I had this working under 4.9. All I did was, on my main BIND9 servers, point a forward zone at 'cloud.<mydomain>.com' to the virtual router associated with all VM's that were publicly available. I could then resolve all foo.cloud.<mydomain>.com names on my global network.

Somehow, though, this quit working after I updated to 4.11. I'm not quite sure why.

The 'Guest Network' is defined with domain 'cloud.mydomain.com'.

Okay, so my router for the 'Guest Network' advanced networking is located at In my master BIND9 DNS server at I have this:
zone "cloud.mydomain.com" IN {
   type forward;
   forward only;
   forwarders {;

If I send a NAMED request directly to the virtual router while logged into my main name server, it works:

[root@ypbind ~]# host eric-gui.cloud.mydomain.com
Using domain server:

eric-gui.cloud.mydomain.com has address

If I try to use the name server however, it doesn't work:

[root@ypbind logs]# host eric-gui.cloud.mydomain.com
Host eric-gui.cloud.viakoo.com not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)

I'm baffled, because this *was* working.

So I disabled any dnssec in the {options} on bind9  and gave all permissions to see if that was the problem (note that this is internal to my infrastructure, so DNS amplification isn't an issue):

        dnssec-enable no;
        dnssec-validation no;
        dnssec-lookaside auto;
        recursion yes;
        allow-recursion { any; };
        allow-query { any; };
        allow-query-cache { any; };user

Still nope. Still baffled.

Anybody got any clues as to what I may be doing wrong? I'm thinking it has to be on the BIND9 side, because I can resolve the host name if I talk to the virtual router directly, but for some reason it's not allowing me to get any records from the router.

Right now I've temporarily worked around this with a script that directly queries the MySQL database every few minutes and generates a revised zone file on my master DNS server when the list of virtual machines queried out of the database changes, but that's clearly not the right way to do it. The question is, what *is* the right way to do it?


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