On 5/24/19 12:21 PM, Andrija Panic wrote:
In other words - you are hitting an internal interface of a VR?

The VR has two NIC's. I presume that the Guest NIC as vs the Control NIC is the "internal" NIC?

Type    Shared
Traffic Type    Guest
Network Name    Shared
IP Address
ID      7f59d904-cdc0-43eb-b679-0721077f5bb1
Network ID      924eda5f-9a1f-4a8e-9423-18000dc92093
Isolation URI   vlan://102
Broadcast URI   vlan://102

Traffic Type    Control
Network Name    
IP Address
ID      9c3676bc-23e6-48e3-baca-b8cce6511092
Network ID      6eff5bd9-4f4d-48fe-b6ed-f50fc115947b
Isolation URI   
Broadcast URI   

I would replace (for a test) bind9 with just the default setup of DNSmasq, while specifying it's uper/ROOT DNS servers to be the VR IP - i.e. client --> DNSmasq (internal server) --> DNSmasq (VR).
See if that work - so you can draw possibly some conclusions.

That gives me room for some more experiments. I am fairly sure that I am running into recent changes to bind9 / dnsmasq intended to prevent DNS amplification and spoofing attacks, but the question of which one changed and how to work around it is still a question I'm trying to answer.


On Fri, 24 May 2019 at 21:12, Eric Lee Green <eric.lee.gr...@gmail.com <mailto:eric.lee.gr...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    On 5/24/19 10:16 AM, Andrija Panic wrote:
    > Eric,
    > your BIND9 servers is on a "Public" network (trying to talk to
    the Public
    > IP of the VR during forwarding DNS requests) or a VM inside an
    > network behind VR)?

    It's on *a* public network, but not *the* public network. I don't
    any Isolated networks, though I have them enabled from VLAN
    1000-2000. I
    am using "Advanced Networking" but for my own purposes -- I have one
    "Shared" guest network at VLAN 102, and then several isolated
    physical "Shared" networks like "Security Cameras" (VLAN 103) and
    "Storage Network" (VLAN 200) that are attached to virtual machines
    need access to those things. The "Shared" guest network (VLAN 102) is
    routed by my layer 3 switch with the rest of my network's public
    so if I am on e.g. (VLAN 31), which is similarly a routed
    public VLAN (but not one that Cloudstack is allowed to directly
    talk to
    or manage, it has to go thru the layer 3 switch) or (VLAN
    120), I can talk directly to since all are routed into
    the common fabric via the layer 3 switch.  I only care about the VM's
    that are VLAN 102, which are supposed to be publicly available to my
    users, thus why my quicky script hack to generate a zone file out
    of the
    database does

    select v.name <http://v.name>, n.ip4_address from vm_instance as
    v, nics as n where v.removed is null and n.instance_id = v.id
    <http://v.id> and n.ip4_address like '10.102.%'  and type =
    'User'  order by n.ip4_address;

    in order to select out the name and IP address of virtual machines
    NIC's on that VLAN. (Which, if it's a different list from the last
    that was queried, then gets massaged into a zone file for
    name.cloud.mydomain.com <http://name.cloud.mydomain.com> by the
    script, which then scp's to my master
    domain server and does a reload to reload the zone file from the new

    Both of my BIND9 servers can talk directly to (the
    IP of
    the virtual router for the 10.102.xxx.xxx network, VLAN 102) if I use
    'host' to directly query for an API address like, say,
    <http://api-default1.cloud.mydomain.com>' but when I try to put a
    forward domain
    there, nope. This was working, but now is not. I suspect it's got
    to do
    with the recent changes in DNS software, both bind9 and dnsmasq,  to
    deal with multiple attacks on the domain name system, but I'm having
    trouble figuring out why, or what my solution should be.

    Note that it's quite reasonable / feasible / viable to put a DNS
    actually inside the Cloudstack constellation if that's necessary and
    then do a two-stage hop if necessary. I'm just trying to figure
    out the
    "right" way to do this right now so I can retire my hack script.

    > On Fri, 24 May 2019 at 02:15, Eric Lee Green
    <eric.lee.gr...@gmail.com <mailto:eric.lee.gr...@gmail.com>>
    > wrote:
    >> I had this working under 4.9. All I did was, on my main BIND9
    >> point a forward zone at 'cloud.<mydomain>.com' to the virtual
    >> associated with all VM's that were publicly available. I could then
    >> resolve all foo.cloud.<mydomain>.com names on my global network.
    >> Somehow, though, this quit working after I updated to 4.11. I'm not
    >> quite sure why.
    >> The 'Guest Network' is defined with domain 'cloud.mydomain.com
    >> Okay, so my router for the 'Guest Network' advanced networking is
    >> located at In my master BIND9 DNS server at I
    >> have this:
    >> zone "cloud.mydomain.com <http://cloud.mydomain.com>" IN {
    >>      type forward;
    >>      forward only;
    >>      forwarders {
    >> ;
    >>       };
    >> };
    >> If I send a NAMED request directly to the virtual router while
    >> into my main name server, it works:
    >> [root@ypbind ~]# host eric-gui.cloud.mydomain.com
    >> Using domain server:
    >> Name:
    >> Address:
    >> Aliases:
    >> eric-gui.cloud.mydomain.com
    <http://eric-gui.cloud.mydomain.com> has address
    >> If I try to use the name server however, it doesn't work:
    >> [root@ypbind logs]# host eric-gui.cloud.mydomain.com
    >> Host eric-gui.cloud.viakoo.com
    <http://eric-gui.cloud.viakoo.com> not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)
    >> I'm baffled, because this *was* working.
    >> So I disabled any dnssec in the {options} on bind9 and gave all
    >> permissions to see if that was the problem (note that this is
    >> to my infrastructure, so DNS amplification isn't an issue):
    >>           dnssec-enable no;
    >>           dnssec-validation no;
    >>           dnssec-lookaside auto;
    >>           recursion yes;
    >>           allow-recursion { any; };
    >>           allow-query { any; };
    >>           allow-query-cache { any; };user
    >> Still nope. Still baffled.
    >> Anybody got any clues as to what I may be doing wrong? I'm
    thinking it
    >> has to be on the BIND9 side, because I can resolve the host
    name if I
    >> talk to the virtual router directly, but for some reason it's not
    >> allowing me to get any records from the router.
    >> Right now I've temporarily worked around this with a script that
    >> directly queries the MySQL database every few minutes and
    generates a
    >> revised zone file on my master DNS server when the list of virtual
    >> machines queried out of the database changes, but that's
    clearly not the
    >> right way to do it. The question is, what *is* the right way to
    do it?
    >> -Eric


Andrija Panić

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