Hi, we are hitting the same limitation, except that we can use 10 NICs on VMware.
The fact that we also use the Private Gateway functionality addes another NIC, besides the management and outside NIC which is present as well. I wonder that is the reason for one NIC per tier? Why not just use one outside NIC, one management NIC and *one* NIC for the tiers, where the VLANs (or whatever isolation method is used) is trunked, for example just using subinterfaces and dot1Q tags? This would eliminate this limit for whatever hypervisor that supports trunk to it’s guests (I know for sure about VMWare, not so much about the other hypervisors). Regards Daniel Am 15.08.17, 10:52 schrieb "Dag Sonstebo" <dag.sonst...@shapeblue.com>: Hi Dennis, Any tier or network which is accessible and part of a VPC requires an interface on the VPC Virtual Router. What you can however do is create separate shared networks and connect these as secondary networks to your VMs – these shared networks get their own VR. Regards, Dag Sonstebo Cloud Architect ShapeBlue On 15/08/2017, 09:19, "Dennis Meyer" <snooop...@gmail.com> wrote: Hi, im using xenserver as hypervisor so im limited to 7 nic's / vm, so the router vm cant handle more than 7 nics which corresponds to 7 networks inside a vpc. I had created some networks for different drbd and corosync stuff, they dont need a gateway, dhcp and a router vm. How should a network offering look like which dont creates a network on the routervm but is accessible by the vpc? Snooops dag.sonst...@shapeblue.com www.shapeblue.com 53 Chandos Place, Covent Garden, London WC2N 4HSUK @shapeblue