I posted a couple weeks back about some issues getting ISO's and templates 
uploaded in ACS and received some excellent help. I've changed a few things 
around based on that previous issue and am finally circling back to it but 
still running into a problem uploading an ISO. When I try to upload an ISO 
through primate I now get two messages [1]:

Network Error: Unable to reach the management server or a browser extension may 
be blocking the network request.

Upload Failed: Failed to upload ISO - Error: Network Error

After I click "OK" on the "Upload ISO from Local" dialog box I get these two 
messages/errors and nothing else happens, the dialog box doesn't go away and I 
can click "OK" again as many times as I want (the messages always repeat). 
Also, If I refresh the ISO page then I see that my ISO that I tried to upload 
is now listed [2], but is not actually ready [3].

To give some background, I am running ACS with two load balanced 
management servers and a KVM compute host. I've tried the following:

1. Disabled one of the management servers.
2. Connected directly to a management server.
3. Used different browsers.

Nothing listed above has changed the outcome and the same message is always 
thrown, so I don't think it is a load balancer or browser issue. As this is 
related to my previous issue in getting the ssvm started I wanted to show that 
it is now up and running [4], I can connect to it, and the 
/usr/local/cloud/systemvm/ssvm-check.sh script doesn't throw any errors:

root@s-41-VM:~# /usr/local/cloud/systemvm/ssvm-check.sh
First DNS server is
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=63 time=0.357 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=63 time=0.399 ms
--- ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 0.357/0.378/0.399/0.000 ms
Good: Can ping DNS server
Good: DNS resolves cloudstack.apache.org
nfs is currently mounted
Mount point is /mnt/SecStorage/df2ca46d-aee0-302e-9ad0-2e94252341e4
Good: Can write to mount point
Management server is bllcloudlb01.harmonywave.cloud. Checking connectivity.
Good: Can connect to management server bllcloudlb01.harmonywave.cloud port 8250
Good: Java process is running
Tests Complete. Look for ERROR or WARNING above.

The cloud service inside the system VM is also running:

root@s-41-VM:~# service cloud status
● cloud.service - CloudStack Agent service
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/cloud.service; enabled; vendor preset: 
   Active: active (running) since Sat 2021-06-26 02:58:24 UTC; 6 days ago
 Main PID: 3011 (bash)
    Tasks: 48 (limit: 543)
   Memory: 157.0M
   CGroup: /system.slice/cloud.service
           ├─3011 bash /usr/local/cloud/systemvm/_run.sh
           └─3241 java -Djavax.net.ssl.trustStore=./certs/realhostip.keystore 
-Djdk.tls.ephemeralDHKeySize=2048 -Djsse.enableSNIExtension=false -Dlog.hom

Jul 02 15:16:41 s-41-VM _run.sh[3011]:         at 
Jul 02 15:16:41 s-41-VM _run.sh[3011]:         at 
Jul 02 15:16:41 s-41-VM _run.sh[3011]: 15:16:41,284  INFO Agent:835 - 
Processing agent ready command, agent id = 16
Jul 02 15:16:41 s-41-VM _run.sh[3011]: 15:16:41,284  INFO Agent:375 - Set agent 
id 16
Jul 02 15:16:41 s-41-VM _run.sh[3011]: 15:16:41,285  INFO Agent:842 - Ready 
command is processed for agent id = 16
Jul 02 15:16:41 s-41-VM _run.sh[3011]: 15:16:41,459  INFO Agent:835 - 
Processing agent ready command, agent id = 16
Jul 02 15:16:41 s-41-VM _run.sh[3011]: 15:16:41,459  INFO Agent:375 - Set agent 
id 16
Jul 02 15:16:41 s-41-VM _run.sh[3011]: 15:16:41,469  INFO Agent:791 - Processed 
new management server list: bllcloudlb01.harmonywave.cloud@static
Jul 02 15:16:41 s-41-VM _run.sh[3011]: 15:16:41,469  INFO Agent:842 - Ready 
command is processed for agent id = 16
Jul 02 15:16:45 s-41-VM _run.sh[3011]: 15:16:45,134  INFO Agent:549 - Connected 
to the host: bllcloudlb01.harmonywave.cloud

Finally I took a network capture from the browser when I hit "OK" and I see the 
following: [5] 

I'm not quite sure what to make of that and can provide more details if needed. 
I have been able to verify that port 443 is up on the SSVM:

root@s-41-VM:~# ss -tupanl | grep 443
tcp     LISTEN   0        511 *      

The logs don't seem to provide me with any hint of the issue:

2021-07-02 14:37:39,767 DEBUG [c.c.a.ApiServlet] 
(qtp1644231115-26571:ctx-3657db16) (logid:2a9a3fec) ===START=== 
-- GET  
2021-07-02 14:37:39,787 DEBUG [c.c.a.m.AgentManagerImpl] 
(AgentManager-Handler-11:null) (logid:) SeqA 15-71382: Processing Seq 15-71382: 
 { Cmd , MgmtId: -1, via: 15, Ver: v1, Flags: 11, 
  "connections": []
}","wait":"0"}}] }
2021-07-02 14:37:39,805 DEBUG [c.c.a.ApiServer] 
(qtp1644231115-26571:ctx-3657db16 ctx-d1285d49) (logid:2a9a3fec) CIDRs from 
which account 'Acct[f8d6949d-cd74-11eb-b1da-5254008f72d5-admin]' is allowed to 
perform API calls:,::/0
2021-07-02 14:37:39,826 DEBUG [c.c.a.m.AgentManagerImpl] 
(AgentManager-Handler-11:null) (logid:) SeqA 15-71382: Sending Seq 15-71382:  { 
Ans: , MgmtId: 90520733511963, via: 15, Ver: v1, Flags: 100010, 
[{"com.cloud.agent.api.AgentControlAnswer":{"result":"true","wait":"0"}}] }
2021-07-02 14:37:40,000 DEBUG [o.a.c.s.i.TemplateDataFactoryImpl] 
(qtp1644231115-26571:ctx-3657db16 ctx-d1285d49) (logid:2a9a3fec) template 217 
is not in store:2, type:Image
2021-07-02 14:37:40,032 DEBUG [o.a.c.s.i.TemplateDataFactoryImpl] 
(qtp1644231115-26571:ctx-3657db16 ctx-d1285d49) (logid:2a9a3fec) template 217 
is already in store:2, type:Image
2021-07-02 14:37:40,058 DEBUG [c.c.r.ResourceLimitManagerImpl] 
(qtp1644231115-26571:ctx-3657db16 ctx-d1285d49) (logid:2a9a3fec) Updating 
resource Type = template count for Account = 2 Operation = increasing Amount = 1
2021-07-02 14:37:40,289 DEBUG [c.c.a.ApiServlet] 
(qtp1644231115-26571:ctx-3657db16 ctx-d1285d49) (logid:2a9a3fec) ===END=== -- GET  
2021-07-02 14:37:40,496 DEBUG [c.c.a.ApiServlet] 
(qtp1644231115-10794:ctx-8910f7db) (logid:debd3cae) ===START=== 
-- GET  

Jul  2 14:37:40 bllcloudlb01 haproxy[216322]: 
[02/Jul/2021:14:37:39.761] ft_cloudstack_gui~ 
bk_cloudstack_gui/cloudstack_gui_1 1/0/0/530/531 200 1131 - - --VN 4/1/0/0/0 
0/0 "GET 
Jul  2 14:37:40 bllcloudlb01 haproxy[216322]: 
[02/Jul/2021:14:37:40.491] ft_cloudstack_gui~ 
bk_cloudstack_gui/cloudstack_gui_1 0/0/0/164/164 200 994 - - --VN 4/1/0/0/0 0/0 

Any help would be appreciated.


Joshua Schaeffer

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