fa1f8 
job-1042/job-138603 ctx-c17ce6fc) Checking if we need to prepare 1 volumes for 

                        2017-06-20 12:15:48,342 DEBUG 
[o.a.c.s.i.TemplateDataFactoryImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-82:ctx-c39fa1f8 
job-1042/job-138603 ctx-c17ce6fc) template 1 is already in store:5, type:Image

                        2017-06-20 12:15:48,344 DEBUG 
[o.a.c.s.i.TemplateDataFactoryImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-82:ctx-c39fa1f8 
job-1042/job-138603 ctx-c17ce6fc) template 1 is already in store:5, type:Primary

                        2017-06-20 12:15:48,346 DEBUG 
[o.a.c.e.o.NetworkOrchestrator] (Work-Job-Executor-88:ctx-c51dafa0 
job-342/job-138604 ctx-75edebb0) Network id=201 is already implemented

                        2017-06-20 12:15:48,372 DEBUG 
[c.c.d.d.DataCenterIpAddressDaoImpl] (Work-Job-Executor-88:ctx-c51dafa0 
job-342/job-138604 ctx-75edebb0) Releasing ip address for instance=49817

                        2017-06-20 12:15:48,381 DEBUG 
[o.a.c.s.m.AncientDataMotionStrategy] (Work-Job-Executor-82:ctx-c39fa1f8 
job-1042/job-138603 ctx-c17ce6fc) copyAsync inspecting src type TEMPLATE 
copyAsync inspecting dest type VOLUME

                        2017-06-20 12:15:48,386 DEBUG [c.c.a.t.Request] 
(Work-Job-Executor-82:ctx-c39fa1f8 job-1042/job-138603 ctx-c17ce6fc) Seq 
16-3622864425242874354: Sending  { Cmd , MgmtId: 345050411715, via: 
16(Flex-Xen6.flexhost.local), Ver: v1, Flags: 100111, 

                        2017-06-20 12:15:48,386 DEBUG [c.c.a.t.Request] 
(Work-Job-Executor-82:ctx-c39fa1f8 job-1042/job-138603 ctx-c17ce6fc) Seq 
16-3622864425242874354: Executing:  { Cmd , MgmtId: 345050411715, via: 
16(Flex-Xen6.flexhost.local), Ver: v1, Flags: 100111, 

                        2017-06-20 12:15:48,386 DEBUG 
[c.c.a.m.DirectAgentAttache] (DirectAgent-74:ctx-0acdd419) Seq 
16-3622864425242874354: Executing request

                        2017-06-20 12:15:48,387 DEBUG 
[c.c.n.g.PodBasedNetworkGuru] (Work-Job-Executor-88:ctx-c51dafa0 
job-342/job-138604 ctx-75edebb0) Allocated a nic 
for VM[ConsoleProxy|v-12662-VM]

                        So how do I check UUID's to validate that they are 
correct ?

                        2017-06-20 12:15:48,391 DEBUG 
[c.c.h.x.r.XenServerStorageProcessor] (DirectAgent-74:ctx-0acdd419) Catch 
Exception com.xensource.xenapi.Types$UuidInvalid :VDI getByUuid for uuid: 
ab6f3bcd-4c3e-4a7a-9f8b-45a822dbaaaf failed due to The uuid you supplied was 

                        2017-06-20 12:15:48,391 WARN  
[c.c.h.x.r.XenServerStorageProcessor] (DirectAgent-74:ctx-0acdd419) Unable to 
create volume; 

                        com.cloud.utils.exception.CloudRuntimeException: Catch 
Exception com.xensource.xenapi.Types$UuidInvalid :VDI getByUuid for uuid: 
ab6f3bcd-4c3e-4a7a-9f8b-45a822dbaaaf failed due to The uuid you supplied was 


                        -----Original Message-----

                        From: Jeremy Peterson [mailto:jpeter...@acentek.net]

                        Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2017 4:20 PM

users@cloudstack.apache.org<mailto:users@cloudstack.apache.org>; S. Brüseke - 
proIO GmbH <s.brues...@proio.com<mailto:s.brues...@proio.com>>

                        Subject: RE: Recreating SystemVM's

                        What type of networking are you using on the XenServers?

                            XenServers are connected with 6 nic's per host 
connected to separate nexus 5k switches

                            NIC 0 and NIC 1 are Bond 0+1 10Gb nics

                            NIC 2 and NIC 3 are Bond 2+3 10Gb nics

                            NIC 4 and NIC 5 are Bond 4+5 2Gb nics

                            Cloudstack is running Advanced networking

                            Bond 0+1 is primary storage

                            Bond 2+3 is secondary storage

                            Bond 4+5 is Management

                        What version of os does the ms run on?

                            CentOS release 6.9 (Final)

                        What are the systemvm templates defined in your env?


                        What is the version of the systemvm.iso?

                            Successfully installed system VM template  to 

                            I just reinstalled systemvm's from the above 
4.5-xen.vhd What is the capacity you have in your (test) environment?

                            This is a production enviroment and currently 
cloudstack shows the following.

                            Public IP Addresses 61%

                            VLAN 35%

                            Management IP Addresses 20%

                            Primary Storage 44%

                            CPU 21%

                            Memory 5%

                            Of cource Secondary Storage shows 0%

                        What is the host os version for the hypervisors?

                            XenServer 6.5 SP1

                        What is the management network range?


                        What are the other physical networks?

                            ?? Not sure what more you need

                        What storage do you use?

                            Primary - ISCSI

                            Secondary - NFS

                        Is it reachable from the systemvm?

                            All of my CS management servers have internet 
access Is the big bad internet reachable for your SSVM's public interface?

                            My SSVM does not go online but yes the public 
network is the same as the VR public vlan and all instances behind VR's are 
connected to the internet at this time


                        -----Original Message-----

                        From: Daan Hoogland [mailto:daan.hoogl...@shapeblue.com]

                        Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2017 9:34 AM

                        To: users@cloudstack.apache.org; S. Brüseke - proIO 
GmbH <s.brues...@proio.com>

                        Subject: Re: Recreating SystemVM's

                        Your problem might be like what Swen says, Jeremy but 
also a wrong systemvm offering or a fault in your management network definition.

                        I am going to sum up some trivialities so bear with me;

                        What type of networking are you using on the XenServers?

                        What version of os does the ms run on?

                        What are the systemvm templates defined in your env?

                        What is the version of the systemvm.iso?

                        What is the capacity you have in your (test) 

                        What is the host os version for the hypervisors?

                        What is the management network range?

                        What are the other physical networks?

                        What storage do you use?

                        Is it reachable from the systemvm?

                        Is the big bad internet reachable for your SSVM's 
public interface?

                        And of course,

                        How is the weather, where you are at?

                        I am not sure any of these question is going to lead 
you in the right direction but one of them should.

                        On 15/06/17 13:56, "S. Brüseke - proIO GmbH" 
<s.brues...@proio.com> wrote:

                            I once did have some similar problem with my 
systemvms and my root cause was that in the global settings it referred to the 
wrong systemvm template. I am not sure if this helps you, but wanted to tell 

                            Mit freundlichen Grüßen / With kind regards,


                            -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----

                            Von: Jeremy Peterson [mailto:jpeter...@acentek.net]

                            Gesendet: Donnerstag, 15. Juni 2017 01:55

                            An: users@cloudstack.apache.org

                            Betreff: RE: Recreating SystemVM's

                            Hahaha.  The best response ever.

                            I dug through these emails and someone had soft of 
the same log messages cannot attach network and blamed xenserver. Ok I'm cool 
with that but why oh why is it only system vms?



                            From: Imran Ahmed [im...@eaxiom.net]

                            Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2017 6:22 PM

                            To: users@cloudstack.apache.org

                            Subject: RE: Recreating SystemVM's


                            -----Original Message-----

                            From: Jeremy Peterson [mailto:jpeter...@acentek.net]

                            Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2017 9:59 PM

                            To: users@cloudstack.apache.org

                            Subject: RE: Recreating SystemVM's

                            Is there anyone out there reading these messages?

                            Am I just not seeing responses?


                            -----Original Message-----

                            From: Jeremy Peterson [mailto:jpeter...@acentek.net]

                            Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2017 8:12 AM

                            To: users@cloudstack.apache.org

                            Subject: RE: Recreating SystemVM's

                            I opened an issue since this is still an issue.  


                            -----Original Message-----

                            From: Jeremy Peterson [mailto:jpeter...@acentek.net]

                            Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2017 9:10 AM

                            To: users@cloudstack.apache.org

                            Subject: Re: Recreating SystemVM's

                            Any other suggestions?

                            I am going to be scheduling to run XenServer 
updates.  But this all points back to CANNOT_ATTACH_NETWORk.

                            I've verified nothing is active on the Public IP 
space that those two VM's were living on.



                            From: Jeremy Peterson <jpeter...@acentek.net>

                            Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 9:58 AM

                            To: users@cloudstack.apache.org

                            Subject: RE: Recreating SystemVM's

                            I see the vm's try to create on a host that I just 
removed from maintenance mode to install updates and here are the logs

                            I don't see anything that sticks out to me as a 
failure message.

                            Jun  9 09:53:54 Xen3 SM: [13068] ['ip', 'route', 
'del', '']

                            Jun  9 09:53:54 Xen3 SM: [13068]   pread SUCCESS

                            Jun  9 09:53:54 Xen3 SM: [13068] ['ifconfig', 
'xapi12', '', 'netmask', '']

                            Jun  9 09:53:54 Xen3 SM: [13068]   pread SUCCESS

                            Jun  9 09:53:54 Xen3 SM: [13068] ['ip', 'route', 
'add', '', 'dev', 'xapi12', 'src', '']

                            Jun  9 09:53:54 Xen3 SM: [13068]   pread SUCCESS

                            Jun  9 09:53:54 Xen3 SM: [13071] ['ip', 'route', 
'del', '']

                            Jun  9 09:53:54 Xen3 SM: [13071]   pread SUCCESS

                            Jun  9 09:53:54 Xen3 SM: [13071] ['ifconfig', 
'xapi12', '', 'netmask', '']

                            Jun  9 09:53:54 Xen3 SM: [13071]   pread SUCCESS

                            Jun  9 09:53:54 Xen3 SM: [13071] ['ip', 'route', 
'add', '', 'dev', 'xapi12', 'src', '']

                            Jun  9 09:53:54 Xen3 SM: [13071]   pread SUCCESS

                            Jun  9 09:54:00 Xen3 SM: [13115] on-slave.multi: 

'VG_XenStorage-469b6dcd-8466-3d03-de0e-cc3983e1b6e2', 'lvName1':


                            'deactivateNoRefcount', 'action2': 'cleanupLock', 

                            '633338a7-6c40-4aa6-b88e-c798b6fdc04d', 'ns2':


                            Jun  9 09:54:00 Xen3 SM: [13115] LVMCache created 


                            Jun  9 09:54:00 Xen3 SM: [13115] on-slave.action 1: 
deactivateNoRefcount Jun

                            9 09:54:00 Xen3 SM: [13115] LVMCache: will 
initialize now Jun  9 09:54:00

                            Xen3 SM: [13115] LVMCache: refreshing Jun  9 
09:54:00 Xen3 SM: [13115] ['/usr/sbin/lvs', '--noheadings', '--units', 'b', 
'-o', '+lv_tags', '/dev/VG_XenStorage-469b6dcd-8466-3d03-de0e-cc3983e1b6e2']

                            Jun  9 09:54:00 Xen3 SM: [13115]   pread SUCCESS

                            Jun  9 09:54:00 Xen3 SM: [13115] 
['/usr/sbin/lvchange', '-an',



                            Jun  9 09:54:00 Xen3 SM: [13115]   pread SUCCESS

                            Jun  9 09:54:00 Xen3 SM: [13115] ['/sbin/dmsetup', 



                            Jun  9 09:54:00 Xen3 SM: [13115]   pread SUCCESS

                            Jun  9 09:54:00 Xen3 SM: [13115] on-slave.action 2: 

                            Jun  9 09:54:16 Xen3 SM: [13230] ['ip', 'route', 
'del', '']

                            Jun  9 09:54:16 Xen3 SM: [13230]   pread SUCCESS

                            Jun  9 09:54:16 Xen3 SM: [13230] ['ifconfig', 
'xapi12', '', 'netmask', '']

                            Jun  9 09:54:16 Xen3 SM: [13230]   pread SUCCESS

                            Jun  9 09:54:16 Xen3 SM: [13230] ['ip', 'route', 
'add', '', 'dev', 'xapi12', 'src', '']

                            Jun  9 09:54:16 Xen3 SM: [13230]   pread SUCCESS

                            Jun  9 09:54:19 Xen3 updatempppathd: [15446] The 
garbage collection routine

                            returned: 0 Jun  9 09:54:23 Xen3 SM: [13277] ['ip', 
'route', 'del', '']

                            Jun  9 09:54:23 Xen3 SM: [13277]   pread SUCCESS

                            Jun  9 09:54:23 Xen3 SM: [13277] ['ifconfig', 
'xapi12', '', 'netmask', '']

                            Jun  9 09:54:23 Xen3 SM: [13277]   pread SUCCESS

                            Jun  9 09:54:23 Xen3 SM: [13277] ['ip', 'route', 
'add', '', 'dev', 'xapi12', 'src', '']

                            Jun  9 09:54:23 Xen3 SM: [13277]   pread SUCCESS


                            -----Original Message-----

                            From: Jeremy Peterson [mailto:jpeter...@acentek.net]

                            Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 9:53 AM

                            To: users@cloudstack.apache.org

                            Subject: RE: Recreating SystemVM's

                            I am checking SMlog now on all hosts.


                            -----Original Message-----

                            From: Rajani Karuturi [mailto:raj...@apache.org]

                            Sent: Friday, June 9, 2017 9:00 AM

                            To: Users <users@cloudstack.apache.org>

                            Subject: Re: Recreating SystemVM's

                            on xenserver log, did you check what is causing "




                            On Fri, Jun 9, 2017 at 7:00 PM, Jeremy Peterson 


                            > 08:28:43        select * from vm_instance where 
name like 's-%' limit

                            > 10000     7481 row(s) returned    0.000 sec / 
0.032 sec


                            > All vm's 'state' returned Destoryed outside of 
the current vm 7873

                            > which is in a Stopped state but that goes 
Destroyed and a new get created.


                            > Any other suggestions?


                            > Jeremy



                            > -----Original Message-----

                            > From: Jeremy Peterson 

                            > Sent: Thursday, June 8, 2017 12:47 AM

                            > To: users@cloudstack.apache.org

                            > Subject: Re: Recreating SystemVM's


                            > I'll make that change in the am.


                            > Today I put a host in maintence and rebooted 
because proxy and

                            > secstore vm were constantly being created on that 
host and still no



                            > Let you know tomorrow.


                            > Jeremy



                            > Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone



                            > -------- Original message --------

                            > From: Rajani Karuturi <raj...@apache.org>

                            > Date: 6/8/17 12:07 AM (GMT-06:00)

                            > To: Users <users@cloudstack.apache.org>

                            > Subject: Re: Recreating SystemVM's


                            > Did you check SMLog on xenserver?

                            > unable to destroy 
task(com.xensource.xenapi.Task@256829a8) on

                            > host(b34f086e-fabf-471e-9feb-8f54362d7d0f) due to 
You gave an invalid

                            > object reference.  The object may have recently 
been deleted.  The

                            > class parameter gives the type of reference 
given, and the handle

                            > parameter echoes the bad value given.


                            > Looks like Destroy of SSVM failed. What state is 
SSVM in? mark it as

                            > Destroyed in cloud DB and wait for cloudstack to 
create a new SSVM.


                            > ~Rajani

                            > http://cloudplatform.accelerite.com/


                            > On Thu, Jun 8, 2017 at 1:11 AM, Jeremy Peterson

                            > <jpeter...@acentek.net>

                            > wrote:


                            > > Probably agreed.

                            > >

                            > > But I ran toolstack restart on all hypervisors 
and v-3193 just tried

                            > > to create and fail along with s-5398.

                            > >

                            > > The PIF error went away. But VM's are still 

                            > >

                            > > https://pastebin.com/4n4xBgMT

                            > >

                            > > New log from this afternoon.

                            > >

                            > > My catalina.out is over 4GB

                            > >

                            > > Jeremy

                            > >

                            > >

                            > > -----Original Message-----

                            > > From: Makrand [mailto:makrandsa...@gmail.com]

                            > > Sent: Wednesday, June 7, 2017 12:52 AM

                            > > To: users@cloudstack.apache.org

                            > > Subject: Re: Recreating SystemVM's

                            > >

                            > > Hi there,

                            > >

                            > > Looks more like hypervisor issue.

                            > >

                            > > Just run *xe-toolstack-restart* on hosts where 
these VMs are trying

                            > > to start or if you don't have too many hosts, 
better run on all

                            > > members including master. most of i/o related 
issues squared off by

                            > > toolstack bounce.

                            > >

                            > > --

                            > > Makrand

                            > >

                            > >

                            > > On Wed, Jun 7, 2017 at 3:01 AM, Jeremy Peterson

                            > > <jpeter...@acentek.net>

                            > > wrote:

                            > >

                            > > > Ok so I pulled this from Sunday morning.

                            > > >

                            > > > https://pastebin.com/nCETw1sC

                            > > >

                            > > >

                            > > > errorInfo: [HOST_CANNOT_ATTACH_NETWORK,

                            > > > 

                            > > > 

                            > > >

                            > > > XenServer error.

                            > > >

                            > > > Now this still gets me because all of the 
other VM's launched just

                            > fine.

                            > > >

                            > > > Going into XenCenter I see an error at the 
bottom This PIF is a

                            > > > bond slave and cannot be plugged.

                            > > >

                            > > > ???

                            > > >

                            > > > If I go to networking on the hosts I see the 
storage vlans and

                            > > > bonds are all there.

                            > > >

                            > > > I see my GUEST-PUB bond is there and LACP is 
setup correct.

                            > > >

                            > > > Any suggestions ?

                            > > >

                            > > >

                            > > > Jeremy

                            > > >

                            > > >

                            > > > -----Original Message-----

                            > > > From: Jeremy Peterson 

                            > > > Sent: Tuesday, June 6, 2017 9:23 AM

                            > > > To: users@cloudstack.apache.org

                            > > > Subject: RE: Recreating SystemVM's

                            > > >

                            > > > Thank you all for those responses.

                            > > >

                            > > > I'll comb through my management-server.log 
and post a pastebin if

                            > > > I'm scratching my head.

                            > > >

                            > > > Jeremy

                            > > >

                            > > > -----Original Message-----

                            > > > From: Rajani Karuturi 

                            > > > Sent: Tuesday, June 6, 2017 6:53 AM

                            > > > To: users@cloudstack.apache.org

                            > > > Subject: Re: Recreating SystemVM's

                            > > >

                            > > > If the zone is enabled, cloudstack should 
recreate them automatically.

                            > > >

                            > > > ~ Rajani

                            > > >

                            > > > http://cloudplatform.accelerite.com/

                            > > >

                            > > > On June 6, 2017 at 11:37 AM, Erik Weber 

                            > > > wrote:

                            > > >

                            > > > CloudStack should recreate automatically, 
check the mgmt server

                            > > > logs for hints of why it doesn't happen.

                            > > >

                            > > > --

                            > > > Erik

                            > > >

                            > > > tir. 6. jun. 2017 kl. 04.29 skrev Jeremy 

                            > > > <jpeter...@acentek.net>:

                            > > >

                            > > > I had an issue Sunday morning with cloudstack 
4.9.0 and xenserver

                            > 6.5.0.

                            > > > My hosts stop sending LACP PDU's and caused a 
network drop to

                            > > > iSCSI primary storage.

                            > > >

                            > > > So all my instances recovered via HA enabled.

                            > > >

                            > > > But my console proxy and secondary storage 
system VM's got stuck

                            > > > in a boot state that would not power on.

                            > > >

                            > > > At this time they are expunged and gone.

                            > > >

                            > > > How do I tell cloudstack-management to 
recreate system VM's?

                            > > >

                            > > > I'm drawing a blank since deploying CS two 
years ago and just

                            > > > keeping things running and adding hosts and 
more storage

                            > > > everything has been so stable.

                            > > >

                            > > > Jeremy

                            > > >

                            > >


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