
Secondary storage is mounted in <mount path> (normally /mnt/secondary) on
the management server. If it is appearing zero, ACS management may not see
be able see the NFS. Can you paste df -h output from management server CLI?

Check if your SSVM is running properly by running
​. ​

Sometimes reboot/recreating SSVM solves issues with sec storage.


On Tue, Aug 8, 2017 at 12:14 PM, Asanka Gunasekara <asa...@nimbus.lk> wrote:

> Hi, I am setting up a test platform CloudStack 4.9 and intigrate with
> Vmware. All things was fine till I dashboard it shows the capacity of
> Secondary storage as 0.00Kb/0.00Kb. When I try to register a ISO logs shows
> "Image store doesn't has enough capacity, so skip downloading template to
> this image store 1" message
> # df -h  gives me below output where the nfs share is located
> /dev/xvdb1            50G  6.6G   41G  15% /share
> Can any one let me know what is going on, I have tried adding NFS as well
> as samba all shows 0/0Kb.
> NFS is running on a different server, I can manual mount this share as NFS
> and SMB
> Cloud stack - 4.9
> Os is Centos 7 (64)
> I am sorry for the duble post as I was registered under an alious
> (preciously my mail)
> Thanks and Regards

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