What is the status of hosts, are rest of the hosts are showing in “UP” state in 

> On 08-Apr-2021, at 12:07 PM, Дикевич Евгений Александрович 
> <evgeniy.dikev...@becloud.by> wrote:
> Hello. Thx for answer. I configured compute offering with HA enabled in it 
> and with host tag "HA", in global setting I configured ha.tag = HA, on hosts 
> I placed tag HA. When I shutdown host (via IPMI) I see in XCP-NG Center than 
> VMs goes down, in ACS WEB UI VMs still in status running but I can't connect 
> them via console.  VMs didn't migrate.
> I have 4 hosts.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vivek Kumar [mailto:vivek.ku...@indiqus.com.INVALID] 
> Sent: Wednesday, April 7, 2021 9:17 PM
> To: users@cloudstack.apache.org
> Subject: [!!Mass Mail]Re: Few questions about HA and IPv6
> Hello,
> So in case of XenServer or XCP-NG, When we configure HA on XenServer pool, 
> it’s not only migrate VMs when hosts goes offline but it’s also nominate a 
> new master in pool whenever your master server goes down. So cloudStack 
> connect to the pool master, So You should enable HA on XenServer pool so that 
> if your host goes down, it will nominate the master again.
> For VM HA, you should configure compute offering with HA enabled in it, So 
> whenever your VM or host goes down, CloudStack keep on checking the status of 
> VM and it will trigger HA on failed host and will restart VM on another 
> available host. 
> Regards
> Vivek Kumar
> Manager - Cloud & DevOps
>> On 07-Apr-2021, at 6:42 PM, Дикевич Евгений Александрович 
>> <evgeniy.dikev...@becloud.by> wrote:
>> Thx Wido for explaining about IPv6. Now MB someone can help me with HA in 
>> XCP-NG + ACS?
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Wido den Hollander [mailto:w...@widodh.nl]
>> Sent: Tuesday, April 6, 2021 1:09 PM
>> To: users@cloudstack.apache.org; Дикевич Евгений Александрович 
>> <evgeniy.dikev...@becloud.by>
>> Subject: Re: Few questions about HA and IPv6
>> On 05/04/2021 16:27, Дикевич Евгений Александрович wrote:
>>> Hi all!
>>> I am testing ACS 4.14 with XCP-NG hypervisor in my test environment and I 
>>> have few questions.
>>> I have ACS 4.14 with XCP-NG 7.6 with presetup ISCSi storage. 1st question 
>>> is how to configure VM HA? I created Service Offering with "HA offer" and 
>>> enabled HA on pool but when I create VM I see in VM properties in Start 
>>> options "Do not restart"  (HA restart priority: Do not restart). I can 
>>> change it but when I reboot/stop VM it reverts back to "Do not restart". I 
>>> tried to configure ha.tag but it didn't help me. Mb I should smth to do 
>>> else?
>>> 2nd question is how to configure IPv6 on VM? I tried to create shared 
>>> network with both IPv4 and IPv6. After I created VM I saw only IPv4 
>>> address and I couldn't get IPv6 via DHCP. Same question -  Mb I 
>>> should smth to do else?)
>> IPv6 does not work with DHCPv6.
>> You need to make sure that the Router(s) in the network are sending 
>> out
>> IPv6 Router Advertisements. This will make the VMs configure their NIC using 
>> SLAAC. Make sure they use the MAC address. (EUI-64).
>> Now CloudStack only needs to know the IPv6 subnet (/64) for the shared 
>> network and then it should just work.
>> Wido
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  • Few questions abo... Дикевич Евгений Александрович
    • Re: Few ques... Wido den Hollander
      • RE: Few ... Дикевич Евгений Александрович
        • Re: ... Vivek Kumar
          • ... Дикевич Евгений Александрович
            • ... Vivek Kumar
              • ... Vivek Kumar
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                • ... Дикевич Евгений Александрович

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