You can only start VM on the NFS Primary Storage (atm) from the
direct-downloaded template - it only works with NFS as Primary Storage as
far as my tests go, so you can't use this option with i.e. CEPH or
SolidFire - but is really nice anyway and can be improved upon request.

How it works (from my observations):
 - When you try to start very first VM from direct-downloaded template
(well, its not yet downloaded at this stage...) - Cloudstack Agent on KVM
side (java process) will start downloading the file from URL in DB to the
NFS Primary Storage mount point (avoids Secondary Storage altogether) - but
not before you start VM  (until this moment, it's just URL inside DB).
- On the regular Primary Storage mount  point there is new folders
"templates" (which didn't exist until 4.11.1 - i.e. "") and below is the
standard directory structure off /account-ID/template-ID/ (i.e.
/mnt/63a3ae7b-9ea9-3884-a772-1ea939ef6ec3/template/2/224/) - this just
holds the template until it's moved to the real Primary Storage location on
same NFS box (i.e.
- Once very first VM deployed from this template, it's deleted from Primary
Storage /template/ location, since it now already exist on true Primary
Storage location with other VM images.
 - Later all new VMs from that same template are just child qcow2 images of
the main qcow2 file (qcow2 linked clones), as usual...

Nice stuff...

On Fri, 26 Oct 2018 at 20:47, Andrija Panic <> wrote:

> Just tested URL above, with normal (not direct) download, and it works
> fine. (ACS 4.11.2 RC3)
> Did you check the health of the Secondary Storage Virtual Machine - I
> would suggest to do so, since this seems as possible issue with SSVM and it
> might means other issues for your deployment also.
>    1.
>    ssh -i  /root/.ssh/id.rsa_cloud  -p 3922 root@<Private Ip address of
>    SSVM>
>    2. *SSVM health check* - Run the following script inside ssvm:
>    /usr/local/cloud/systemvm/
>    It checks for 1)connectivity with  DNS server 2) resolving of  domain
>    names 3)status of secondary storage 4)ability to write to secondary storage
>    5)connectivity with management server at port 8250 and 6) status of java
>    process.
> Please try to add template:
> -
> if this works...
> Cheers,
> Andrija
> On Fri, 26 Oct 2018 at 19:41, Alexandre Bruyere <
>> wrote:
>> Direct download that bypasses secondary storage seems to make it ready
>> instantly (with the correct filesize), so I'm going to assume the link is
>> good.
>> On Fri, Oct 26, 2018 at 1:28 PM Alexandre Bruyere <
>>> wrote:
>> > No progress in UI, no status.
>> >
>> > How would I make sure there are no redirections? At a glance there
>> doesn't
>> > seem to be any.
>> >
>> > On Fri, Oct 26, 2018 at 12:33 PM Andrija Panic <
>> >
>> > wrote:
>> >
>> >> Make sure no http redirections, no ssl support (not sure if https URLs
>> are
>> >> supported now in 4.11 or not). Only plain http adn status code 200 :)
>> >>
>> >> Do you see percentage /download progress in UI ?
>> >>
>> >> On Fri, Oct 26, 2018, 18:20 Alexandre Bruyere <
>> >>>
>> >> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> > Hello.
>> >> >
>> >> > I've set up a Ubuntu 16.04.5 Cloudstack setup using this tutorial:
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > The only place I've strayed is that I've configured four network
>> >> interfaces
>> >> > - enp3s0 set as manual config, enp3s0.10 set as manual config (I've
>> made
>> >> > sure my system was VLAN-enabled), cloudbr0 as a statically-configured
>> >> > bridge to enp3s0 and cloudbr1 as a statically-configured bridge to
>> >> > enp3s0.10 on VLAN 10.
>> >> >
>> >> > My problem is, I'm currently trying to import an iso (Ubuntu Server)
>> >> from
>> >> > URL (
>> >> in
>> >> > two zones (one on cloudbr0, one on cloudbr1).
>> >> >
>> >> > Adding the ISO seems to work fine, but they never become "ready". Any
>> >> tips
>> >> > as to why?
>> >> >
>> >> > (I will be testing direct download shortly)
>> >> >
>> >>
>> >
> --
> Andrija Panić


Andrija Panić

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