
We've historically supported openswan and nowadays strongswan as the VPN 
provider in VR for both site-to-site and remote access modes. After discussing 
the situation with a few users and colleagues I learnt that OpenVPN is 
generally far easier to use, have clients for most OS and platforms (desktop, 
laptop, tablet, phones...)  and allows multiple clients in the same public IP 
(for example, multiple people in the office sharing a client-side public IP/nat 
while trying to connect to a VPC or an isolated network) and for these reasons 
many users actually deploy pfSense or setup a OpenVPN server in their isolated 
network or VPC and use that instead.

Therefore for the point-to-point VPN use-case of remote access [1] does it make 
sense to switch to OpenVPN? Or, are there users using strongswan/ipsec/l2tpd 
for remote access VPN?

A general-purpose VPN-framework/provider where an account or admin (via 
offering) can specify which VPN provider they want in the network 
(strongswan/ipsec, OpenVPN, Wireguard...). However, it may be more complex to 
implement and maintain. Any other thoughts in general about VPN implementation 
and support in CloudStack? Thanks.




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